The Russian defense Ministry accused the state Department in a lack of imagination

Public statements by U.S. State Department about Russia’s actions in Syria based on “shameless lies”. This statement was made official representative of the defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov, commenting on recent statements by state Department spokesperson Elizabeth Trudeau about what is happening in the Arab country.   “The repetition of rumor about some bombed-out today, “five hospitals” and “one mobile hospital” only confirms that the public rhetoric of the state Department on the situation in Syria based on shameless lies. One gets the impression that except of the Ghost “hospitals” fantasies of another representative of the state Department on what is missing. Tired of lying, I guess,” – said Konashenkov.   According to the representative of the Ministry of defense, the state Department has never presented actual evidence of Russian attacks videoconferencing civilian targets. Major-General stressed that the foreign Ministry the main thing – to accuse Russia.   “The

Alexei Ulyukayev detained on suspicion in bribe

Alexei Ulyukayev detained on suspicion in bribe Raman said about the extortion economy Minister $2 million for the purchase by Rosneft of shares in Bashneft. Monday, November 14, economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev was detained on suspicion of “extortion of bribes from representatives of Rosneft, coupled with threats.” The investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) announced that Mr. Ulyukaev $2 million “for economic development issued a positive evaluation, which allowed Rosneft to carry out the acquisition of a state block of shares of “Bashneft” 50%”. A criminal case was opened under part 6 of article 290 of the criminal code of Russian Federation — bribe reception in especially large size. The acquisition by Rosneft of shares in Bashneft done legally and is not the subject of the investigation, according to the investigative Committee. “The circumstances of the crime connected with obtaining public office of the Russian Federation Alexei Ulyukaev November 14, 2016

In India forbidden to raise the dead

In India forbidden to raise the dead Indian Council of medical research (ICMR) has banned the experiments on the resurrection of the people after the death of the brain, are scheduled Indian-American ReAnima project. The national Institute of medical statistics under ICMR withdrew the project from the register of clinical trials, says Science. ReAnima — a joint project of the American biotechnology company Bioquark and Indian Revita Life Sciences — received approval to conduct experiments in may 2016. The researchers planned to draw brain dead as a result of injuries 20 people in the hospital Anupam, located in Rudrapur, Uttarakhand. The brain death is the complete and irreversible loss of brain function (especially its stem responsible for breathing, and circulation), which in most countries serves as a criterion for death. Although humans do not have the ability to significant regeneration of the Central nervous system (CNS), some fish and amphibians

USA made six state Duma deputies from the Crimea in the sanctions list

USA made six state Duma deputies from the Crimea in the sanctions list WASHINGTON, November 15. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. The U.S. Treasury Department has made six state Duma deputies elected from the Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol, in the list of persons against which imposed personal sanctions. On Monday reported the press service of the Ministry. In particular, the black list includes five deputies from the Crimea, Konstantin Bakharev, Ruslan Balbec, Andrei Kozenko, Svetlana Savchenko, Paul Speraw, and also the Deputy from Sevastopol Dmitry Belik. The Ministry recalled that in the new convocation of the state Duma from the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol also entered Natalia Poklonskaya and Mikhail Sheremet, but they “are already under sanctions”. The US believes the data politicians involved in committing acts “aimed at undermining democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine and threatened its security, stability and sovereignty”. In a statement, the

Putin has sent in resignation of the speaker

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, November 15, sent Alexei Ulyukayev dismissed from the post of head of the RF Ministry of economic development. About it RIA Novosti reported the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “Vladimir Putin by his decree dismissed the speaker from his post in connection with loss of trust,” — said the representative of the Kremlin. Deputy Minister of economic development Evgeny Elin will be acting (acting) Minister of economic development Ulyukayev is arrested. The decree of 15 November was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. On Tuesday Basmanny court of Moscow satisfied the petition of the investigation on house arrest Ulyukayev, who is accused of receiving a bribe in especially large size. He will remain under arrest until January 15, 2017. The court also banned the arrested walks. About the arrest of the Minister became known in the night on

The state Department condemned the resumption of Russian air strikes in Syria

Elizabeth Trudeau The United States condemned the renewed bombing in Syria. Such statement as transfers RIA Novosti, made in the regular press briefing us Department of state spokesperson Elizabeth Trudeau. According to her, the United States raised this issue in contacts with Russia in Geneva. “We strongly condemn the renewed bombing of Aleppo by the Syrian regime, and Russia, which were affected hospitals and mobile clinic,” she said. According to Trudeau, in Washington believe these bombings violate international law. Materials on теме12:15 20 Nov 2015Combat primeneniia has changed the potential of Russian military aircraft On Tuesday, November 15, the Russian defense Ministry called “ordinary lies” reports of the bombing of HQs for the third day hospital in Aleppo, Syria. According to the official representative of the Ministry Igor Konashenkov, during a massive strike with cruise missiles at terrorists in Syria November 15 was not a single target located in Aleppo.

PACE President to visit Russia before the end of the year

Photo: © Flickr/ PACE The head of PACE Pedro Agramunt may visit Russia before the end of this year, said the head of the international Committee of the state Duma Leonid Slutsky. “We certainly need to talk to Agramunt. Incidentally, he has not yet confirmed any specific dates for his visit to Moscow, but I am sure that before the end of the year we have”, — said Slutsky during a press conference in MIA “Russia today”. The head of PACE Agramunt this year already three times visited Russia for meetings with representatives of the Russian Parliament. However, Slutsky has expressed skepticism about the upcoming visit of the head Assembly. “Well, come Agramunt, what’s next? Agramunt not in command of the Assembly, the Assembly command of the presidential Committee, the Bureau then, and then the Assembly itself. On any of these levels, a decision can be challenged,” said Slutsky. In

Than armed the Mediterranean grouping of the Russian Navy

Aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” © DigitalGlobe/ScapeWare3d/Getty Images November 15, the Russian Armed forces launched an operation on the mass strike on militant positions “Islamic state” (IG) and “jabhat an-Nusra” (both organizations are banned in Russia) in Syria. The operations involved the frigate “Admiral Grigorovich” (performed launches of cruise missiles “Caliber”) and coastal missile systems “Bastion”. For the first time in the history of the Navy in combat operations involved aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov”.

With the terms of manned launches from the East decide today – Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that on Tuesday, November 15, will be defined in terms of manned launches from the Baikonur East. The head of state said at the meeting dedicated to the development strategy of the state Corporation “Roscosmos”. The Russian leader demanded to actively deploy the second phase of construction of the cosmodrome.   Assessing the prospects of development of space industry, Putin stressed that special attention should be paid to the development of advanced spacecraft and their launch. So, according to the President, Russia needs to increase the Russian orbital constellation and quality of the spacecraft.   In this case, Russia should save and multiply position in the global space industry, Roskosmos to actively participate in commercial projects, said the head of state. The Corporation should evaluate not only in terms of fulfillment of governmental orders, but also executed commercial orders, says Putin.   In the meeting

Putin had all the information from the beginning of the rapid development Ulyukayev

Putin had all the information from the beginning of the rapid development Ulyukayev MOSCOW, November 15. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin had all the information on the progress of operational development the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, who was detained on suspicion in extortion of a bribe. The journalists said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “The President, of course, presented (on the detention of the speaker), he knows. He was actually reported at the beginning of the rapid development, that is, he had all the information”, — said Peskov. Read alsodiscussed the detention of the speaker with Putin The Kremlin did not comment on the question, can there be a revised deal for the sale of “Bashneft”. “I don’t know,” said Sands, answering a corresponding question of journalists. Earlier Tuesday, the representative of SK of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko said that Russia’s Investigative