The Negro opened fire on a protest March against trump

One man received a gunshot wound during the protests against the elected President of the USA of Donald trump in Portland, Oregon. About it, local police said on Twitter on Saturday, November 12. The guards said that the shooting occurred at the Morrison bridge, where the demonstrators gather for the third night in a row. The alleged shooter is described as a dark-skinned thin young man of medium height, dressed in a black hoodie and jeans. — Cole Howard (@RedheadNomad) November 12, 2016, 08:58 Police during the protest used tear gas and stun grenades, reports the Associated Press. Witnesses reported arrests. — Kris Ankarlo (@KrisAnkarlo) November 12, 2016, 08:36 Portland — the only city where protests on the third night after the election, trump had intensified, and not declined. In other major cities, including new York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles, the shares of grievances gradually fade. In Los Angeles for

Rubber bullets and water cannons Obama to trump: who will extinguish the outbreak “American independence”

Victory trump at the election of the President of the United States – almost half of victory Clinton, according to her supporters. Losers never want to give up. Especially at such a narrow margin and almost one hundred percent forecasted earlier, the victory of their candidate. In the United States started square with burning tires, attacks on police cordons – a psychological attack on the government, which is “the will of the people” can change the election results. But this brought in foreign countries the practice of “protest movement” in the States themselves is unlikely to work.     Such a reaction on the results of presidential elections in US history. Not everyone was happy about the victory of a candidate (the same of Barack Obama in particular), but such a reaction, with the riots and demands for change progress – the story of America still does not remember. Even

In Seattle shooting occurred near the site of protests against trump

In Seattle shooting occurred near the site of protests against trump In downtown Seattle, five people were injured in the shooting near the scene of the protest against the election of Donald trump President of the United States. About it reports local TV station KIRO7 with reference to the police Department. Reports of gunfire also confirmed with the fire Department of Seattle. On the services page in Twitter reported that the two victims injuries are life-threatening. Seattle Fire crews treating 5 patients with gunshot wounds. 2 of the 5 with life-threatening injuries. Medics transporting to the HMC. — Seattle Fire Dept (@SeattleFire) 10 Nov 2016 Meanwhile, the Seattle police in his Twitter reports that verify the information about the shooting with “multiple victims” near the venue of protests against the election victory of Donald trump. Officers investigating report of shooting w/ multiple victims at 3/Pine. Details as they become

Officers in Russia will have to get one white shirt for five years

Officers in Russia will have to get one white shirt for five years The Russian government has made changes to the rations soldiers clothing property in peacetime. The document was posted on the official portal of legal information. In particular, until 1 June 2022 servicemen will get one white shirt for five years. Previously, they relied on two things at the same time. Casual shirt long sleeve shirt short sleeve will be issued for three years instead of two. Meanwhile, the number of t-shirts will be increased from two to three. Moreover, the amendments suggest termination before June 1, 2022 issue clothing made of wool. In addition, the document will be allowed to give the officers boots instead of oxfords, and ankle boots to give autumn or winter.

Rosprirodnadzor demands from the defense Ministry 1.1 billion

Rosprirodnadzor demands from the defense Ministry 1.1 billion In this amount the Pacific Maritime authority of Rosprirodnadzor assessed the damage from the two sunken on Kamchatka ships. MOSCOW, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. Pacific marine management of Rosprirodnadzor demands from the Ministry of defense of Russia, which is the owner of two sunken on Kamchatka ships, damage compensation for the sum more than 1,1 billion rubles, according to the Supervisory authority. State inspectors of Pacific marine management in the current year is calculated and presented to owners of sunken ships for a voluntary payment, the amount of damages totaling more than 1.1 billion rubles.Pacific marine management of Rosprirodnadzor In particular, the defense Department has not executed the decision of Arbitration court of the Kamchatka region from 2015, according to which was obliged to raise and remove a sunken floating dock “PD-64” Herrings in the Bay. The Pacific Maritime authority of

