Obama called on trump to give Russia back in if necessary

Barack Obama President Barack Obama urged his successor Donald trump to cooperate with Russia, but to stand up to her if necessary. About this American leader said during a visit to Germany, his words are reports Reuters. “Work with Russia to our advantage if we want to solve many important problems of the world. I hope that the President-elect will be equally constructive work with Russia and look for areas of cooperation where our interests coincide,” said Obama. He noted that trump has to be ready to confront Russia in the spheres in which Moscow is moving away from American values and international law. Obama explained this with an example. In his opinion, the sanctions against Russia because of the situation in the South-East of Ukraine should be preserved as long as Moscow does not fulfill the conditions of the Minsk agreements. The U.S. leader also called the German Chancellor

Kudrin: Brexit and the election trump became a cold shower for politicians

Photo: RIA Novosti Brexit and elected Donald trump President of the United States began a cold shower for politicians, said the former Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin at a Moscow exchange forum in new York. “Politicians need to know more what is happening among the population, it is better to look at his motivation. The events that happened, Brexit and the election trump is talking about the fact that the elite a bit divorced from the real problems that you need to do more for ordinary people. Probably, these things are cool, being for us a cold shower,” — said Kudrin.

Putin and trump will raise relations between Russia and the United States from the pit – Ushakov

The Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov has disclosed details of a telephone conversation between President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the elected President of the United States Donald trump, reports TASS.   So, the sides agreed to make efforts to improve relations between Moscow and Washington.   “There was a commitment to do something to raise our relationship out of the pit into which they fell, and were shown a willingness to trump not only to normalize them, but rather to intensively develop in all directions”, – said Ushakov.   Putin aide said that the leaders are interested in working with each other.   “From the trump expressed readiness to further develop relations with Russia as the country, and with the Russian leadership and personally President Putin,” – said Ushakov.   He added that during the talks Putin and trump has described the state of current bilateral relations as “basically

Lawyer: the speaker will not testify to the evidence

Lawyer: the speaker will not testify to the evidence MOSCOW, 15 Nov — PRIME. The head of the MAYOR Alexei Ulyukayev, who is charged with receiving a bribe with extortion in the amount of $ 2 million for the approval of the purchase of Bashneft by Rosneft, not guilty and would not testify before the presentation of evidence, BFM said his lawyer Timofei Gridnev. “Alexei Valentinovich… believes something that happened yesterday at office “Rosneft”, it is a provocation against the state officials,” said Gridnev. According to him, the investigation took from it a subscription about nondisclosure of the data of the investigation. Timothy Gridnev defended partner of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the head of “Menatep” Platon Lebedev and the ex-clerk Yevgeny Vasilyev.

In Mexico inside the temple of Kukulkan found another pyramid

In Mexico inside the temple of Kukulkan found another pyramid MEXICO city, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. Mexican and American archaeologists made a surprising discovery inside the famous temple of KUKULCAN in Chichen Itza the pyramid again smaller. We are talking about the third structural discovery in the pyramid of Kukulkan: the existence within the temple of the second pyramid, archaeologists have known since the 1940-ies. “Third internal “matryoshka” may be, in fact, a set of a few small “dolls” within the same sheath, yet we do not know”, — quotes the portal Terra’s statement, Professor of anthropology Joffrey’s Braswell University of California, San Diego.See alsoLiquid mercury made archaeologists the tomb of the king of Teotihuacan In 2015, scientists using three-dimensional electrical tomography has established that the pyramid of Kukulkan stands over the cenote, or underground river. According to the archaeologist Denis Argote, age the smallest of the inner pyramid

Obama and EU leaders will discuss the extension of anti-Russian sanctions

Obama and EU leaders will discuss the extension of anti-Russian sanctions The meeting between Obama and EU leaders will be held on Friday in Berlin. MOSCOW, 16 Oct — RIA Novosti. European leaders and U.S. President Barack Obama will discuss the issue of extending sanctions against Russia on Friday at a meeting in Berlin, said the Agency Reuters citing its own sources. See alsoSands did not rule out meeting between Putin and trump before the inauguration of US President According to the Agency, at the Berlin meeting, in addition to Germany and the USA will take part the leaders of Britain, France, Italy and Spain. As reported by an unnamed representative of the German authorities to agree to renew expiring at the end of January 2017 EU sanctions against Russia planned in the coming weeks. According to the Agency, there are concerns that after the inauguration of President Donald trump,

Rogozin reacted to the accusations of the state Department against journalist RT

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS Vice-Premier of Russia Dmitry Rogozin commented on the conflict between the press Secretary of the state Department, John Kirby, and a journalist of the Russian TV channel RT during the regular briefing in Washington. His response he published on the page in Facebook. Rogozin was brief: “To believe in a lie, it must be terrifying”. To remind you, who said so?” The dispute itself has arisen due to the failure of Kirby to provide any evidence to support his words that the Russian aerospace forces and the Syrian government allegedly strikes at civilian targets in Aleppo. Moreover, he refused to equate Russia Today to “independent media”.

Assistant Putin revealed the details of the conversation of the President with the trump

Vladimir Putin A telephone conversation between the Russian leader Vladimir Putin and the elected President of the United States Donald trump lasted about half an hour, during which the parties expressed their willingness to cooperate. This was announced by the assistant to the President Yuri Ushakov, reports the correspondent of”.ru” on Thursday, November 17. “Was underlined our willingness to work with the new administration on the principles of equality and respect of interests each other, on the principles of non-interference in each other’s Affairs,” — said Ushakov, adding that this attitude was supported by trump. According to him, a Republican interested in intensive work with the Kremlin. “From the trump expressed readiness to further develop relations with Russia as the country, and with the Russian leadership and personally President Putin”, — said the assistant President. During the conversation also touched upon the cooperation between the two countries on the Syrian

The family of the deceased in Syria, the Russian officer wrote to Hollande

Maria Zakharova The family of a Russian officer, Alexander Prokhorenko, who was killed in Syria in April of this year, wrote a letter to French President Francois Hollande. The text in the briefing, read the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, reports kp.ru 17 Nov. According to her, the message is proposed to combine efforts of the two countries in the fight against terrorism. “Mr. President, why are you all after the awful terrorist attacks in Paris and nice, when our hearts were together with the French, did nothing to avenge the innocent victims?” — quoted letter to Zakharov. Alexander Prokhorenko — the native of the Orenburg region. Born in the village Towns of Tyulganskiy rayon, and after school he entered the Military Academy of air defence. He died at the age of 25 years during execute the task of air strikes on the terrorists in the area