Poland called conditions of normalization of relations with Russia

Witold Waszczykowski The Minister of foreign Affairs of Poland Witold Waszczykowski has set conditions for normalizing relations with Russia. He said this in an interview with PAP. “If Russia requires us to respect and pragmatism, and we demand this from her. President Vladimir Putin said he was ready to do everything [to normalize relations]. I say, don’t need “everything”. Start with the transmission of the wreckage [of the presidential plane Tu-154M] and cancel economic sanctions against Poland. Then back to the topic of pragmatic relations”, — said the head of the Polish foreign Ministry. November 9 this year during the ceremony of presenting credentials, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin addressing the new Polish Ambassador said that relations between Russia and Poland can hardly be called satisfactory, but Moscow is ready to change things for the better. “We believe that the restoration of the political dialogue is possible on the

Aleppo in ruins: how the ancient city survives under the rule of the terrorists

The historical centre of the ancient Syrian city of Aleppo became the seat of the fighting between the terrorists of the banned in Russia “dzhebhat an-Nusra” and the soldiers of the Syrian Arab Republic. The terrorists do not spare even the temples and places of worship. Gun emplacements constructed in the mosque, whose history goes back hundreds of years. The correspondent of “Stars” Timur Abdullayev visited the old city of Aleppo.   “When Rabbi (string musical instrument – approx. ed.) was a hot commodity. But after the capture of Aleppo, the militants declared music Haram. That is sinful. And my four stalls burned”, – said the music master named Mahmoud.   Before the war, in the old town lived more than 120,000 people, now there are ruins and rubble, which was occupied by the terrorists. The Syrian army controls only a quarter of the historical center, the rest of the

The investigation asked the court to send the speaker under house arrest

The investigation asked the court to send the speaker under house arrest Moscow. 15 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has directed to court the petition for election concerning the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev preventive measure in the form of house arrest, have informed “Interfax” TFR spokesman Svetlana Petrenko. In the night of Tuesday, Russia’s Investigative Committee announced the criminal case against the speaker under part 6 of article 290 of the RF criminal code (receiving a bribe in especially large size). The report said that “the circumstances of the crime connected with obtaining public office of the Russian Federation Ulyukaev November 14, 2016 $2 million for the Ministry of economic development issued a positive evaluation, which allowed PJSC “NC “Rosneft” to carry out the acquisition of a state block of shares of JSC “Bashneft” 50%”. See alsoUlyukayev charged with receiving a bribe According to

Scientists figured out how to calculate the man on the trail on your smartphone

Scientists figured out how to calculate the man on the trail on your smartphone “Can I see your phone and I’ll tell you who you are”: in the near future, police and doctors will be able to determine the sex of the person, his habits and disease, analyzing the chemical composition of the swab from the surface of the smartphone. Every day we start with checking notifications that come to us from social networks. We touch on a smartphone screen, when we use soap, toothpaste, hand cream, when dining at a restaurant, flipping through a magazine, go in public transport, car or Elevator. Smartphones are literally a daily basis, record our actions, and we help them with their own hands. Experts believe that the transcript of the chemicals accumulated on the surface of the smartphone could be a boon for both medics and police, reports The Guardian.NewsVideo of the day:

All the public rhetoric of the United States on Syria based on lies, said the Ministry of defence

All the public rhetoric of the United States on Syria based on lies, said the Ministry of defence MOSCOW, 15 Nov — RIA Novosti. All the public rhetoric of the U.S. state Department on the situation in Syria based on “shameless lies”, said the official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov. As recalled in the defense Ministry, informed the U.S. state Department spokesman Elizabeth Trudeau during the media briefing said that the latest data show about the beats Russia in five hospitals and one mobile hospital. “We believe that such actions are violations of international law,” she said. Earlier, the Russian defense Ministry stated that within 28 days of aviation of Russian air force did not strike at Aleppo. “We don’t know where Elizabeth Trudeau draws information about what is happening in Syria. The repetition of rumor about some bombed-out today, “five hospitals” and “one mobile hospital”

New Arbat turned into elm street

New Arbat In Moscow on Novy Arbat planted elms, reported on the website of the municipality. Eight of the first trees planted on the odd side of the street in the night of Wednesday 16 November. “This is a large tree with a height of over five meters with a trunk girth of 45 inches. Them 20-25 years. This age is the period of youth for elm. Resist elms “new horizon” did not require special climatic conditions or specific soil quality. The trunks and branches of different strength and endurance, they are not afraid of the snow load and wind of the winter”, — stated in the message of the city hall. Just on the New Arbat will be planted over hundreds of elm and oak, pine, larch, maples and ash. Landscaping will be scheduled at night. Completely block the street for vehicles will not, however, the movement may be

Putin has instructed to implement in Syria, obtained experience in the practice of boathouse the armed forces

© Vadim Grishanin/Office of the press service and information Ministry of defense of Russia/TASS SOCHI, November 16. /TASS/. Experience of the operation of the armed forces in Syria should be implemented in practice of combat training, as well as to inform the development of weapons. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the leadership of the defense Ministry.

Unknown stole the newest Ukrainian armored vehicles straight from the factory

In Ukraine, disrupted the work on the development of a new tank and production of new samples of military equipment in connection with the theft, it was stated by representatives of “the Charitable Fund of educational innovations” together with “Engineering group “Arey” (formerly “Engineering group “Azov” – approx. ed.) in Facebook.   According to their statement, unknown out with the plant working for the Ministry of defense of Ukraine, assault car “Azovets”, and her current whereabouts are unknown. Also stolen was a sample of armored vehicles “Gecko” preparing for serial production.   In addition, the result of raider attacks were thwarted the modernization of tanks T-64, based on which engineers of the factories have developed a promising Ukrainian tank “tireks”.   In connection with the incident, the authors of the statement demand the resignation of the Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov and the head of national police