Lithuanian Foreign Minister Landsbergis called on NATO to reject Russian security guarantees

“We & nbsp; do not & nbsp; think that & nbsp; any negotiations should begin on & nbsp; what was proposed by Russia & nbsp; ;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the diplomat. According to & nbsp; he said, & nbsp; in the light of Moscow's demands, there are no & nbsp; talks on & nbsp; about the withdrawal of the alliance's military base from the territory of Lithuania. He noted & nbsp; that & nbsp; the situation in the & nbsp; region is not & nbsp; conducive to the & nbsp; withdrawal of NATO military from & nbsp; the territory of western Europe, but, on the contrary, requires an increase in the contingent of the alliance. On December 17, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs published the draft agreement between Russia and & nbsp ; USA on & nbsp; security guarantees and & nbsp; agreements on & nbsp; security

Tricky code: scammers have learned to bypass SMS confirmation of operations

Scammers have learned to bypass two-factor authentication (by SMS code) to confirm payments on the Internet. This is done by simultaneously conducting a fake operation on a phishing site, stylized as a CTP payment, and a real money transfer initiated by an attacker. Kaspersky Lab told Izvestia about such a scheme, and its distribution was confirmed by other cybersecurity companies and banks. Russians are already used to the fact that you can not call the code from SMS on the phone, but when you enter it on the site, they show less vigilance. Two-factor deception The scheme of deception begins with the fact that a citizen is sent a message with a proposal to extend the CTP: it contains information about the car, including the license plate number, and when clicking on the link, the amount of insurance and another link for payment are shown, said Alexey Marchenko, head of

German Foreign Minister announced a consensus with the Chancellor on Nord Stream 2

“We have a common position. Although & nbsp; not & nbsp; a secret that & nbsp; we & nbsp; in & nbsp; in the past took different positions on & nbsp; & nbsp; but & nbsp; both the chancellor and & nbsp; I have now clearly stated that & nbsp; the certification process should be & nbsp; based on European legislation & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; noted Berbock. The Vice-Chancellor of Germany called Nord Stream 2 a geopolitical mistake She stressed that & nbsp; & nbsp; project launch issues will be addressed in the & nbsp; key of energy security, which is essential for & nbsp; Germany. On December 20 & nbsp; December, Wolfgang Büchner, Deputy Official Representative of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Federal Republic of Germany, stressed that & nbsp; Scholz considers Nord Stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 '' economic project. With & nbsp; this

Trump told why he did not pardon Assange and Snowden

Former US President Donald Trump told why he didn’t & nbsp; solve the issue with & nbsp; criminal prosecution of former employee of the American special services & nbsp; WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. & Nbsp; what happened to them has two different perspectives, the former head of the White House said in an interview with the Daily Wire portal, commenting on the & nbsp; possibility of pardoning Snowden and & nbsp; Assange. Trump explained that & nbsp; saw two sides of these stories when I was president. On the one hand, it's kind of a spy story going on, but on the other, you have someone who exposed the real corruption. I had a feeling, I will not say which of them, but I had a feeling for one more than for the other.“I could & nbsp; did it, but let's just say there were people on & nbsp; both

Day in History: December 23

Demonstration of the transistor at Bell Labs On December 23, 1947, the experimental design division of Bell Telephone Laboratories of the American Telephone and Telegraph company held a presentation of a semiconductor bipolar amplifier device. This day was considered the date of birth of the transistor. The presentation of the first solid-state transistor marked the beginning of a new era in the development of mankind — the era of semiconductor electronics. Execution of Beria On December 23, 1953, Lavrenty Beria, the long—time head of the Soviet special services, Hero of Socialist Labor, Marshal of the Soviet Union and one of the most sinister figures of the Stalinist regime, was shot in the bunker of the headquarters of the Moscow Military District by a court verdict. Together with him, six of his closest associates, the security forces, were shot. He was accused of espionage in favor of Great Britain and other

