US senators are preparing a bill against Russia

Us senators are preparing a “comprehensive bill” against Moscow. According to Congressman Ben Cardin, the document is intended to respond to Russia’s actions in Ukraine and Syria, as well as the mythical attempts to influence U.S. elections, reports Reuters.   “Russia is a very serious challenge for America. We are not partners, they are bullies. It is clear that the Russian responsible for cyber attacks on the United States during the past elections. We can’t stay away,” said Cardin.   In this case the Senator Ben Cardin said that the current composition of Congress probably won’t have time to consider and pass the bill. However, proponents hope that they will be able to lay the Foundation for the future. Photo: Louie Palu Globallookpress

The Case Of Alexei Ulyukayev. Five major “dark places”

The Case Of Alexei Ulyukayev. Five major “dark places” On the night of 15 November the police detained the Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev. Investigators believe he could be involved in the bribery of two million dollars; his phone tapped at least a few months. While the official comments of the case raise more questions than answers. “Medusa” has collected the main ones. The speaker really took the bribe? The circumstances of receiving bribes unclear: unlike other similar processes, the UK has not published a video of the arrest. In the press release of the Ministry clearly States: “the circumstances of the crime associated with obtaining… Alexei Ulyukaev November 14, 2016, two million dollars.” In another press release said that the speaker was caught red-handed. However, the sources of “Novaya Gazeta” reported that money has been put in a Bank cell, and the speaker for them didn’t

Street photographer has recreated the images of 40 years ago

Street photographer has recreated the images of 40 years ago Since 1970-ies Chris Porsz walked for hours in Peterborough (United Kingdom), shooting scenes of local life. 40 years later, the photographer found the people who became the characters in his sketches, to recreate old pictures. A number of pictures, Parts recreated in detail by placing the models in the same place where they were many years ago. Other photos had only enough presence changed over the years heroes. Collages, Ports collected in a book which was named “Reunion”. The idea of the photographer — to know how did the lives of his characters, and tell people about it. The project entry Porsse appeared on the portal Boredpanda. For example, punks Tina Tarr and her friend’s Dog got into the lens Porsse next to the Cathedral in Peterborough, when she was 18 years old. Later they married and in the 1990s

Medvedev began a session of the government with the words about Ulyukayev

Medvedev began a session of the government with the words about Ulyukayev Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at the meeting of the government said that the arrest is dismissed on the eve of the Minister of economic development will not affect the work of the Ministry. Speaking at a government meeting on Wednesday, November 16, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has called the arrest of Alexei Ulyukayev “extraordinary event” and expressed the hope that the work of Ministry, especially in anticipation of the adoption of the budget, it will not affect. The beginning of the meeting in a live show channel “Russia 24”. The point of the speaker must put the court, the Prime Minister said. “I hope that the incident will not affect the results of your daily activities”, — said the Prime Minister. The day before Medvedev has commented on the arrest of the speaker, whom the Investigative Committee accused

Victims Khabarovsk zhivoderok will perpetuate

Aliona Savchenko Khabarovsk animal rights activists intend to establish in the city a monument to the cats and dogs that died at the hands of two girls ipoderac. About it reports “Interfax”. “This monument will become a symbol of condemnation of sadism in society towards animals and the rejection of cruelty in modern Russia”, — said the activist Valeria bryukhanova. The sketch, she said, is being developed and will be ready in a few days. The five-foot monument will be a pedestal with a combination of shapes of dogs and cats against a brick wall. “Brick wall in the composition will serve as an allusion to the place where occurred the massacre of animals,” she explained. Bryukhanova added that the project requires 8-10 thousand rubles, animal rights activists intend to collect yourself. The place for the monument is still to be agreed. In mid-October, the press got the information that

The militants executed 300 former Iraqi police near Mosul

Before retreating from the vicinity of the Iraqi city of Mosul militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), executed about 300 former Iraqi police officers. Such data are contained in the report of the human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW), available on its website. The bodies were discovered in several mass graves. The representative on the spot stated that most of the former police officers were shot. The dead bound hand and foot, blindfolded. Several bodies decapitated. Punishment, judging by the condition of the remains has been happening for the last few weeks. One of the locals said that shortly before the liberation of the village from the militants, he saw at least four trucks full of prisoners. It is estimated that in cars there were from 100 to 125. After a while he heard the sound of gunfire and screams. According to the

Medvedev will meet with Turkey’s Prime Minister on 6 December

Photo: RIA Novosti Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev will meet with Turkish counterpart, Binali Yildirim on December 6 in Moscow, reports RIA “Novosti”. “Dmitry Medvedev will hold 6 Dec 2016 talks with Prime Minister of Turkey Binali Yildirim, who will visit Russia with working visit”, — is spoken in the message. It is noted that the heads of government will consider “key issues of Russian-Turkish relations with a focus on trade-economic and investment cooperation, will discuss the themes of joint projects in energy, industry, transport and other areas.”

Syrian debut “White Swan”

Share {{secondsToDateTime(data.visiblePosition) | date: ‘HH:mm:ss’}} / {{(videoDuration | date: ‘HH:mm:ss’) || ’01:23′}} {{secondsToDateTime(data.visiblePosition) | date: ‘mm:ss’}} / {{(videoDuration | date: ‘mm:ss’) || ’01:23′}} {{qualityItem | uppercase}} HD .mp4 High quality SD .mp4 Medium quality © TASS/Agency “Voeninform” MO of the Russian Federation/Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation Exactly a year ago, on 17 November 2015, the strategic bomber-missile carrier Tu-160 Air-space forces (VKS RF) for the first time participated in the fighting. Strikes against terrorists in Syria has caused aircraft most advanced version, equipped with the latest strategic cruise missiles X-101. The power of “strategists” was struck by the West, because for a long time it was believed that Russian aircraft are not able to fight far from their borders.