The former head of the FSB found in verses Ulyukayev premonition of detention

The former head of the FSB found in verses Ulyukayev premonition of detention The former head of FSB Nikolai Kovalev, commenting on the arrest of the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukaev called such a development to be expected. Kovalev said that in the poems the speaker traced the anti-Russian rhetoric. In addition, according to Kovalev, Vladimir Putin could not fail to be aware of the impending operation to arrest the speaker, therefore, “in this case, there is political will.” “Certainly this is encouraging and suggests that the descent will not help anyone, no matter what position people may take, there will be no forgiveness for such actions is corruption all pulled out”, — said Kovalev. He also noted the professionalism of the staff, who uncovered an illegal act with the Minister. In the night of Tuesday, November 15, the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case against the

The Federation Council will discuss the payment of pensioners, the fight against doping and military cooperation with Abkhazia

© Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, November 16. /TASS/. The Federation Council will hold on Wednesday, the anniversary, the 400-th meeting, which will discuss lump sum payments to pensioners, amendments to the current year’s budget and anti-terrorism cooperation with China and the law of the joint group of forces in Abkhazia. The senators will also consider the question of strengthening of responsibility for doping in sport. International security In the international unit agenda is scheduled to discuss ratification of agreement with Abkhazia on a unified group of troops and the agreement with China on cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

Spending a million stolen the inhabitant of Kuzbas have detained in the night club

Night club. Archive photo In the Kuzbass town of Tashtagol will appear in court the businessman who stole from a friend office over a million rubles. This was reported on the website of the regional interior Ministry cupola. According to investigators, 30-year-old businessman had access to the principal’s office one of their trade organizations of the city. Taking advantage of this, he stole a safe with money, took him outside the city and opened. “About 170 thousand rubles, he had to spend the rest of the cash, the police found the body of the machine in the production belonging to the accused”, — is spoken in the message. The suspect was arrested in a nightclub. The man has given grateful evidences. He was charged with theft. Criminal case is directed to court. In October unknown broke the lock entrance door in the West of Moscow, entered the apartment and made

Japanese Prime Minister called the upcoming meeting with Putin in Peru precious chance

Shinzo Abe Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called the upcoming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, to be held in Peru on the sidelines of the APEC summit, precious chance. On Wednesday, 16 November, the Agency Kyodo, it is quoted by RIA Novosti. “I want to make it so that she was fruitful”, — said the head of the Japanese government. The Secretary-General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Yoshihide Suga said earlier that Tokyo consider holding talks between Abe and Putin are extremely important. The last meeting between the two leaders took place on September 2 on the sidelines of the Eastern economic forum in Vladivostok. On its results the Japanese Prime Minister announced a visit of the President of Russia to Japan, which will begin on December 15. It is noted that the visit was postponed in 2014. The APEC summit will be held from 18 to 20 November

In Iraq, we found the secret book of ISIS militants to the price list for services

In Iraq found a notebook of ISIS militants to the price list for the elimination of the military, civilians and equipment of the enemy. The document was found in a single urban fortifications of the terrorists, writes The Mirror.   According to the publication, the book has been carefully hidden from prying eyes. She was among the official papers, notebooks and diaries. This document clearly shows how extremists motivated to massacre their leaders. Here spelled out a variety of sums of money for certain actions.   For example, for the destroyed airplane, helicopter or drone is a terrorist or a group of fighters get as a reward of seven gold dinars. In terms of Russian rubles it is about 64 000. It is also estimated destroyed tank.   For killing an enemy soldier, a terrorist will receive a prize of 300 rubles. However, provided that the enemy is destroyed is

FSB detained associated with ISIS extremist group

FSB detained associated with ISIS extremist group Moscow. 15 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Employees of the Federal security service arrested five members of an extremist group associated with the Islamic state (banned in Russia), who were preparing terrorist acts on the territory of Ingushetia and in Moscow. This was informed on Tuesday “Interfax” in the Center of public relations (TSOs) FSB of the Russian Federation. 6фотографий6фотографий “The FSB in implementing a complex quickly-search actions stopped the activities of a group created to commit crimes of terrorist and extremist nature on the territory of Ingushetia and in Moscow. This group is associated with international terrorist organization “Islamic state”, — told in TSOs. As a result of the activities of five members of criminal group are detained. Read alsoIn St. Petersburg arrested eight terrorism suspects citizens of the CIS “In households where they are sheltering, as well as in specially equipped caches seized

Scientists have found what words can never say “real men”

Scientists have found what words can never say “real men” MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. Psychologists analyzed the millions of messages on Twitter and found out that the stereotypes about how to speak and what do you think men and women are only amplified in the global network and hamper the determination of the sex of authors of certain posts, according to a paper published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. “Wrong stereotypes that people use to categorize interlocutors, only intensified, not weakened in the virtual world. For example, volunteers who felt that uneducated people often use foul language, also believed that users with a University education never use the Mat, which, of course, absolutely not true,” says Jordan carpenter (Carpenter Jordan) from the Center of positive psychology in Berlin (Germany). Carpenter and his colleagues found that almost all the words that the majority of Internet users

The media learned about the planned retirement of the detainee for a bribe Ulyukayev

The media learned about the planned retirement of the detainee for a bribe Ulyukayev The Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev, the detainee on suspicion in extortion of bribes for the privatization of “Bashneft”, in October wrote a letter of resignation. About it reports on Tuesday, November 15, “the Newspaper” with reference to sources in the government. The resignation of the Minister, according to one of interlocutors of the edition, expected after the budget discussions in the state Duma. The reason for such a step, according to “”, had a dispute with the Finance Ministry about the accuracy of macroeconomic forecast. The Minister insisted that inflation in the baseline forecast in 2017 is expected to decline over the three years from 4.6 percent to 3.9 percent, and the dollar — down from 65.5 rubles next year to 64.4 ruble in 2019. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, in turn,

Russia has not supported the UN resolution condemning the situation of human rights in Syria and North Korea

© Valery sharifulin/TASS UN 16 Nov. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. The UN General Assembly condemned human rights violations in Syria and North Korea, placing most of the responsibility on the authorities of the two countries. Appropriate resolutions were adopted on Tuesday by the Third Committee of the GA, specializing in humanitarian and social issues. Russia has opposed the adoption of both documents.