The state Duma has rejected the return of the column “against all”

The state Duma rejected in the first reading the bill about inclusion of the column “against all” to ballots on elections of all levels. About it reports on Friday, 11 November, the Agency urban news “Moscow”. “The citizen has the right to decide how to participate in elections as a voter and not to participate in elections in General,” — said in the conclusion of Committee on state construction and the legislation of the lower house of Parliament. According to legislators, such a graph may lead to the recognition of certain elections failed “and needed a second, which would entail expenditure of additional budgetary funds”. The bill for the consideration of the lower house of the Parliament made a Deputy from the liberal democratic party Margaret Sverkunova during the work of the state Duma of the sixth convocation. 1 November all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM) has published

At a NATO base in Afghanistan explosion

The explosion occurred on the NATO air base at Bagram in Afghanistan have killed and wounded. About it reports on Saturday, November 12, Reuters. The incident at the base near Kabul, occurred at about 05:30 local time (04:00 GMT), said the command of the NATO mission in Afghanistan, Resolute support. The number of victims is not known, on a scene directed by physicians. At the same time, Bagram district Governor reported that the explosion, which occurred near the canteen of the airbase, killing at least three people, another 13 were injured. The cause of the incident is not yet established. On 10 November, the German Consulate in the Afghan city of Mazar-e-Sharif exploded a car bomb. Six people were killed, injured about 120. The explosion, according to eyewitnesses, was so strong that it was heard across the city and within a radius of five kilometers were shattered Windows in buildings.

Medvedev arrived in Israel for talks

Photo: RIA Novosti Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has arrived in Israel Thursday for talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin will discuss the economy, cooperation in the humanitarian sphere and international issues. On Friday, the Russian Prime Minister will visit Palestine and will hold talks with President Mahmoud Abbas. According to the press service of the Russian government in Israel will be discussed in detail topical issues of bilateral agenda, including ways of further strengthening trade-economic, investment, scientific-technical, innovative, and humanitarian cooperation. The sides also touched upon certain international issues of mutual interest. Following the talks, planned to sign a number of bilateral interagency documents. Netanyahu himself has called Medvedev’s visit to Israel is evidence of the strengthening Russian-Israeli relations. With regard to Palestine, the Cabinet noted that the trip to this country, and upcoming contacts with its leaders will “synchronize watches” on topical issues

In Moscow expect improvement of relations with Washington at the trump Sands

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow expected the improvement of Russian-American relations after the inauguration of the elected President of the USA of Donald trump. About it reports “Interfax” with reference to AP.   According to Peskov, the trump supporter of good relations between the two countries.   Despite this, according to Peskov, the relationship between Russia and the United States are now in a difficult phase, and there are a lot of differences.   “But if we are wise enough to start talking with each other, and try to hear the concerns of each other, it will be a real success,” – said Peskov.   Previously Peskov said that in Europe there may come some “discharge” in the case of a change of government in the United States , NATO will withdraw their forces from the Russian borders.   Now, according to Peskov,

In the first reactor “Fukushima-1” completely dismantled a protective dome

In the first reactor “Fukushima-1” completely dismantled a protective dome TOKYO, November 10. /Offset. TASS Alex Sarachev/. Japanese experts on Thursday completed during the two years of work on dismantling the protective dome on the first reactor emergency, “Fukushima-1”. This was announced by the company-the operator of station Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO). All were removed from 18 of the protective panels, six of them last year. Now workers will be able to start analysis of blockages of garbage and debris generated as a result of the accident. These operations are preparatory stage to removing spent nuclear fuel from special pool above the reactor, which is scheduled for 2020. There is a 392 fuel rod. See alsomedia: Tokyo haven’t decided what to do with the huge weight cut radioactive land Protective shell of polyester sheets with a height of about 50 m was set up around the first reactor “Fukushima-1” in