The situation with HIV was critical in 10 Russian regions

The situation with HIV was critical in 10 Russian regions According to the health Ministry, especially the difficult situation has developed in Sverdlovsk region and Yekaterinburg, where already declared the HIV epidemic. Moscow. 10 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — To date, ten regions of Russia are considered to be critical from the point of view of the situation with the spread of HIV infection, said the head of Ministry of health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova. “In the first place Sverdlovsk, now Yekaterinburg, which has hit the press lately,” she said on Thursday. Livethe Number of HIV infections in Russia may grow 2.5 times by 2020 In early November, the press service of the health administration of Yekaterinburg announced that every 50th resident of the city infected with HIV. “In Ekaterinburg was registered on 26 693 cases of HIV infection, but it is only those cases which are officially known, the real incidence

Euthanasia, marijuana and the new state: for what else was voted by the Americans

Euthanasia, marijuana and the new state: for what else was voted by the Americans November 8 in the US chose not only the President: on this day, the residents of the state spoke on various issues of concern. Just submitted to vote of 156 issues from the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes until the abolition of slavery. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий MOSCOW, November 9 — RIA Novosti. The presidential race in the U.S.: the majority of votes was received by Donald trump. However, on 8 November in the United States chose not only the head of state: the day the inhabitants of the country spoke on a variety of issues. Only the vote was passed by 156 suggestions, from the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes until the abolition of slavery. Elections to the House of representatives was more predictable than presidential. Vote counting continues, but the Republicans already have the necessary

Hinstein has decided to abandon his prescribed parliamentary salary

Alexander Khinshtein © Alexander Shalgina/press service of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, November 10. /TASS/. Ex-Deputy of the state Duma Alexander Hinstein has decided to abandon the wages, experienced parliamentarians of the past Duma members, not perespevshie in the new convocation. “Sent an official statement (the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav) Volodin with the rejection of the parliamentary salary, as the MP no longer,” wrote Khinshtein today on his page on the microblogging network Twitter. “You think that’s fair,” he said.

The WSJ talked about Obama’s refusal to be photographed with trump

Barack Obama Acting President Barack Obama refused to be photographed with his successor Donald trump. On Thursday, November 10, according to The Wall Street Journal. Usually the transfer of power from one President to another, the two leaders together with their spouses are photographed at the South exit from the White house. This time the ceremony was cancelled by the incumbent President, without explanation, the newspaper said. November 9, the press-Secretary of Obama’s Josh Ernest confirmed that the current leader believes his successor is unable to govern the country, but respects the choice of the people. Republican Donald trump has been elected the 45th President of the United States in a vote held on 8 November In a tense election race, he defeated the puppet of the Democrats — former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton. In 2008, when Obama was elected to his post, he and his wife were photographed

From Gingemy left only button: end rotten Clinton

March 7, 2009 Hillary Clinton, the then US Secretary of state, handed Sergei Lavrov a red button as a symbol of the desire of the American administration to reset relations between Russia and the United States. However, the button for some reason it was written “overload” instead of “restart”.   As it turned out, Clinton was one of the architects of the overload in relations between the US and Russia. For presentation of the button was followed by years of hard and often unsubstantiated rhetoric from Washington against Moscow. For example, Russia was named the worst global threat – worse banned in Russia LIH.   During the second battle for the seat of U.S. President Clinton made a bid for the creation of an enemy image in the face of Russia. But lost. And here she was already elected President of the United States Trump “to cooperate for the benefit

In Japan under the land failed section of road length of 30 meters

In Japan under the land failed section of road length of 30 meters As a result of the collapse of the soil on one of the roads in the Japanese city of Fukuoka was formed a huge crater. Its length is 30 meters, width of 27 meters and a depth of 15 meters. On Tuesday, November 8, according to Kyodo. According to representatives of local authorities, the cause of the collapse of the soil could be underground construction. It is noted that the surrounding houses and the city’s airport, nearby, is de-energized. Witnesses said that near the place of incident the smell of gas. People from nearby homes were evacuated.

Russian scientists have created a material with antibacterial properties

Russian scientists have created a material with antibacterial properties Russian scientists have created a durable and non-toxic polymer coating that can destroy 99.999% of pathogens. Research supported by a grant from the Russian science Foundation (RNF) and published in the journal Materials science and Engineering. Today, a very popular so-called “cationic antiseptics”, for example, Miramistin, chlorhexidine, octenisept. They are not toxic to humans, and their aqueous solutions possess excellent bactericidal activity. In the study, the authors obtained water-insoluble polymers and coatings on their basis, which operate on a similar mechanism and also possess a high bactericidal activity. See alsoScientists have refuted the “five second rule” for dropped to the floor adymy have established General laws between chemical structure of polymers (the length of the alkyl substituent, degree of substitution, degree of crosslinking) properties — bactericidal activity and solubility in water.Ivan Businessauthor research, by grant RSF, Junior researcher of chair bioengineering,

Why the failure of all the predictions about the victory of Hillary Clinton? Explains sociologist Gregory Yudin

Why the failure of all the predictions about the victory of Hillary Clinton? Explains sociologist Gregory Yudin By the beginning of the elections, all polls unanimously predicted a landslide victory to Hillary Clinton in the presidential election in the United States. But won Donald trump. “Medusa” asked the Professor of the Moscow higher school of social and economic Sciences (Seninki) Gregory Yudin to explain why sociologists are so far off. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий Gregory Yudin, Professor of the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences. Polls didn’t account for a huge share of supporters trump. At the polls there is a defect: to interview only those who want to answer. Supporters of Donald trump into this category of people do not. People who always or for a long time did not participate in the elections and generally stayed away from politics. They don’t trust the current system, politics and the establishment.

Zakharov: USA three times requested a conversation with Lavrov, but the interview was canceled

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, November 10. /TASS/. The U.S. state Department in recent days have made requests to conduct phone conversations with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, but the American party itself was abolished. On Thursday the official representative of the Russian depodesta Maria Zakharova.

In Nizhny Novgorod region overturned bus with students spiritual school

An accident involving a bus, which drove the students of the Vyksa Orthodox theological College, occurred in the Nizhny Novgorod region. On it informs news Agency “In the city of N” on Thursday, November 10. The accident occurred in the morning on 154 kilometer of the route Vladimir — Moscow. According to the preliminary version, the driver lost control and flew into a ditch. At this point the bus was carrying 22 people, among them 18 children. The three needed medical assistance. It is reported that the students of the school went on a trip to the temple. A few hours later they continued on their way. In mid-August in the Moscow region Shuttle bus collided with two MAZ trucks near the village of rzhavki. The bus was carrying 40 people, killed the driver, two child passengers were injured.