Ulyukayev charged with receiving a bribe

Ulyukayev charged with receiving a bribe According to investigators, the Minister threatened to “create obstacles to the activities of “Rosneft”. Moscow. 15 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev charged with extortion and receiving a bribe of $2 million, the consequence petitioned for the election to the Minister a measure of restraint, have informed “Interfax” TFR spokesman Svetlana Petrenko. See alsothe Russian media has remembered the “bottom” in the news about the speaker more than a hundred times “On Tuesday, investigators of the Main Department for investigation of particularly important cases of the TFR charged to the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev in the Commission of a crime under part 6 of article 290 of the RF criminal code (receiving a bribe by a person holding a state post of the Russian Federation, with extortion of a bribe in especially large size)”, — said Petrenko. According

The Orthodox Church believes that to change the text of Pushkin’s tale about priest don’t need

The Orthodox Church believes that to change the text of Pushkin’s tale about priest don’t need MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. In Pushkin’s “the Tale of the priest and of his workman Balda” should not be censorship of corrections, said Tuesday the Chairman of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga and Borovsk, at a press conference in MIA “Russia today”. Written in 1831, the tale was not published during Pushkin’s life. It was first printed by Vasily Zhukovsky in 1840 with revisions that allowed to pass the censorship: for example, pop was replaced by the merchant Kuzma Mutt. For the first time the author’s version came out only after 40 years, but in the future often the text was published with the edit of Zhukovsky. In particular in November, the media reported the publication of “the tale of the merchant Kuzma Escalope” in

The US state Department condemned the resumption of Russian air strikes in Syria

The US state Department condemned the resumption of Russian air strikes in Syria Moscow. 15 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Washington condemns the renewed attacks of the Russian HQs in Syria, said Tuesday the state Department spokesperson Elizabeth Trudeau. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “We strongly condemn the resumption of air strikes conducted by the Russian Federation and the Syrian regime,” she said at a briefing in Washington. Trudeau called this kind of attack possible violation of international law. “Recent data indicate that strikes by five hospitals and one mobile hospital. We believe that such actions are violations of international law,” she added, not specifying who exactly, according to the United States, caused these attacks. On specifying question of the journalist on this topic, Trudeau explained that, speaking about violations of international law, had in mind not any specific cases, but “the totality of the efforts they (Russia and Syria — if) action” in recent weeks.

In Crimea, commented on the adoption of anti-Russian resolution in the UN

© Artyom Korotayev/TASS SIMFEROPOL, November 16. /Offset. TASS Sergey Pavlov/. Human rights abuses on a national basis in the Crimea was not there, told reporters the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov, commenting on the adoption, just before the 3rd Committee of the UN General Assembly resolution condemning the situation of human rights in the Crimea, and calling on Russia to allow international observers Peninsula.

Putin has brought Russia from the agreement on the International criminal court

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed a decree on the withdrawal of Russia from the agreement on the International criminal court (ICC). The text of the document published on the official Internet portal of legal information on Wednesday, November 16. “To accept the proposal of the Ministry of justice of Russia (…) not to become party to the Rome Statute of the International criminal court”, — stated in the order. The document comes into force from the date of signing. The Ministry of foreign Affairs was instructed to send a notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. On 15 November, ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has considered the accession of Crimea to Russia’s war against Ukraine and occupation of its territories. She said that the investigators of the court is actively trying to find out whether Russia is in control of armed groups in the South-East of Ukraine.

Reuters learned of the new executions is militants civilians in Mosul

Residents of Mosul are leaving the city The militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) for the last three days executed at least 21 civilian Iraqi city of Mosul. About it reports Reuters. All the victims were shot. Their bodies were not given to relatives for burial. “As usual, we saw no bodies, we received only a list of names of the executed. Now most of the shootings occur on charges of cooperation with Iraqi intelligence services”, — said a source in the forensic Department of the city. According to him, the victims buried in mass graves on the outskirts and not in the cemeteries, as militants believe those executed apostates, unworthy of burial in a religious ceremony. At the same time, the Agency with reference to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch reported that soldiers of the Iraqi army, Kurdish militia, the Peshmerga,

USC head denied the information about the repair of “Admiral Kuznetsov” in 2018

Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, November 16. /TASS/. The decision on the timing of the repair and modernization of the only Russian aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov” performing tasks in the Mediterranean sea, is still pending. On Wednesday, TASS said the President of the United shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Alexey Rakhmanov.

Ukrainian fans burned the flag of Serbia on the match between

During the friendly match between the national teams of Ukraine and Serbia in football, which took place at the Metalist stadium in Kharkiv, Ukrainian fans burned the national symbol of the rivals, the TV channel “112 Ukraine“.   “I have not been on such a emotional sector and football. With so many Piro, dance groups, ATO men, the burning of flags, the guests, etc.” – wrote in his Facebook blogger who witnessed the events.   The match ended with the score 2:0 in favor of the hosts. However, some viewers have suggested that this technique Kharkov can deprive of the ability to host international meetings. Video: Roman Sinitsyn/ Facebook.com

“Strange accusation” that officials and politicians about the case speaker

“Strange accusation” that officials and politicians about the case speaker The investigative Committee announced the arrest of the Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev and initiate criminal proceedings against him. The first reaction of the Russian politicians and businessmen in the review of RBC. Dmitry Peskov, press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation: The President, of course, reported. He was aware of. He was reported, in fact, at the beginning of rapid development. That is, he had all the information. But, I repeat, as I said, these are very serious allegations. And the decision to make regarding the viability of these allegations can only court” (“RIA Novosti”). Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the state Duma: “All are equal before law” (“Interfax”). Sergey Shvetsov, first Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank: “I have great respect for Alexei Valentinovich. His last one would suspect of something like that.

The survey showed what the Russians use the Internet

The survey showed what the Russians use the Internet According to the survey, 72% of users use the Internet for communication in social networks. MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. The vast majority of Russian Internet users (72%) use Internet for social networking, the survey of the public opinion Foundation (FOM). The second most popular activity on the Internet is information search. Over the last month were doing 61% of Russian Internet users. About the same number (59%) of respondents uses Internet to read news 53% listening and download music, 51% looking photos. See alsoScientists have linked Facebook with longevity Pollsters also found that most Internet users (65%) did not Express an opinion about any of the events over the last month. A fifth (21%) shared their point of view on his page in social networks. This is the most visited among the respondents of Internet users is a social