A tourist attempting to take a selfie in the Museum of Lisbon split the statue of the XVIII century

A tourist attempting to take a selfie in the Museum of Lisbon split the statue of the XVIII century Moscow. 9 Nov. INTERFAX.RU Tourist from Brazil while trying to take a selfie in a Museum in Portugal, smashed a statue of the early eighteenth century, writes The Daily Mail. The incident occurred at the National Museum of ancient art in Lisbon. Brazilian tourist, wanting to imprint themselves on the background of the sculpture of the Archangel Michael backed away and accidentally knocked over the pedestal of a work of art. The statue, falling to the floor, split into several parts. The name of the hapless tourist is not called. One of the visitors who were in the hall of the Museum, took a picture of the broken sculpture and posted the picture on Facebook. He accompanied with the caption: “such Is the price of free admission to museums the first

Clinton conceded defeat in the elections

Clinton conceded defeat in the elections She called Trump and congratulated him on his victory in the US presidential election. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий Moscow. 9 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Candidate for US presidents from Democrats Hillary Clinton congratulated the Republican Donald trump’s victory in the elections, according to CNN. Clinton called Trump on the phone and officially conceded defeat. The final election results not yet announced, but the victory trump is already almost obvious. According to the publication Politico that the Republican gets 276 electoral votes, while Clinton was supported by 218. After trump voted almost 56.9 million people, for his rival — 55.8 million This team has so much to be proud of. Whatever happens tonight, thank you for everything. pic.twitter.com/x13iWOzILL — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 9, 2016 The latter came through on the winning trump in the States of Wisconsin and Michigan. In some States, vote counting is not complete,

Medvedev commented on the winning trump in the election

Dmitry Medvedev Russia respects the choice of the citizens of the United States that November 8, elected as its President a Republican Donald trump, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev told reporters. His words leads RIA Novosti. He recalled that the estimates of the event was given by Russian President Vladimir Putin and members of Parliament. “Naturally, we are ready to develop contacts with the elected President Donald trump and Vice President has also congratulated the election, of course, everything will depend on the attitude of the new administration,” — said Medvedev. The head of the government pointed out that the U.S. political system is very powerful, and it will “align” the new President. “Let’s see how trump will be able to resist”, he said. However, he noted that the US political system gave to win a non-system candidate. Medvedev stressed that the further development will depend on the attitude of the

The brewery in the UK ammonia vapour poisoned 23 people

The brewery Carlsberg in the UK a leak of ammonia, as a result, one person was killed and another 22 were injured. About it reports BBC News. The accident happened at the plant in the town of Northampton (Northamptonshire, England) Wednesday, November 9, at about 12:30 (15:30 Moscow time). Arrived on the scene, the emergency personnel and law enforcement officials evacuated employees of the brewery. One of the employees — a man aged about 40 years — could not be saved. Another 22 people, including 11 employees, nine firefighters and two police officers were taken to hospital. One of the victims is in serious condition. “The County police are investigating the incident in conjunction with the services responsible for health and safety”, — quotes The Guardian the police statement. Also in investigative activities attended by representatives of the brewery.

Zakharov published the response of the state Department on the request for admission of observers from Russia on the election

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova has published on Facebook an official note of the US state Department, which in response to a request of the Russian diplomats to get acquainted with electoral procedures, it is recommended to connect to the OSCE observers. According to her, initially it was the study of the American experience of the Russian diplomats, which is a normal diplomatic practice. “As for the participation in the OSCE mission is a completely different procedure. Participation in this format is not intended to study the experience of the host country, and the possibility to influence the preparation of the final report of the elections does not give”, — she noted. According to Zaharovoj, the results of the 2012 elections, OSCE observers were able to work approximately 30-40 States. “This time the American authorities have gone further and began to began to intimidate the Russian

Seven people were killed and 24 wounded in the shelling of Aleppo University

Seven people were killed and twenty four injured in the shelling by militants of a University campus in Aleppo.   Armed gangs bombarded the area of El-Jamaia rocket fire. The blow fell just on the building of the University. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the Lebanese TV channel “al-Mayadin”.   The explosions took place at the time when the students were in the classroom. Among the dead and wounded, mostly teenagers.   Some shells also fell on a residential quarter near, where four people were injured, three of them women. They were all taken to the nearest hospital.   In total, according to the defense Ministry, in recent days the ceasefire in Syria was violated 48 times. Terrorists using reactive systems of volley fire are home-made, tanks, and mortars attacked the province of Aleppo, Damascus, Latakia and Hama.   However, this did not prevent the Russian military

In Volgograd has cancelled refusal in initiation of proceedings about the garbage collection in the Russian flag

In Volgograd has cancelled refusal in initiation of proceedings about the garbage collection in the Russian flag KRASNODAR, February 7 — RIA Novosti, Svetlana Berilo. The Prosecutor’s office of the Volgograd region has considered unlawful the refusal to Institute criminal proceedings on communications on the garbage collection in the Russian tricolor; the Supervisory authority has sent the police the materials for additional examination, informs a press-service of Prosecutor’s office of the region. “Today, 7 November 2016, the Prosecutor’s office traktorozavodskogo district of Volgograd has cancelled the decision about refusal in excitation of criminal case passed by the territorial police Department reported desecration of the national flag,” — reads the statement of the Prosecutor’s office. Earlier on Monday, the interior Ministry in the region RIA Novosti reported that the decision not to prosecute took just district Prosecutor’s office in Volgograd. At the end of October, the police asked a resident of

Elizabeth II presented her new portrait

Elizabeth II presented her new portrait British Queen Elizabeth II was presented in London a new picture, informs “bi-Bi-si”. This is the work of painter Colin Davidson of Northern Ireland. Davidson drew many well-known public figures, including politicians, actors and musicians. However, the artist admitted that the work on the portrait of Her Majesty was unique. The Queen unveils her new portrait, painted by NI artist Colin Davidson https://t.co/BoyDnU7Lp9 pic.twitter.com/gEDWGKD0x3 — BBC News NI (@BBCNewsNI) 8 November 2016 . Davidson first came to Buckingham Palace to choose a room with especially good lighting. Then, during a session with the Queen, the artist made about 20 sketches and several photos. Work on the portrait was completed in the Studio of Davidson. As noted by the artist, it’s not just his interpretation, and “interpretation of the Irish.” “For many years I have watched the actions of the Queen, directed to the healing

Clinton decided not to speak to supporters after the elections

Clinton decided not to speak to supporters after the elections The candidate in US presidents from Democrats, Hillary Clinton will speak today at its headquarters. Campaign Manager, Clinton noted that the counting of votes continues and urged everyone to go home. 18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий The head of the election headquarters of Hillary Clinton, John Podesta thanked fellow Democrats for their support and offered to go home. According to him, Clinton would not act in their headquarters as the counting of votes is still ongoing. The performance of the Podestà broadcast by CNN. The words of Podesta, “this is not the end” for Clinton, as the vote count continues, and should be considered by every voice. The American media are counting your votes by States, each of which gives a certain number of electors based on the data of exit polls and preliminary vote count. According to CNN, trump has already enlisted the