Almost half of Russians expressed support for trump in the election

Donald Trump Almost half of Russians (45 percent) would vote for the candidate in US presidents from Republican party of Donald trump. On Friday, November 18, RIA Novosti reported, citing data from the survey of the national center for the study of public opinion (VTSIOM). As the results show, trump would give his vote exactly half of the respondents are men and 40 percent women. The first lady of the United States would support only four percent of the respondents. 42 percent of survey participants said that would not have come to such elections, and 9 percent were undecided. The Respondent also asked how the President, in their opinion, will be the trump for the United States. 22 percent believe that “good”, 35% “medium”, and another 6 per cent are sure he will be “one of the best” of American presidents. 3 percent believe that trump is “bad” and “one

For his involvement in the murder of 300 people in Mexico arrested former mayor

Sergio Lozano The former mayor of the city of San Miguel de Allende (state of Coahuila in Northern Mexico) is arrested on suspicion of involvement in the mass murder carried out by members of a drug cartel “Zetas”. About it reports Reuters. According to the Prosecutor, a former mayor Sergio Lozano was involved in the death of 300 people. The massacre was organized by members of the Zetas in retaliation for the theft of the proceeds from the sale of drugs. As follows from messages of the authorities, the bandits kidnapped and executed from 160 to 200 residents. It is noted that the former mayor could not know anything about these events. One of the former members of the criminal community named Hector Moreno reported that only on the orders of the leaders of the cartel were killed 300 people. He also added that in the period from 2007 to

For his involvement in the murder of 300 people in Mexico arrested former mayor

Sergio Lozano The former mayor of the city of San Miguel de Allende (state of Coahuila in Northern Mexico) is arrested on suspicion of involvement in the mass murder carried out by members of a drug cartel “Zetas”. About it reports Reuters. According to the Prosecutor, a former mayor Sergio Lozano was involved in the death of 300 people. The massacre was organized by members of the Zetas in retaliation for the theft of the proceeds from the sale of drugs. As follows from messages of the authorities, the bandits kidnapped and executed from 160 to 200 residents. It is noted that the former mayor could not know anything about these events. One of the former members of the criminal community named Hector Moreno reported that only on the orders of the leaders of the cartel were killed 300 people. He also added that in the period from 2007 to

The state Duma adopted the law on exemption of income volunteers for the 2018 world Cup from taxes

Photo: TASS The state Duma at plenary session on Wednesday adopted in the third (final) reading of the law on exemption from payment of NDFL (the tax to incomes of physical persons) income, which will receive volunteers for participation in preparation and conduction of world Cup 2018 and FIFA confederations Cup 2017. Duma adopted a law will be exempted from paying personal income tax payments, bonuses and compensation costs (including cash benefits) volunteers that help the organization or the events of the 2018 world Cup and Cup 2017. To income exempt from tax, the law will include in-kind revenues received by volunteers under civil contracts which are concluded with the FIFA subsidiaries, FIFA and organizing Committee “Russia-2018”. According to the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Ilya Trunina, who had previously introduced a bill in the state Duma, the document is intended to fulfill an official government guarantee,

The state Duma adopted the law on exemption of income volunteers for the 2018 world Cup from taxes

Photo: TASS The state Duma at plenary session on Wednesday adopted in the third (final) reading of the law on exemption from payment of NDFL (the tax to incomes of physical persons) income, which will receive volunteers for participation in preparation and conduction of world Cup 2018 and FIFA confederations Cup 2017. Duma adopted a law will be exempted from paying personal income tax payments, bonuses and compensation costs (including cash benefits) volunteers that help the organization or the events of the 2018 world Cup and Cup 2017. To income exempt from tax, the law will include in-kind revenues received by volunteers under civil contracts which are concluded with the FIFA subsidiaries, FIFA and organizing Committee “Russia-2018”. According to the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Ilya Trunina, who had previously introduced a bill in the state Duma, the document is intended to fulfill an official government guarantee,

The UN security Council extended the work of the Commission for the investigation of chemical attacks in Syria

The security Council of the United Nations for a year extended the work of the special Commission, busy with the investigation of cases of use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic, reported TASS.   It is reported that the resolution on the extension of the investigation was adopted by the members of the UN security Council unanimously. In the document “the hard way” and condemned the use of chemical weapons in any form.   Earlier, the defense Ministry issued a statement, according to which the militants in Syria have increasingly used chlorine against civilians and military SAR. The representative of the defense Ministry of Russia Igor Konashenkov then urged the leadership of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons faster to send to Aleppo to work together with the experts of the defense Ministry representatives.   However, Konashenkov said that the representatives of the OPCW expects to

Ulyukayev sent under house arrest until 15 January

Ulyukayev sent under house arrest until 15 January The Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, the detained red-handed when receiving a large bribe, will stay under house arrest, said the judge of the Basmanny court on Tuesday. By order of the court, he will stay under house arrest until January 15. The court banned Ulyukayev walking. His fault, according to investigators, proved audio and video, which have not been disclosed in the interests of the investigation. In addition, the guilt of the Minister is confirmed by the “characteristic marks on the fingers” from a special substance, which mark notes the security forces. The investigators deny the charges of protection Ulyukayev provocations against him. The investigation in the criminal case about $2 million for the promotion of the Rosneft deal did not insist on the conclusion of the Minister of economic development into custody only under house arrest. On the night

SpaceX will launch 4425 satellites for Internet distribution

SpaceX will launch 4425 satellites for Internet distribution The company Elon musk SpaceX has applied to the Federal communications Commission of the USA on placing on 4425 earth orbit satellites to provide ubiquitous access to the Internet. About it reports Reuters. Each satellite will weigh 386 pounds, the spacecraft is scheduled to be at 83 different earth orbit, at an altitude of 1110 to 1325 km. The total project cost is estimated at $ 10 billion, 1 billion of which is invested Alphabet and Fidelity Investments. So SpaceX intends to provide wireless satellite Internet all people on Earth. The first phase of the project includes the launch of the 800 satellites to create a full coverage for the United States. The implementation period of the project is not specified.