“Slavonic brotherhood — 2016”: the best staff exercises of the special forces

Share {{secondsToDateTime(data.visiblePosition) | date: ‘HH:mm:ss’}} / {{(videoDuration | date: ‘HH:mm:ss’) || ’01:30′}} {{secondsToDateTime(data.visiblePosition) | date: ‘mm:ss’}} / {{(videoDuration | date: ‘mm:ss’) || ’01:30′}} {{qualityItem | uppercase}} HD .mp4 High quality SD .mp4 Medium quality © TASS/defense Ministry At military airfields, and landfills in the vicinity of Belgrade, completed the active phase of the joint Serbian-Russian-Belarusian exercises “Slavic brotherhood — 2016”. In total, they were attended by about 500 servicemen of the units of special forces of the three countries, ten aircraft and helicopters of the Russian Federation videoconferencing and the air force of Serbia, about 20 units of armored and military technology.

In Kiev told how FSB “sent Ukrainian saboteurs to Crimea”

The adviser to the interior Minister of Ukraine Zoryan Shkiriak said that the Federal security service of the Russian Federation allegedly came up with a Ukrainian saboteurs, that in the eyes of elected to the post of President of the United States Donald trump to spoil the image of Ukraine and about the Ukrainian politicians create a bad impression.   “New information provocation of the Kremlin regarding the detention of another so-called “Ukrainian saboteurs” in Crimea can be directly connected with the election of Donald trump President of the United States,” — commented Shkiryak arrest of saboteurs in Sevastopol in Facebook.   Before the election, Donald trump has repeatedly stated that if he becomes President he probably will consider recognition of Crimea as Russian territory. He drew attention to the fact that residents of the Peninsula want to be with Russia, not with Ukraine. Photo: mil.gov.ua

Passengers found a snake on Board a plane flying to Mexico city

Passengers found a snake on Board a plane flying to Mexico city MEXICO city, 8 Nov. /Offset. TASS Ivan valueK/. Small non-poisonous snake was discovered Monday in the cabin of the aircraft, Aeromexico, EN route to Mexico city from Torreon in the state of Coahuila. This is stated in a statement on Monday evening the statement of the carrier. Frightening moment on an Aeromexico flight when a large snake fell from overhead mid-flight. https://t.co/e6bXLFv9A4 pic.twitter.com/OHgCdeQSUW — ABC News (@ABC) November 7, 2016. The panic on Board was not. In accordance with the rules, the liner with an unusual passenger got priority for landing. None of the people on the plane were not injured. According to service of veterinary control, reptile is one of the species found in the Northern part of Mexico. “Together with local authorities we are looking at how the snake was on Board, because she could get

Expensive cancer drugs were useless

Expensive cancer drugs were useless Despite significant investment and innovation, new cancer drugs approved in the last ten years, may not influence survival of patients. This publication reports EurekAlert! with reference to British expert Peter WISA (Peter Wise), published an article in the British Medical Journal. According to the specialist, many patients spend a six-figure sum for the purchase of medication that prolongs life for only a few weeks or months. In 2015, the proceeds from the sale of such products worldwide amounted to about 110 billion dollars. Weiss encourages to develop stricter rules for the approval of chemotherapy drugs and to take measures to reduce their cost. The expert drew attention to the shortcomings of the test procedure preparations. One of them is a surrogate endpoint is a simple criteria by which to determine the effectiveness of the medication. Their use allows to speed up the approval process, but

In California began to protest against the victory trump

In California began to protest against the victory trump At least 50 protesters marched through Central Auckland, shouting slogans and setting fire to trash cans. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий Moscow. 9 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — IN California, in Oakland shortly after winning Donald trump on the election of the President of the United States began to protest, reports TV station ABC7. Anti-Trump demonstration in #Davis #California #ElectionNight #Elections2016 #UCDavis pic.twitter.com/l0yjhHSlsy — Kirstin Adams-Bimson (@kirstinbimson) November 9, 2016 At least 50 protesters marched through downtown, shouting slogans and setting fire to trash cans. Protests on Broadway in downtown #Oakland after #ElectionNight results. @EastBayTimes @OakTribNews @mercnews pic.twitter.com/PqFeQB2Sf8 — Tyska (@Tyska) November 9, 2016 According to the channel, one of the protesters, shortly after they blocked the passage through the streets, hit by a car. Lady Gaga stages a protest against Donald Trump on a sanitation truck outside the Trump Tower #Election2016 pic.twitter.com/ZXZEuFwfpU — Lady Gaga Daily

Poklonskaya has commented on the detention of Ukrainian saboteurs in Sevastopol

Natalia Poklonskaya © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, November 10. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Duma Committee for security and combating corruption, the ex-the Prosecutor of the Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya has expressed confidence that at the international level, measures will be taken to draw attention to the actions of Ukraine, commenting on the detention of members of the Ukrainian diversionno-terrorist group in Sevastopol.

The first public refrigerator opens in St. Petersburg

Russia’s first public refrigerator opens November 13 at the Vasilyevsky island in Saint Petersburg. This was told by the curator of the project “Foddering. Give the gift of food” by Alexander Light, reports on Thursday, November 10, kp.ru. According to her, public fridge is a place where anyone can give unnecessary products or free to take their meals. In this case it could not leave raw meat or fish, eggs, as well as “zapresheno” — sanctions products allowed for import into Russia for personal use only. Volunteers will regularly conduct an audit of the fridge and to monitor its purity. “We will prepare the labels. You will need to write the date when you get something put”, — said Light. The curator said that the project would assist poor people. “But we hope that not only for them. That will come, and people who, for some reason uncomfortable to share

Duterte I found the similarity with trump

Rodrigo Durette The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte congratulated Donald trump’s victory in the elections of the head of state in the United States and expressed a willingness to “bury the hatchet” with Washington. On Thursday, November 10, CNN reports. According to Duterte, they trump the “same” character. “We both love to swear. One little thing, we’re lovers” — he said. Earlier, the President of the Philippines made a number of sharp statements to the USA and completing his term of President Barack Obama. In particular, he called the American leader “son of a whore” and said that “it’s time to say goodbye to the United States.” Later, however, Duterte said that Manila could not sever diplomatic ties with Washington. Furthermore, Philippine leader was sent to hell Obama and the European Union over criticism of campaign against drug trafficking. He also called them a fool of the UN Secretary-General

Zyuganov predicted early presidential elections in Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov said that the presidential elections will be held in Russia earlier than planned, reports “Interfax”. “We have to do with us and against the background of American elections (do) a very fundamental choice. Ahead of us presidential elections. All the yelling in 2018 will. Will see, they will be in 2017”, – he said. Earlier sources “Газеты.Ru” close to the Kremlin, said that early presidential elections should not wait. According to sources, elections will be held in March 2018. If it were otherwise, the election work was conducted now.

Members of Parliament are waiting for the punishment of the tramp as the guilty children

Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has started to realize his vehemence after US presidential election was won by the Republican candidate Donald trump. Even during the election campaign MPs has competed in eloquence, trying to make the most “daring” to insult trump and to show their loyalty to Hillary Clinton. After the final results are daring the Ukrainian policy with fright began to remove their entries in social networks.   The head of the MIA of Ukraine Avakov “cleaned” your Facebook, deleting unflattering post about Donald trump, published in the summer. In his stream of consciousness he called the policy “dangerous and shameless outcast”. In addition to this post, he also deleted many of the messages between June 27 and August 17.   The leader of the Radical party of Ukraine Oleg Lyashko hastily removed written about the election results in the US post, which said that “victory