Mogherini: politics trump can divert US from basic European principles

Mogherini: politics trump can divert US from basic European principles BERLIN, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti, angelina Timofeeva. The political priorities of elected President of the United States Donald trump can divert America from the basic European principles declared in interview of broadcasting company Deutsche Welle, the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini. “It is in our interests to continue to cooperate, but it is possible that his (trump’s) political priorities will lead America from the basic European principles,” — said Mogerini. She added that “the definition of the policy priorities of the next President” the United States will be shown, and on this basis “we’ll see where to match European and American interests.”

The Rostov pensioner given suspended sentence for posts on social media

In Rostov-on-don the court found 67-year-old Vyacheslav Kuteynikova guilty of inciting ethnic hatred in social networks (part 1 of article 282 of the criminal code). This was reported on the website of the regional investigative Department of the Investigative Committee. Kuteynikova was sentenced to two years in prison conditionally. Also he was given three years probation. According to investigators, the man repeatedly placed in different social networks “materials, which are linguistic signs of incitement of hatred (enmity and hatred) against a group of persons selected by our national criteria”. In October, the Chuvash Republic, the court found the 62-year-old man guilty of extremism for the repost in social networks “Vkontakte” and sentenced him to two years probation. Pensioner posted on his page open letter of the journalist Boris Stomakhin, a recognized extremist.

Clinton accused the Director of the FBI in his electoral defeat

Hillary Clinton Candidate for the US presidency from the Democratic party, Hillary Clinton believes that she will lose the election to blame the Director of the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI), James Comey, who a few days before the vote raised the issue of her official correspondence as Secretary of state. She stated this during a telephone conversation with the sponsors of its election campaign, which took place on Saturday, November 12, reports Reuters with reference to sources. According to Clinton, her team has studied the public opinion polls, from which it follows that the decision of the FBI about the resumption of the investigation was the “turning point.” As noted by sources to ABC News, in an interview, Clinton said that at the end of the last round of the debate, which took place on 20 October, she was sure of his victory. However, the decision of the Komi

Lavrov expressed hope for the normalization of relations with the United States

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov expressed hope that relations with the US after the recent presidential elections will improve and become normal, reports TASS. According to Lavrov, the assessment of elections in the United States gave on the eve of President Vladimir Putin “We respect the choice of the American people, we are open to work with the new President, as it would in any case whatever the outcome of the election. We hope that relations between Russia and the United States that are going through a very difficult time, will improve and become normal, which is in the interests of our peoples and the entire international community,” Lavrov said. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that Vladimir Putin has no plans to meet with the new President of the United States Donald trump.

Group, speaking at the Paris Bataclan in the day of the attack, was not allowed to the memory

Rock band Eagles of Death Metal, who played a year ago in Paris Bataclan theater, where there was a large-scale terrorist attack, was not allowed into the memorial evening dedicated to the anniversary of the tragedy, RIA Novosti reported. Victims of hostage-taking in the concert hall were 90 people, including a team Manager.   The organizers of the memorable evening explained that they did not let the musicians on the evening of memory of victims of participants of Eagles of Death Metal that some workers Bataclan can be associated with the organizers of the terrorist attack. Also, lead singer Jesse Hughes in an interview on television spoke negatively about the work of the security services of the concert hall.   A series of terrorist attacks occurred in Paris on 13 November 2015. At a rock concert in the Bataclan theatre, the unknown took hostages. Near the stadium “Stade de France”,

In France derailed train carrying chemicals

In France derailed train carrying chemicals MOSCOW, 10 Nov — RIA Novosti. A freight train transporting chemicals derailed in the North of France, reports the newspaper Voix du Nord. The incident occurred on Thursday morning in the area of the commune of Lomme. The causes of the accident is not yet established. It is known that the train was hazardous cargo from acid. At the scene working fire brigades and experts on the prevention of chemical risks. According to the newspaper, the container that was used to transport the acid, not damaged, no injuries were reported. In the incident on the local train lines were time delays of freight trains. #Lille-Lomme : un train contenant des matières dangereuses à Délivrance déraille. — La Voix du Nord web (@lavoixdunord) 10 Nov 2016

A resident of Krasnodar found a mushroom, which did not allow yourself to be photographed

A resident of Krasnodar found a mushroom, which did not allow yourself to be photographed A resident of Krasnodar found a giant mushroom puffball, which, according to him, it was impossible to photograph. The man noted that when he attempted to remove the fungus on your phone memory there is only black squares. Krasnodarets also told that the fungus interfered with the radio in the car. First, Babayan decided that the mushroom absorbed the “energy untrodden places”. The man claimed that previously found in the plant fragment of a meteorite. He later discovered online that the puff-ball can absorb “biological charge of lead and copper”, which supposedly affects the technique. The Department of biology the University denied this information.

Peskov called the unexpected results of presidential elections in the United States

Peskov called the unexpected results of presidential elections in the United States The result of the election of the US President was unexpected for Russia. As reported RIA Novosti, said Friday, 11 November, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий At the same time, a Kremlin spokesman said that Moscow does not expect improvement of relations with Washington a couple of weeks. November 10, Peskov said that disagreements between Moscow and Washington can not be avoided, but noted that relations between countries can be improved through a constructive dialogue. He also noted that while the elected President of the United States to Russia were not invited. The day before a Kremlin spokesman said that any contacts between Putin and trump is not planned prior to the entry of the latter into the position. Trump was elected President of the United States November 9, his inauguration will take place

Sands: more and more countries realize that Kiev is not fulfilled its obligations according to the “Minsk-2”

The withdrawal of troops near the village of Petrovskoe in the Donbass © Mikhail Sokolov/TASS NEW YORK, November 11. /Offset. TASS Igor Borisenko/. The world is becoming “more and more countries who take a sober look at the situation in Ukraine.” This was stated by the correspondent of TASS reported the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, who is in new York at the opening of the world chess championship.