The defense Ministry called the cause of the crash of MiG-29 in the Mediterranean sea

The defense Ministry called the cause of the crash of MiG-29 in the Mediterranean sea The defense Ministry confirmed the crash of MiG-29 taking off from the aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov”. The pilot of the fighter jet managed to eject, to its health threatens nothing. The cause of the accident was technical malfunction. The Russian defense Ministry confirmed the crash of the MiG-29 while landing on aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov”, reports TASS. Informed about the accident told Fox News channel refers to unnamed American officials. See alsoMiG-29: help The Ministry said that the plane made a training flight, during which experienced a technical malfunction. “A few kilometers before the aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov” there was an accident with the deck fighter MiG-29″, — said representatives of the Ministry. The pilot of the fighter jet managed to eject, his health is not in danger. After the crash he was taken on

Freedom House has put Russia in 52nd place in the ranking of Internet freedom

Freedom House has put Russia in 52nd place in the ranking of Internet freedom The first places in the list are Estonia, Iceland (6 points), Canada (16 points), USA (18 points) and Germany (19 points). MOSCOW, 14 Nov — RIA Novosti. American human rights organization Freedom House has included Russia in the list of countries with not free Internet. The new rating, which was assessed 65 countries, the Russian Federation took 52nd place with 65 points, despite the fact that the absolute freedom of the Internet has brought a zero rating. In the Russian part of the report negatively evaluated all three parameters, the evaluation of which was tallied: Internet access, content restrictions, and violations of user rights. Compared to 2015 year, the rating of the Russian Federation has deteriorated by three points. Ahead of Russia were such countries as Sudan, Myanmar, Turkey, Libya and Zimbabwe. The first places in

The Kremlin told about the content of the “wonderful” letter to Putin Trump

The Kremlin told about the content of the “wonderful” letter to Putin Trump In a letter to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin elected President of the United States Donald Trump, which trump himself is called “wonderful,” was written congratulations on his election victory, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, reports “RIA Novosti”. That trump has got a “wonderful” letter from Putin himself, the President-elect said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. He did it in response to a question about his international contacts after the election of the President of the United States. He said that he personally talked with most world leaders, or received written congratulations. Also during the interview, Donald trump has told about priority directions of its activities. Among them he named the deregulation of financial institutions, creating jobs and protecting US from illegal immigrants. Vladimir Putin congratulated the people of

In the state Duma started talking about the parliamentary investigation into the activities of the speaker

MP from the Communist party Valery Rashkin has proposed to hold a parliamentary investigation of detainee’s Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev. The appropriate request sent to the office of the speaker of the Duma, reported by RT on Tuesday, November 15. In his opinion, the case speaker has a precedent, it is therefore necessary to use to investigate all the tools. “I’ve decided to take the matter under special control, and to contact the Chairman of the state Duma with a request to consider the initiative to start a parliamentary investigation,” — said the MP. Earlier Tuesday, the Chairman of National anticorruption Committee Cyril Kabanov has expressed the opinion that after the arrest of the speaker can be criminal cases against other officials. On 15 November in relation to the head of Ministry of economic development initiated a criminal case under part 6 of article 290 of the criminal

Media reported about the lack of UK single plan for Brexit

The British government has no unified plan for exit from the EU. On Tuesday, November 15, BBC News reports, citing a government document called Brexit Update (“update on Brexit”), at the disposal of edition. In it, in particular, stipulates that the Cabinet of Ministers is working on 500 projects related to the country’s withdrawal from the European Union, which may also have 30 thousand employees. It is noted that the government also had no overall strategy for Brexit, which must be confirmed within six months, “due to disagreements within the Cabinet of Ministers”. According to The Independent, talking about the contradictions that emerged between the two blocs: on the one hand, the foreign Minister, Boris Johnson, Minister for Brexit Davis Davis and international trade Minister Liam Fox, on the other — the Chancellor of the exchequer, Philip Hammond, and Minister for business, energy and industrial strategy Greg Clark. Because of

Media: the Ministry of labor wants to change the system of job quotas for persons with disabilities

Photo: © Fotolia/ WavebreakmediaMicro The labour Ministry is preparing a change of the mechanism of employment quotas for people with disabilities: an employer who is unable for various reasons to hire person with disabilities, will be able to Deposit money into a special Fund, said Deputy Minister of labor and social protection of the Russian Federation Grigory Lekarev. Now for organizations employing more than 100 people, the region sets quota for employment of disabled persons in the amount of 2-4% of the staff. If the number of employees from 35 to 100 people, the quota is no more than 3% “We want to make quota mechanism more effective… just specify that here we are at the stage of developing the idea. The point of it is to make the implementation of quotas more flexible: not only through the allocation of jobs for people with disabilities, but also by paying those

The FSB released video of the arrest militants preparing attacks in Moscow

The center of public relations of FSB of Russia has published a video of the detention of terrorism suspects members of the group, preparing attacks in Moscow and Ingushetia. The footage shows how the investigators included in the capital the apartment where the militants were hiding, and detain suspects. Was also arrested members of the group in Ingushetia.   Earlier the website of the TV channel “Zvezda” reported that employees of FSB have detained five members of the groupassociated with the terrorist organization “Islamic state”. The militants were preparing terrorist acts in Moscow and Ingushetia.   The group was created in October emissary of ISIS, which was destroyed in Ingushetia. They have seized firearms and improvised explosive devices.

The defense Ministry reported the use of militants in Aleppo’s chemical weapons

The defense Ministry reported the use of militants in Aleppo’s chemical weapons In Eastern Aleppo, about 30 Syrian army soldiers were injured in the result of the use of chemical weapons by terrorists. About this informed the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov, reports TASS. Last night in the Eastern district of Aleppo (Karim-Jazmati) on Syrian government forces by terrorists once again chemical weapons were used. As a result, about 30 soldiers of the battalion 415 115 division of the Republican guard were poisoned to various degrees tagether Konashenkov He said that from the specialists of the Scientific centre of radiation, chemical and biological protection in place of the sample showed that the militants used chlorine. See alsoFighters fired at the Syrian army in Aleppo shells with poison gas According to Syrian military personnel, the gassing was preceded by the explosion of a mine or

Scientists: parents have less to spank children

Scientists: parents have less to spank children The number of parents who spank their children for misdemeanors, in recent years, the world has declined, say scientists from Georgetown University in Washington. The results of the study they told Live Science. In the study they used data from four national surveys on physical punishment, and held from 1988 to 2011. Interviewed mothers who had children of kindergarten age. The percentage of mothers from middle-income families, tend to physical punishment declined from 46% to 21% during the 23 years of the study.See alsoBritish scientists have explained why there are “British scientists” At the same time increased the percentage of mothers who are inclined to non-violent effects. So, if as a punishment to remove a child from their familiar environment in 1988, preferred by 41% of mothers, in 2011 — already 81%. One third of mothers from families with low income still spanks