The centre of Athens blocked after the attack on the French Embassy

The centre of Athens blocked after the attack on the French Embassy In the centre of Athens is in full swing operation to search for two unknown attackers on Thursday morning, the Embassy of France. With the help of surveillance cameras able to compile identikits of the attackers, RIA Novosti reported citing local media. The attack on the French Embassy in Greece, which is located in the center of Athens near the Greek Parliament, occurred at about five o’clock in the morning local time. As reported by the newspaper “Kathimerini”, two unidentified men, riding a motorcycle past the building of the French Embassy, threw a grenade at the Embassy and immediately fled the scene. In the attack one of the police officers guarding the Embassy, were slightly injured. “As reported by police officers, have already studied some of the security cameras and the description of the criminals and the motorcycle,

In the Federation Council proposed to include in the resort fee

In the Federation Council proposed to include in the resort fee Resort fee may be about 100 rubles per person. This was stated by Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on social policy Valery Ryazan, reports “TASS”. According to him, “figure cool” it is around this amount. He stressed that “the fee should not be very large,” because “no citizen should feel that it is a great burden on its budget.” The money, according to Ryazan, you have to improve the conditions of stay to on his next trip he saw positive changes. The main task of collecting, according to Ryazan, the development of a resort infrastructure.See alsoTourist taxes in different countries of the world. Dossier “Its purpose more to help municipal authorities improve the infrastructure of individual tourism areas”, — said the head of the Federation Council. Vladimir Putin ordered by March 1, 2017 to introduce a special resort

Former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow said about getting a ban on entry to Russia

Former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow said about getting a ban on entry to Russia Moscow. 11 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul said he was denied entry to Russia and it is “the sanctions lists of the Kremlin.” “Confirmed that I was in the Kremlin’s sanctions list and are unable to come to Russia”, — he wrote in his Twitter. According to McFaul, this became known when he tried to apply for Russian visa to travel to Moscow in December for work in connection with the alleged transfer of power to the former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton, who lost the presidential election Donald Trump. “It won’t be necessary,” said McFaul. The former Ambassador believes that he is under sanctions because of its proximity to U.S. President Barack Obama, reminding that the US had previously imposed sanctions against friends of President Vladimir Putin. “I hope this

The entrance to the centre of Moscow has suggested to close for the preservation of landmarks

The entrance to the historical center of Moscow proposed to close in order to preserve the attractions. Such a proposal, the radio station “Moscow speaking” was made a member of the working group on development of a Parking space in the Metropolitan Department of transport, municipal Deputy Natalia Evlove. “It’s an outrage that in the historical centre of a city like Moscow, where the Kremlin, where all that we have to save it for posterity, constantly go this crowd of cars. The historic city centre must be protected. Not even the people, but at least sites,” she said. In June, the state Duma Committee on transport has approved a bill authorizing regional and municipal authorities to introduce a paid entry into certain areas. Earlier in the same month, Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin has denied rumors about plans to make the entrance to Moscow paid. The idea of introducing a congestion

The explosion near the mausoleum of Pakistan killed more than 30 people

The explosion in the courtyard of the mausoleum of Sufi Shah nurani in the Pakistani city hub (Baluchistan province) killed more than 30 people, more than 100 injured. About it reports on Saturday, November 12, The Daily Pakistan. The device exploded, when he arrived, the pilgrims performed a traditional dance dhamal. Responsibility for the attack while anybody on itself did not take. Local law enforcers do not exclude that it could be revenge for the elimination on the morning of 12 Nov, Amir Arif, one of the leaders of the terrorist group “Jundallah” (translated as “Soldiers of Allah”). “Jundallah”, a Sunni Islamist organization known as the popular resistance Movement of Iran. The team is based in Pakistani Balochistan and from there attacking Iranian territory. Its aim is to fight against Iranian security forces and officials, who, according to militants who oppress the Sunni minority in the country. “Jundulla” repeatedly accused

Precedensu on the background of wreaths and coffins Deputy was expelled from the “United Russia”

Photo: RIA Novosti The Deputy of the Duma of Shelekhov district of the Irkutsk region Anastasia Chaff expelled from the “United Russia” after she published a video where did squats on the background of coffins and wreaths, according to FlashSiberia. “The local political Council has decided to exclude from the ranks of the party… Chaff and direct to the Duma of Shelekhov district application about addition from it powers of the Chairman of the faction “United Russia”. The reason for this decision was a video posted on a social network”, – stated in the message of the EP with reference to the Secretary of the Department of Shelekhov Alexei Tenigina. The party noted that the Deputy “discrediting and detrimental to the political interests of the party.” The head of Executive Committee of Irkutsk branch of “United Russia” Svetlana Bragina said that the behavior of Chaff in the workplace violates all

Aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” maneuvers off the coast of Syria

Aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” © AP Photo MOSCOW, November 12. /TASS/. Carrier group of the Northern fleet, composed of cruisers “Peter the Great” and “Admiral Kuznetsov”, is located in the Eastern part of the Mediterranean sea, maneuvering off the coast of Syria. About this on air of the program “Vesti on Saturday” said the commander of the “Admiral Kuznetsov”, captain first rank Sergei Artamonov.

Posted a video of the detention of terrorists who were preparing terrorist attacks in Moscow and St. Petersburg

The FSB published a video of the detention of militants suspected of preparing terrorist acts in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The footage shows the weapons that were seized from criminals, as well as one of the detainees.   Earlier it was reported that the FSB detained ten people who are members of a criminal gang. They were planning terrorist acts in places of a mass congestion of people. All arrested persons – natives of the countries of the Central Asian region.   Terrorists have seized powerful improvised explosive devices, firearms, ammunition and communications equipment. At present detainees give confession.

The Ukrainian defense Ministry has denied the existence of Ukrainian saboteurs to Crimea

The Ukrainian defense Ministry has denied the existence of Ukrainian saboteurs to Crimea Moscow. 10 Nov. INTERFAX.RU IN the Ministry of defence of Ukraine disproved information of the Russian FSB detained in the Sevastopol members diversionno-terrorist group of the Main intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian military Department. “In reality, any spies of the FSB were not detained because they were in the Crimea and Sevastopol there. Russian intelligence agencies are thus trying to show its effectiveness, introducing once again misled the Supreme Russian leadership, the people and the international community”, — said to “Interfax” on Thursday the representative of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko. Earlier it was reported that employees of the Federal security service detained members of subversive and terrorist group, the Gur of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine. “The FSB on 9 November in Sevastopol detained members of subversive and terrorist groups of the