Peskov did not rule out meeting between Putin and trump before the inauguration of US President

Peskov did not rule out meeting between Putin and trump before the inauguration of US President Moscow. 13 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — IN the Kremlin do not exclude that between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his future American counterpart Donald trump can be a contact before the inauguration of the latter. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “I don’t know if there will be any contacts between the President and trump before the inauguration. I do not know, but of course this cannot be ruled out. A congratulatory message was already sent”, — said the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov in an interview with “Moskovsky Komsomolets” published on Sunday. He recalled that while the current U.S. President is Barack Obama. “While the US is the current President and it will be another two months to act. The events in Syria, for example, are developing so actively that no one can afford a break in two

Mikhail Fradkov headed the Board of Directors of “Almaz-Antey”

Mikhail Fradkov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, November 14. /TASS/. The former head of the foreign intelligence Service Mikhail Fradkov headed the Board of Directors of the concern “Almaz-Antey”, reports the website of the company. Information about the appointment appeared in the section “Guide” on the website of the concern. Earlier this post was held by General Director of state Corporation “rostec” Sergey Chemezov. The decision on the appointment was made in early November at the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Fradkov and Chemezov. According to Putin, Fradkov’s experience in the foreign intelligence Service will help him in his new post. Also Putin asked Fradkov to head the Russian Institute for strategic studies.

Feldman predicted the future of the city without the Crimean gas

Sergey Aksenov Ukrainian Genichesk freeze with the onset of cold weather without gas or Crimean accession to gas network of Ukraine, believes the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov. On Monday, November 14, reports RIA Novosti. “Definitely and clearly understood that without the Crimean gas to provide the heat supply of houses Genichesk I can not”, — said Aksenov, adding that this is the traditional problem of the municipality. In 2014 alone, according to him, in the frigid city had submitted 340 thousand cubic meters of fuel from storage facilities of the Peninsula, which Ukraine has not paid for lack of official contracts. Feldman said that according to forecasts, Ukrainian Small field, supplying the city now, obvodnaya, so the volume of gas production will fall. “If they are not “stuck” system of Genichesk in its General transportation system of Ukraine, we will have more to put gas in Genichesk, so

Duterte promised to forget about human rights against the militants

The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte promised to forget about observance of human rights against the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), in the case of their appearance in the country. About eotm according to Reuters. Duterte warned that once the ISIS lost control of territories in the middle East, the terrorists can appear anywhere, including in the Philippines. “If they come here, we need to be ready for it. Remember, these guys don’t have a clue about human rights, trust me. I will not allow under the pretext of human rights, my people killed right and left, is complete nonsense,” said the Philippine leader. The President has repeatedly been accused of encouraging non-judicial killings of narkotorgovtsem. On 17 October this year, he said that in his struggle with the drug dealers he “does not care about human rights”. According to the head

Shoigu has criticized a proposal to include the military in the mandatory medical insurance system

Photo: Russian Newspaper The Minister of defence of the Russian Federation General of the army Sergei Shoigu spoke about expressed during the discussion of the state budget for 2017 in the state Duma the proposal to include the military in the mandatory medical insurance system. According to him, the relevant reasoning initially – incorrect formulation of the question. “Military medicine is an integral part of military organization, it has always been and still is the most efficient and innovative part of national health care, – said the head of the military Department. – We need to think not about how to lead military medicine to the average denominator, and Vice versa – how public to raise medicine to the level of the military”. The Minister of defence is convinced that military medicine will continue to develop in the structure of the Armed Forces. “It is our firm position”, – said

The “hunter” of Russian aviation from the first flight until the actions in “the pack”

© EPA/SERGEI ILNITSKY Attack helicopter Mi-28N “Night hunter” (NATO classification — Havoc or Havoc-B) first took to the air on 14 November 1996. 19 years later, the shock machine part of the air group VC Russia in Syria, which at the invitation of the Syrian government is fighting against militants of the “Islamic state” and “Dzhebhat EN Nusra” (an organization banned in Russia).

Elected President of Moldova will make his first foreign trip to Moscow

Elected President of Moldova, Igor Dodon, on his first official foreign visit in his new post will make to Moscow. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the head of his election headquarters ion Cheban. According to him, the new Moldovan leader will travel to the Russian capital, will be completed when all legal procedures for the approval of his nomination.   Earlier, the CEC of Moldova counted 100% of protocols in the second round of the presidential election. According to preliminary data, the country headed by the leader of the party of socialists Igor Dodon with the 52,18% of the vote. For the post of head of state fought Dodon and a single candidate from the right-wing opposition, the head of the party “Action and solidarity” Maia Sandu, who scored 47,82%.   During the election campaign he promised to restore strategic partnership with Russia, to return the products

The plane with the delegation Medvedev stuck in tel Aviv

The plane with the delegation Medvedev stuck in tel Aviv The plane with the delegation and media representatives accompanying the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev during his visit to Israel and Palestine, November 11, could not fly from tel Aviv to Moscow. On Friday “Interfax”. News Agency, citing a member of the crew of the airliner said that the reason was technical malfunction. However, leaving the Board the passengers felt a strong smell of sewage near the aircraft. The passengers did not disclose the nature of the damage. Later, a representative of the crew said that the return to the Russian capital have been postponed at least until Saturday morning November 12.

Pilot banned passengers political disputes on Board

Pilot banned passengers political disputes on Board During the flight from San Francisco (USA) Mexican Puerto Vallarta airline pilot United Airlines asked passengers with a demand to stop political disputes. A video published on the YouTube channel of Jon Bauer on November 11. For two days the video has been viewed over 80 million times. The pilot said that he respects every point of view to the election of the President of the United States, held on 8 November. However, he urged all to refrain from disputes on Board and leave your opinions to yourself. Dissenters to stop the abuse the man was advised to take a ticket for the next flight. Some of the passengers welcomed the appeal of captain applause. As indicated in the caption to the video, a mess on the Board began after one of the passengers allowed myself racist remarks about black woman. In some

After preliminary calculations, at the election of the President of Moldova, leader Igor Dodon

After preliminary calculations, at the election of the President of Moldova, leader Igor Dodon Moscow. 13 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Pro-Russian candidate, Igor Dodon, most likely, won in the elections of the President of Moldova, according to preliminary data the Central electoral Commission. According to these data, it was processed 80% of protocols for voting, which include just over one million votes out of 1.6 million took part in the elections. Igor Dodon has received 620 thousand votes (56.8 per cent), Maia Sandu — 470 thousand (43.2 per cent). The tabulation continues.