The UK government has decided to accelerate the launch of the Brexit

The UK government has decided to accelerate the launch of the Brexit Moscow. 7 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the UK Government is preparing a bill aimed at expediting the launch of the official procedure of withdrawal from the EU, said British TV channel Sky news on Monday. Last week London’s High court ruled that before you start the procedure Brexit, the British government needs the approval of Parliament. The British authorities were not satisfied with the court’s decision and declared the intention to appeal to the Supreme court of the United Kingdom. Earlier, the Prime Minister may have intended to begin this process before the end of March 2017 in accordance with article 50 of the Treaty on European Union, introducing the issue at the Parliament. However, the decision of the High court means that the process is delayed for an indefinite period, during which it will go to parliamentary debate.

Incomes of the first persons: how to earn in the Kremlin and the government

© ITAR-TASS/Sergei Fadeichev MOSCOW, April 15. /TASS/. The Kremlin and the government published a Declaration of income and expenses of the President of the Russian Federation, senior officials of his administration, the Prime Minister and Cabinet of Ministers. The income and property of the President Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2014 earned more than 7,65 million roubles. Owned by the President provided the land plot of 1.5 thousand sq. m, apartment of 77 sqm and a garage (18 sq m). In the use of Putin, also apartment 153,7 square meters and a garage place of 18 sq. m. the same objects were specified in the Declaration for 2013. The property is located in Russia. Has not undergone changes compared to the previous year and a personal fleet of the President. It owns two rare “Volga” (GAZ M21 and GAZ M-21-R), and “field” and the trailer “the Scythian”.

Deputies of the state Duma will be obliged to personally sign the citizens ‘ appeals

The state Duma intends to adopt amendments to the regulations, which will oblige the deputies to personally sign responses to appeals of citizens. On Tuesday, November 8, said the speaker of the lower house of the Parliament of the seventh convocation Vyacheslav Volodin, according to “Parlamentskaya Gazeta”. Appropriate changes approved by the Council. Planned to take them to the plenary Wednesday, 9 November. “This will seriously increase the workload of the MP, but in this case it’s safe to say that every complaint of the voters came to the deputies,” — said Volodin. In his opinion, this will improve the quality of the work of the lower house of Parliament and will save the voters from the backs, who were assistants and employees of the office of Deputy. On 21 October the state Duma adopted amendments to the regulations, forbidding to deputies to vote by proxy. Absent from the meeting

Of anti-corruption cupola MIA fired another head

Photo: RIA Novosti Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev said in an interview with NTV that the Department fired a senior official in charge of combating corruption. “Another head of one of managements of the anti-corruption Central Board for several years forgot to declare foreign real estate. (…) It was decided on his dismissal from the internal Affairs bodies”, — he said, commenting on the results of the validation of Glaucus the traces of things the Colonel of police Dmitry Zakharchenko. Kolokoltsev did not specify the name and the title of the dismissed leader. The Minister also spoke about the poor effectiveness of penalties for corrupt officials. “The fact that the penalties are appointed, but the number of claimed these fines — it does not correspond to the aspirations and expectations placed on this measure of coercion,” he added. 13 Sep Kolokoltsev has appointed office check in relation to the management of

Video of exercises of the special forces to eliminate “terrorists”

Share {{secondsToDateTime(data.visiblePosition) | date: ‘HH:mm:ss’}} / {{(videoDuration | date: ‘HH:mm:ss’) || ’00:56′}} {{secondsToDateTime(data.visiblePosition) | date: ‘mm:ss’}} / {{(videoDuration | date: ‘mm:ss’) || ’00:56′}} {{qualityItem | uppercase}} HD .mp4 High quality SD .mp4 Medium quality © TASS/defense Ministry In Khabarovsk soldiers of the compounds of special purpose of the Eastern military district prevented the capture of military facility by a group of armed conventional terrorists. As reported, the Russian defense Ministry, in a tactical-special exercise involved more than 50 soldiers.

Compromising, threats, insults: what did the elections in the USA

In the United States started voting in the election of the 45th President of the country. Not without compromising, threats, insults and accusations against each other.   The current campaign was a record not only by number of scandals, but also by quantity voted ahead of schedule. The political will already expressed more than 43 million Americans. The gap between the candidates is minimal.   The first stations opened at midnight. Traditionally, national elections have started in a tiny village Diswill Notch of new Hampshire. It is home to only 12 people, but every politically active.   Hillary Clinton and Donald trump will vote in new York. For the first time since 1944 both candidates on election day are in the same city. All the last days they spent in the aircraft, flying from state to state, speaking at the final rally in the so-called swing regions.   The last

The man was found alive under the rubble of a house in Ivanovo

The man was found alive under the rubble of a house in Ivanovo Moscow. 6 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — a Man was found alive under the rubble of a residential building in Ivanovo, where as a result of a gas explosion occurred a partial collapse, reports channel “Russia 24” (VGTRK). “Hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia 8 (493) 229-91-84″hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia for information on victims in the explosion read More The website of the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia on the Ivanovo region As reported live from the scene the correspondent of the TV channel, found the last person who was under the rubble is a man and he is alive. In the MOE confirmed the discovery of the surviving men in the place of gas explosion in a residential building in Ivanovo. “From the rubble retrieved a live man in a serious condition. Previously, he was the last

Oleg Popov was buried in Germany on November 9

Oleg Popov was buried in Germany on November 9 Wife of Oleg Popov is on a farewell memorial service in the Rostov circus. ROSTOV-ON-DON, February 7 — RIA Novosti, Ivan Kapustin. Legendary clown Oleg Popov, who died in Rostov-on-don November 2, in the 87th year of life, will be buried in Germany on 9 November, told reporters on Monday the Director of the Bolshoi Moscow circus on Vernadsky, people’s artist of Russia Edgard Zapashny. Tonight the plane with the body of Oleg Popov will arrive in Moscow tomorrow, it will be sent to Germany, and the next day, Wednesday, will bury him, where he lived the last 30 leadgen Zapashny He added that currently the wife of Oleg Popov is on a farewell memorial service in the Rostov circus. According to zapashnogo, from it came the idea to organize a farewell ceremony in Rostov-on-don. See also“Sunny clown”: the famous five

Ukrainian border guards found in the Azov sea drifting drone “Orlan-10”

Ukrainian border guards found in the Azov sea drifting drone “Orlan-10” Moscow. 7 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Operational staff of the Mariupol group of sea protection found on Sunday in the sea of Azov unmanned complex type of “Orlan-10” made in Russia. “The drone was drifting in the sea at a distance of about 3 km from the shoreline. Experts checked out the UAV for hazards for self-destruction of the device and took “a spy” under protection”, — said on Monday the state border service of Ukraine. According to preliminary estimates, as noted in the Department, the aircraft is in working condition and serviceable. A full examination, a withdrawal of information, analysis performed by qualified professionals USBU in Donetsk region with the use of special equipment, the report said. “Orlan-10” is a Russian multifunctional unmanned complex, which can be used at altitudes up to 5 thousand meters at a range of application