In the Kremlin commented on the possibility of Putin’s meeting with trump

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has no plans to face the winner of the US presidential election Donald trump, a telephone conversation was also not planned, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “No,” – reports RIA “Novosti” Peskov response to a question. “Let’s not forget that vis-a-vis President Putin is the current President Obama. A few months with the current administration (USA) to work, or rather, to try to work. Unfortunately, the level of our relations does not correspond to the expectations of the Russian side”, – said Peskov. According to him, the fact that Putin sent a congratulatory telegram Trump “is consistent with the General Protocol of the interstate diplomatic practice.” Earlier Wednesday, Putin sent the winning Republican Donald Trump congratulatory telegram. Recall, elected Vice-President Pence declared the victory of Republican Donald trump; he said that the American people elected a new leader.

NATO is in a panic trying to get love trump – Pushkov

The Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on information policy Alexei Pushkov wrote on his Twitter page about the fact that NATO is in a panic in connection with the election trump President of the United States.   “In Brussels, Obama has forgotten all about trump. Frightened Stoltenberg via the press are trying to convince him to love NATO. Panic continues,” Pushkov wrote.   Earlier , NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on the pages of the Guardian newspaper, warned trump that for US now is not the time to abandon the Alliance.   Donald trump won the presidential election in the US on 8 November. The inauguration will take place January 20. During his election campaign, trump said that the US pay for NATO more than the other members of the Alliance. In his opinion, the situation needs to be changed.   Informed military expert Viktor murakhovski in exclusive interview

Stealing steel more

Stealing steel more According to the interior Ministry, in January-September 2016 the number of reported crimes compared to the same period of 2015 declined by 6.2%. Of economic crimes has decreased by 4.7 per cent, but despite this, the material damage from them has increased by almost 50%. Experts explain the situation by the fact that the statistics fell petty economic crimes, while violent crimes have increased. The reduction in statistics has occurred in almost all types of crimes ranging from vandalism (-19,9%) to theft of vehicles (-19,6%). 4.7% fewer crimes of economic orientation, however, the material damage from them has increased from 169,7 billion to 305 billion rubles. Vice-President of Russian criminological Association Igor Sundiev said that reducing crime by 6%, it is hardly significant. Such fluctuations occur periodically in the statistics, regardless of law enforcement activity and criminal networks. According to him, a multimillion-dollar increase in the material

Dading is ready to give evidence on the polygraph after examination

Dading is ready to give evidence on the polygraph after examination Wife Ildar Dading on the social network Facebook reported that her husband tortured in prison. MOSCOW, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. Convicted of a violation of the meetings Ildar Dading, who said about torture and beatings in the Karelian colony No. 7, refused to pass check on the lie detector, he is ready to give evidence on the polygraph after a survey of physicians, reported RIA Novosti his lawyer Alexei lipcer. “At the meeting, the Dading with a lawyer, it was decided that he will undergo a polygraph test only after the examination of the Moscow doctor, as experts believe that if he had a head injury, then such a procedure could not take place”, — said the defender.See alsoDading at the last moment refused to pass check on the lie detector According to Liptser, the statement was passed

Trump did not rule out that will consult with bill Clinton

Trump did not rule out that will consult with bill Clinton WASHINGTON, November 12. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. The US President-elect Donald trump in an interview to the program “60 minutes” on CBS did not exclude that he may ask for advice from ex-President bill Clinton — the wife of his opponent in the presidential race, former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “He’s a very talented guy, both of them. This is a very talented family. Of course, I’ll think about it,” assured trump. The segment was shown on Friday on air of the channel. The billionaire also told about how on election night, Clinton called him to congratulate with the victory. According to him, to her it was a “difficult call” but “she was very cute”. “She just said, congratulations, Donald, good job,” said trump. He, in turn, thanked Clinton, calling her “beautiful rival”. “She’s very strong and

Volodin told about dirty methods in the election campaign in the United States

Vyacheslav Volodin Victory to Donald Trump on the US presidential election provided a “dirty tricks” that were used against the Republican. This point of view, the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin announced in an interview with NTV, the text of which is published on the website of the TV channel. According to him, in the course of the race had made the various statements, “from which we [Russian politics], for example, already weaned, because they have been used since the mid-90s”. “Maybe that’s just such an unprecedented smear campaign against Trump and the pressure and ensured him the victory, because people are just outraged and supported his candidacy,” — said Volodin. The speaker noted that it adorns the electoral system. “We need to talk about the political culture, but in this case this culture is just not there”, — he concluded. Donald trump won the last 8 of

Marine Le Pen urged the EU not to fear Russia

Marine Le Pen The leader of the French party “national front” marine Le Pen expressed the view that Europe should not be afraid of the Kremlin’s policy. Such a statement he made in interview to TV channel “Bi-bi-si” on Sunday, November 13, reports TASS. “There is no reason to be afraid. We have friends in Russia, and we have a very long relationship, and historically they are based on friendship,” said Le Pen. She added that he considers Russia a European country, which it is wiser to negotiate and conclude agreements on cooperation. According to the politician, currently there is no reason to “take purposeful turn towards US, to neglect Russia and live with her in the context of the cold war.” Thus, she gave to understand that is a supporter of a multipolar world and building balanced relations with all countries. In addition, Le Pen praised the activities of

Medvedev visited in Jerusalem the Holy Sepulcher and the Western Wall

Photo: RIA Novosti Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who arrived in Israel late Wednesday evening walked around the Old city of Jerusalem. The Prime Minister visited two key religious monument – the Temple of the Holy Sepulchre and the Wailing Wall. Church of the Holy Sepulchre, also known as the Jerusalem Church of the Resurrection, stands on the spot where, according to Church tradition, was crucified, buried and then resurrected Jesus Christ. First Church of the Holy Sepulchre was laid Constantine. The Church of the Resurrection was consecrated in 335 g. In the following centuries the architecture of the Temple has been repeatedly changed. The modern Church of the Holy Sepulchre – is a huge architectural complex that includes, in particular, Golgotha the place of Crucifixion and the Edicule – a small bathing chapel which contains the Holy Sepulchre. In the Temple there are several active monasteries. The Wailing wall is