Soloist Deep Purple Gillan invited Medvedev at his solo concert

Soloist Deep Purple Gillan invited Medvedev at his solo concert MOSCOW, 14 Nov — RIA Novosti, Tamara moves. The soloist of the famous British rock group Deep Purple, Ian Gillan invited the Chairman of the government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev at a concert, which will be held in Moscow on 15 November, but not sure that the Prime Minister of their employment will be able to come to play. The group has repeatedly visited with concerts Russia, where it has many fans, including Medvedev. The unfading interest in the work of Deep Purple clearly manifested during an unprecedented tour through the cities of Russia a few years ago, when all the concerts were sold out. Yes, of course I invited him, but he is a very busy man, so I’m not sure that he will be able to come, but I called him of course. I would also

Media: trump refused to pay the President

Media: trump refused to pay the President The presidents of the United States receive approximately $400 thousand. a year. The billionaire indicated that he’d have $1. NEW YORK, November 14. /Offset. TASS Ivan sawyers/. The US President-elect Donald trump refuses wages that get person holding the highest office in the country. This Republican said in an interview with broadcaster CBS, a fragment of which was published on Sunday Agency The Associated Press. “I’m not going to get paid”, — quotes AR words of trump. According to the Agency, the presidents of the United States receive approximately $400 thousand. a year. Trump pointed out that he’d have $1. The full interview is expected to be broadcast in the near future. HelpDonald Trump. For what it’s like and nenavidyat most queer President of America.

Putin warned Merkel about the risk of disruptions of gas supplies to Europe over Ukraine

Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held telephone talks, during which discussed the situation around Russian gas supplies to Europe through Ukraine. On Monday, November 14, reported on the website of the press service of the Kremlin. Putin in particular emphasized that, under forecasts of weather forecasters, the winter cold is expected, so “may increase the risk of unauthorized siphoning the Ukrainian side of the Russian gas supply to Europe in accordance with the applicable contracts.” In this regard, the parties agreed that this issue “will be held contacts at the European Commission, of the Ministry of energy of Russia and “Gazprom””. In addition, Putin and Merkel discussed the conflict in Ukraine. Concern was expressed that in the Donbass continues to be violated silence regime. The parties also noted the importance of continuing joint work on the implementation of the Minsk agreements,

In India, the child died because of the refusal of doctors to accept old bills

In India, the baby died after refusal of doctors to accept treatment for his bill the old model. About it reports The Independent. As writes the edition, incident happened in the clinic, one of the suburbs of Mumbai, where he addressed the couple with the baby. In the hospital they were asked to pay a Deposit for the boy’s treatment in the amount of six thousand rupees (about 5.9 thousand rubles). Parents were willing to pay, but one banknote 500 rupees was the old model. Clinic administration refused to accept this bill. Because of this, my parents had to take the baby to another hospital, but on the way he died. Police have launched an investigation into the matter. November 8 this year, Prime Minister Narendra modi announced the termination of the circulation in the country of banknotes in denominations of 500 and 1000 rupees. According to him, this measure

The foreign Minister of Canada urged all countries to maintain sanctions against Russia

Photo: © AFP 2016/ Florence Cassisi The Minister of foreign Affairs of Canada stéphane Dion called on all countries to continue to maintain in force the sanctions against Russia imposed over the situation in Ukraine, reports Reuters. “Regarding Ukraine – there are sanctions, and Canada insists that all countries were very firm against these sanctions,” — said the Minister. The Minister did not comment on reports of a possible migration of Americans to Canada after a victory on presidential elections of the USA of Donald trump. He noted that Canada intends to establish a positive relationship with the elected President. Relations between Russia and the West deteriorated over the situation in Ukraine. At the end of July 2014, the EU and the USA from the point of sanctions against certain individuals and companies have moved to measures against entire sectors of the Russian economy. In response, Russia restricted imports of

Marine MiG-29K: what is known about carrier-based fighter of the Russian Navy

The MiG-29K © RAC “MiG” In the Mediterranean sea has suffered accident the Russian carrier-based fighter MiG-29K. As reported by the defense Ministry, “while conducting a training flight due to technical malfunction while landing a few kilometers before the aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov” there was an accident with the deck fighter MiG-29K”. The pilot ejected, brought on Board the “Admiral Kuznetsov”, to its health threatens nothing.

Do not want to go, will be a complete trash – Pskov teenagers were broadcast

Students Denis and Catherine, who opened fire on police in the village of Strugi Krasnye in the Pskov region, conducted a live broadcast of what is happening in the Periscope. The footage shows how a young man shoots at the police car and laughing. Videos Teens lecturing for four hours and comment on every step.   “Now the police called, asking that we come out, we have 30-40 minutes for reflection, and to leave do not want, because it will be full of trash, what to do, give up?” – asks the girl.   So, the young man said that he shot and killed two neighborhood dogs, and was shot in the hip of the mother of his girlfriend, who was trying to break into the house.   During negotiations with police, the Teens had thrown out the gun. But to go inside the special forces was in no hurry.

Pennsylvania man attacked a mental hospital and stabbed seven people

Pennsylvania man attacked a mental hospital and stabbed seven people MOSCOW, 12 Nov — RIA Novosti. Seven people were injured in an attack by a stranger with a knife in the American hospital of Pennsylvania, reports the associated Press. Earlier it was reported that on Friday a man armed with a firearm and a knife, barricaded himself in a psychiatric hospital in the city of HOMESTEAD. All the victims were hospitalized. According to the Agency, police had to use arms in order to disarm the offender, he received a gunshot wound. It is reported that currently the situation is under control.

Discovered a new danger of marijuana

Discovered a new danger of marijuana American researchers have found that marijuana use doubles the likelihood of human cardiovascular diseases. Related report scientists have made during the scientific sessions of the American Heart Association held in New Orleans. Their findings are confirmed, referring to the data 33343 patients hospitalized with cardiomyopathy in the period from 2003 to 2011. Studying their analyses, the researchers found that 210 of this number had used marijuana. While these people were younger and had no negative indicators such as the existence of diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Scientists insist that marijuana has a more profound negative consequences, to detect which far failed.