Zakharova with irony reacted to the reports that Obama will ask to “close” Greece for the Russian Navy

Maria Zakharova © Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS MOSCOW, November 13. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova ironically commented information of some media that the US President Barack Obama during his upcoming visit to Greece is planning to ask Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is close to the Greek ports of ships of the Russian Navy.

The security Council has denied reports about the apology before Patrushev Montenegro

Nikolai Patrushev The Secretary of security Council of Russia Nikolay Patrushev has not apologized to Montenegro for attempted coup d’état committed the alleged Russian nationalists. About TASS said the press service of the security Council on Friday, November 11. Patrushev “to no one apologized, because,” said the Agency interlocutor. He commented on the publication by The Guardian of 11 November, in which, with reference to sources reported that the purpose of Patrushev’s visit to Serbia at the end of October has been an attempt to resolve the situation with the alleged deported Russians were preparing a coup in Montenegro. During the trip, wrote the publication, he apologized for the incident. Trip to Serbia was planned, said in the security Council. In Belgrade Patrushev held consultations on strategic security issues, in particular, discussed the prospects of Russian-Serbian dialogue in the field of security and struggle against terrorism. “The internal situation in

Poles and Ukrainians staged a mass brawl because of a quarrel in the store

Near the shop in the Polish town of częstochowa was a mass brawl between local residents and citizens of Ukraine. On this edition of Dziennik Zachodni said the eyewitnesses of the incident. The fight was attended by several dozen people arrived at the scene, police detained 11, six of whom were poles, five Ukrainians. They were placed under arrest until November 14, the day the guilty will be questioned. Police have not confirmed the information that the conflict has occurred from-for national hatred. According to police, the reason for the fight was a misunderstanding that occurred at the store. As noted by RIA Novosti, according to Polish law, all participants of the fight face up to three years of imprisonment.

Belgian foreign Minister: EU needs to speak in a stronger position after the elections in the United States

Photo: RIA Novosti BRUSSELS, 14 Nov – RIA Novosti, Vladimir Dobrovolsky. The EU should make a stronger position in the world after the US presidential elections, which were won by Republican Donald trump, said the Belgian foreign Minister Didier Reynders after the informal dinner of foreign Ministers of EU countries on the American elections. “It is important that we could discuss the new situation in the United States. First – should respect the results of the election held in the United States, as well as wait, what position will the new American administration,” — said the Minister to journalists. According to him, “the most important thing is to see what the Europeans are willing to do together to make a stronger position in the international arena in the fields of defense, security, and climate change and in trade, and migration”. “There are some important issues on which we may need

It became known who was funding the protests against trump

Mass protests against the elected President of the USA of Donald trump, held in several major us cities, Finance organization Progress Unity Fund. It is reported by news portal the Daily Caller. Material transfers RIA Novosti.   Progress Unity Fun – it is a charity. His mission organization sees “providing progressive alternatives to mainstream philanthropy”.   As the newspaper notes, the Fund is sponsoring a coalition of many human rights organizations to ANSWER. It activists began to organise protests after the victory of the trump in Chicago, new York, Washington, San Francisco and other cities.   According to information which has the Daily Caller, ANSWER asks the next financial support from their supporters for the next protest. Thus, the participants of the organization intend to organize demonstrations during the inauguration of the new US President on 20 January 2017.   The election of the American President took place on 8

The mayor of Yuzhno-Kurilsk arrested for abuse in the housing

The mayor of Yuzhno-Kurilsk arrested for abuse in the housing Against the mayor of the South Kuril city district on the basis of materials of the FSB instituted criminal case, according to the website of the investigative Committee of Russia in the Sakhalin region. According to investigators, the suspect, in the course of implementation of the municipal program for providing the population with housing concluded the municipal contract with the company Bigsun on the acquisition until 31 March 2016 104 apartments in four 26-apartment residential buildings. The contract price amounted to more than 454 million rubles. Under its terms, the buyer transfers to the seller a prepayment of 30% of the contract price after completion of the initial phase of construction of residential houses, purchased apartments. The suspect then unlawfully signed a supplementary agreement, which provides for the possibility of prepayment without fulfilling the conditions for the start of construction.

The state Duma rejected a bill to cancel the exam

The state Duma rejected a bill to cancel the exam The proposed changes will not be able to provide an independent assessment of knowledge and its objectivity due to the lack of clear criteria in this procedure and strengthening of the human factor, considered in Committee of the state Duma. MOSCOW, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. The state Duma rejected in the consideration in the first reading introduced by deputies of LDPR the bill, which proposes to abolish the unified state exam (use) as a graduation and admission to universities. “With the introduction of the form of the exam meant that the exam will eradicate corruption and ensure effective and impartial verification of knowledge of graduates. Currently, however, it is evident that the education reform that began in 2002 with the introduction of the exam, do not bring results, which would have to be expressed in high quality of knowledge

In the US the third night, there are protests against trump

In the US the third night, there are protests against trump MOSCOW, 12 Nov — RIA Novosti. Opposed to the election of Donald trump the next President of the US is going third night in a row in several cities of the country to Express their protest, reports Reuters. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Thousands of disgruntled controversial trump rhetoric against immigrants, Muslims and women took to the streets of their cities after dark on Friday. It clarifies the Agency, the main foci of the protests were Miami, new York, San Francisco, Atlanta, Philadelphia and Portland. Events also took place in Washington and Los Angeles. Protests in U.S. cities began on Wednesday, the day after the presidential election. In some cities such as Los Angeles and Portland, the peaceful demonstration turned into a riot, the police took appropriate action. It is reported that for three days the police detained several hundred people. #Trump protest

A taxi crashed into a bus stop with people on the highway of Enthusiasts

A car crashed into a tram stop near the house №7 on the highway of Enthusiasts in Moscow, where he knocked people. About this TASS in law enforcement bodies of the capital. According to the source, the result of an accident involving a taxi nine people injured. At the scene there are several ambulance crews, rescue workers and traffic police. — Mistress☽☾Alisa (@Lisogumma) 13 November 2016, 14:52 Cause of hitting the stop could be speeding in icy conditions, told the Agency in law enforcement agencies. A source in law enforcement bodies told “Interfax” that, according to preliminary information, taxi flew to a stop in the accident involving several cars. From 11 to 12 November in the capital amid heavy snowfall and icy conditions was almost 900 accidents. 24 accident 26 people were injured.