The FSB has detained group of terrorists preparing explosions in Moscow and St. Petersburg

The FSB has detained group of terrorists preparing explosions in Moscow and St. Petersburg Immigrants from Central Asia were planning attacks in places of a mass congestion of people. Now they give grateful evidences on contacts with the leaders of the “Islamic state”. MOSCOW, 12 Nov — RIA Novosti. FSB stopped the activities of an interregional terrorist group that planned attacks in places of a mass congestion of people in Moscow and St. Petersburg with the use of machines and explosives. “As a result of 12 Nov operational-search measures and investigative actions in Moscow and St. Petersburg detained 10 terrorists,” the report says. The group consisted of immigrants from Central Asia, said the Agency. They seized 4 improvised explosive device of great power, firearms, ammunition and communications equipment. Detainees give a confession about contacts with the leaders of the international terrorist grouping “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), aims

In New Zealand, built penguinpower

In New Zealand, built penguinpower The group of penguins in New Zealand had their own underground underpass, which is designed to protect them from cars and too curious tourists. The transition was built to help the birds get their nests to the sea near the harbour of Oamaru on the South-East coast of New Zealand. The project was supported by local authorities and private entrepreneurs, who provided the building materials and labor. Eventually a tunnel was built with a length of 25 m, reports The Guardian. Ocean Sciences Article of the Day – NZ builds underpass for little penguins to cross road safely (CNN) — Rick Rigazio (@CAPTRick74) 13 Nov 2016 These penguins are the smallest in the world, their growth does not exceed 40 cm, and a weight of 1 kg. the Range of small penguin coast southern Australia and New Zealand, and nearby Islands. The population of

The state Duma suggest to establish a Day of patriotism on the day of the introduction of Russia grocery embargo

The state Duma suggest to establish a Day of patriotism on the day of the introduction of Russia grocery embargo According to the author of the initiative, it would “perpetuate the manifestation of unity within the country, which helped to meet the internal growth to external pressure.” MOSCOW, November 14. /TASS/. The proposal to establish in Russia the Day of patriotism and to celebrate it on 6 August, the day of the introduction of Russia grocery embargo in response to Western sanctions, directed to the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin and the heads of all four Duma factions. The author of the initiative made by the President of the Association of entrepreneurs for development of business of patriotism “Avanti” Rahman Anshukov, which has also prepared a draft Federal law (a copy is in TASS). “Establishing a new memorable date August 6, the anniversary of the adoption of the

Putin had a phone conversation with trump

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, November 14. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and the elected President of the United States Donald trump on Monday by mutual agreement, held a telephone conversation. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin. Readiness to normalize relations

The education of the children of officials proposed to limit friendly countries

Dmitry Savelyev For civil servants and top managers must create a list of countries where they can send their children to study, says first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee for security and combating corruption Dmitry Savelyev. He said this in an interview with “” on Monday, November 14. According to the parliamentarian, one should consider what attitude Russia takes the leadership of a state. “There is near-abroad, there are former CIS countries, and there are countries “Big twenty”. Well, about countries that sanctions have imposed, there is nothing to say,” said Savelyev. At the same time, he stressed that “there are friendly countries and there are countries with which we have exchange students.” First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on education and science Oleg Smolin, in turn, noted that the potential ban on children’s education officials abroad should not touch programs for the teaching exchange. “You can year to

A Chinese businessman made negligent workers to eat meal worms

Chinese businesswoman from Shanxi province forced the staff can not cope with the task execution, to eat meal worms. About that reports Shanghaiist. According to the newspaper, humiliating the procedure was completed in one of the business centers of the city of Hanzhong. The leader gathered in one room for 60 young workers. One of the staff brought them a bucket of worms, chopsticks, cups and a few bottles of Bizzy (strong alcoholic drink made from cereals). Then the head of sales the one called guilty by offering them to swallow the mixture of larvae and alcohol. For each loss of customer’s employee was supposed to eat four mealy worm. According to the Director of the company, men surnamed Cao, each worker took the punishment voluntarily — and refused only pregnant woman concerned about the fate of his unborn child. Article 88 of the Labour code provides for compensation for

Peskov said that Russia wants to start a dialogue with the United States

Photo: © AP Photo/ Seth Wenig Russia does not expect immediate changes in relations with the United States in connection with the election of the us President Donald trump, but wants to start a dialogue for discussing existing problems, said press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “We want to improve our relationship. We understand very well that we cannot expect immediate changes. It will be extremely illogical to expect immediate changes in the policy of a large country like the United States,” — said Peskov told reporters, answering a question about expectations regarding relations with the US under President Donald trump. This Peskov said that “at least we want to start the dialogue.” “We want to see mutual readiness and willingness to have a dialogue to discuss the existing problems,” he said. In new York, where the match for the title of world chess champion in 2016, Sands is

In RCDS told about the storming of the house with Pskov Teens

In RCDS told how the assault took place at home in the Pskov region, from which the teenagers opened fire on the police.   Thus, the Agency noted that with the students who barricaded himself in the house in the village of Strugi Krasnye, for several hours there were negotiations. After some time pupils of the ninth grade stopped communicating with the police, then that was a planned special operation with involvement of staff Coll.   Security forces stormed, before using stun grenades. When special forces soldiers came to the house, found the dead young man and the girl with gunshot wounds.   Monday, November 14, the police arrived on a call to a house in the village of Strugi-Krasnyye, where, presumably, was the missing teenager. Inside the building barricaded the 15-year-old Dennis M. and Catherine V. They opened fire on police as they broadcast what is happening in social

On the NATO air base in Afghanistan explosion thundered: there are victims

On the NATO air base in Afghanistan explosion thundered: there are victims At the largest military base of the NATO in Afghanistan explosion; from a place of events reports of dead and wounded. “We can confirm that this morning after 5:30 p.m. local time at Bagram explosion. There are victims. Our physicians and security services react to the situation”, — reads the statement of the NATO. According to local authorities, killing at least three people, 13 were injured in the explosion, which occurred near the canteen, Reuters reported. The cause of the explosion is still unknown. At Bagram air base, which is located near Kabul, are regularly attacked by militants movement “Taliban”. In December last year as a result of one such attack involving a suicide bomber killed six American soldiers.