Putin discussed with Nazarbayev the situation in Syria

Vladimir Putin The President of Russia Vladimir Putin on the phone discussed with the head of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev the situation in Syria. On Tuesday,November 15, reported on the Kremlin website. “Discussed the key issues on the international agenda, including the situation in Syria”, — is spoken in the message. The President also told Putin about his visit to Japan. The two leaders also agreed to a schedule of contacts. It is noted that the telephone conversation was initiated by the Kazakh side. Previous telephone conversation between Putin and Nazarbayev took place on 28 October. Then they also discussed issues on the international agenda and issues of cooperation. 4 October, Russian and Kazakh leaders met in Astana, and made up a joint working programme for the film “28 Panfilov”.

Putin: the share of modern weapons in the armed forces by the end of the year should exceed 50%

© Sergei Savostyanov/TASS SOCHI, November 15. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the share of modern weapons and equipment in the Armed forces of the Russian Federation by the end of the year should exceed 50%. “The share of such weapons, that is, modern weapons and equipment, army and Navy is steadily growing and by the end of the year should be more than 50%”, – the President said at a meeting with the leadership of the defense Ministry.

Assad has called the condition under which he will be working with trump

The head of Syria Bashar al-Assad has said he is ready to cooperate with the elected President of the United States Donald trump. But under one condition – if the American counterpart Assad to fight terrorism, as do Russia and Iran. The head of the Arab Republic stated in an interview with RTP.   While Assad stressed that in this matter he does not expect much from the future head of the state, because “the U.S. administration is not limited to the President, and trump will be subject to the influence of lobbyists”.   The Syrian President wants to wait for trump to take office to see if Washington stop supporting the terrorists in Syria. “We have always urged the US to respect international law and not to interfere in the Affairs of other States,” said Assad.   The fight against terrorism became one of the main points of the

In 10 Federal States of Germany began operation on detention of the Islamists

In 10 Federal States of Germany began operation on detention of the Islamists In 10 Federal States of Germany passes the special operation against suspected supporters of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). On Tuesday, November 15, reports Deutsche Welle. The searches in the premises of the Salafi group Die wahre Religion (“True religion”) began at 6:30 a.m. local time (8:30 GMT). It is noted that the police visited more than 200 apartments and offices belonging to the organization. The main part of the operation, carried out in the West of Germany and in the German capital Berlin. It is also reported that the Minister of internal Affairs of Germany Thomas de Maiziere is going to ban Salafists group “the True religion”. German authorities believe carried out by its representatives actions are contrary to the Constitution and seeks to undermine mutual understanding between people.

A resident of the Kuban tried to pay the prisoner for the murder

A resident of the Kuban tried to pay the prisoner for the murder The suspect planned to pay the killer for the murder of a rival who stole the roommate and the father of the child, the parent capital. KRASNODAR, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti, Svetlana Berilo. A resident of Hot Key (Krasnodar territory) is suspected of incitement to arrange the murder of his young rival, for the violence with which 29-year-old woman wanted to pay the parent capital, the press service of the RF IC for the Krasnodar territory. The investigators found that before the woman broke up with her cohabitant and the father of her child. According to investigators, the young man began to live with 23-year-old girl, which caused jealousy from the former mistress. In this regard, the suspect asked his friend to find the perpetrator of the murder girls for financial reward. The man reported it

Mei: Brexit would allow UK to take advantage of globalization

Mei: Brexit would allow UK to take advantage of globalization LONDON, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti, Irina Chumakov. The withdrawal of Britain from the EU will allow London to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalization, and to enter new relations with old partners, said Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may, speaking on Monday evening at the annual reception in the mayoralty of the British capital. According to her, which leads the TV channel ITV, Brexit will be Britain’s opportunity “to control the forces of globalization so that they work at all”. Recalling the interest of London to conclude a new trade agreement with the United States, she stressed that Britain can exploit its economic potential in order to reach the “new business relationship with old partners.” According to may, “the world has changed… a year ago, few could predict events” such Brexit or elected Donald trump President. “When

In the Russian Orthodox Church urged to refrain from censorship in the tales of Pushkin

Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga and Borovsk The head of the publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga and Borovsk urged to refrain from editing fairy tales of Alexander Pushkin. On Tuesday, November 15, reports RIA Novosti. He commented on the initiative of the representatives of the Church to make the censorship changes to the work “the Tale of the priest and of his workman Balda”. In particular, in Krasnodar Krai, the Church has re-released the story, replacing “ass” with “merchant”. “It’s a classic, how to change it. Edit Pushkin I do not take” — said Metropolitan Kliment. He said that these ideas with understanding. Pushkin was probably the reason to write in this manner, said the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church. “In some years he led the life of a typical young man, but he from faith in God never deny, this is very important,”

Assad said the cooperation with trump

Bashar Al-Assad Syrian President Bashar al-Assad expressed readiness to cooperate with future us leader Donald trump, if he will fight terrorism. The head of the Arab Republic said on Tuesday, November 15, in an interview with RTP. However, he said he did not expect much from the future head of state in this matter because “the U.S. administration is not limited to the President, and trump will be subject to the influence of lobbyists”. “We are very careful in their judgments about what will make trump at his post. But if he really intends to fight terrorists, then we will be natural allies on this issue — as with Russia, Iran and many other countries,” — said Assad. The head of the Arab Republic proposed to wait for trump to take office. “We have always urged the US to respect international law and not to interfere in the Affairs of

In Tatarstan frequent meetings with brown bear

Photo: © Fotolia/ JuhaSa The office for the protection and use of fauna objects of the Republic of Tatarstan reported on Monday about cases meeting with a brown bear not far from Kazan — in Laishevsky district of the Republic. “The administration informs the population about incoming messages from Laishevsky municipal district, the cases of encounters with a brown bear. Given the serious danger posed by this type, please observe all precautionary measures,” — said in the message. According to the office for the protection and use of fauna objects of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Republic there are about 120 species of brown bear. Previously local media reported about the destruction this fall bears several apiaries in the Pestrechinsky and Mamadysh regions.