WHO recommended to refrain from universal vaccination of children and adolescents

Following the meeting of the strategic advisory group on immunization (SAGE), experts said that children and adolescents are least susceptible to severe coronavirus, so they should not be in a hurry to vaccinate them. “The burden of severe diseases in these age groups is low, and high vaccination coverage among the groups most at risk has not yet been achieved in all countries,” the WHO said. On December 20, the Russian Ministry of Health included the COVID-19 vaccination in the national calendar of preventive vaccinations. The priority of the first level for mandatory vaccination against coronavirus in the department included Russians over 60 years old, medical workers, social service and education employees, people with chronic diseases and residents of cities with millions. The head of the National Medical Research Center (NMIC) for Children’s Health of the Ministry of Health of Russia Andrey Fisenko said that vaccination of adolescents against coronavirus

The medical regulator approved the use of Pfizer’s COVID-19 pill in the United States

“Today’s authorization introduces the first drug for COVID-19 in the form of tablets taken orally – this is an important step forward in the fight against this global pandemic,” the report says. The drug is not approved for pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis of COVID-19 or for the beginning of treatment of patients requiring hospitalization due to severe or critical course of COVID-19. Pfizer shares are up 2% in trading on the New York Stock Exchange. At 20:56 Moscow time, the price for the paper was $60.17, which is 2.01% more than at the close of trading of the previous session. Pfizer previously reported that the pills it developed against COVID-19 reduce by 90% the likelihood of hospitalization or death in patients belonging to the high-risk group. The drug was tested on a group of 2,246 adults. None of the study participants who received the drug from Pfizer died, 12 deaths

Mayor of Krasnodar returned to work after being arrested in connection with a bribery case

Mayor of Krasnodar Andrey Alekseenko, who was earlier detained on & nbsp; Wednesday on & nbsp; a criminal case about & nbsp; taking a bribe, returned place, TASS reports with & nbsp; link to the & nbsp; mayor's office. The detained rector found a gilded toilet in a house near Smolensk “ The head of Krasnodar, Andrey Alekseenko, is at the & nbsp; workplace and & nbsp; continues to perform his duties, & nbsp; & mdash; noted there. RBC asked for a & nbsp; comment in the & nbsp; IC of Russia in & nbsp; Krasnodar Territory. SK & nbsp; reported that & nbsp; in & nbsp; respect Alekseenko opened a criminal case on & nbsp; suspicion of & nbsp; taking a bribe on an & nbsp; especially large scale. The maximum punishment for & nbsp; is a crime & nbsp; & mdash; imprisonment for & nbsp; up to &

Mishustin called the inflation rate in Russia a payment for the openness of the economy

“Macroeconomic parameters, according to & nbsp; which govern governments and & nbsp; other countries, are violated by many countries. (Other states are carrying out. & Mdash; & ldquo; Kommersant & rdquo;) emission, which quite unexpectedly can stimulate consumer demand and & nbsp; come unexpectedly to & nbsp; country & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the prime minister, adding that & nbsp; the situation with & nbsp; prices in & nbsp; Russia & nbsp; & mdash; this is a kind of “ payment for & nbsp; openness of the economy '' (quoted by & nbsp; TASS). “ And & nbsp; is a reset in & nbsp; including the global devaluation of national currencies in & nbsp; the side of those who & nbsp; still import goods & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Mikhail Mishustin said at a & nbsp; meeting with & nbsp; members of the expert council under the

Peskov said that Putin still has a high level of antibodies to covid

“He really has a very high level of antibodies, his titers are very high. He had just been revaccinated, a booster was made, and plus he also took part in an experiment with a nasal vaccine. Therefore, I hope this is a sufficient level of protection,” Peskov said. The spokesman noted that he himself has a fairly high level of antibodies to the coronavirus. “And although I had a fairly high level of antibodies, I also”Sputnik Lite” I made myself to insure myself. Moreover, it is already clear that “Sputnik V” and “Sputnik Lite is the most effective in the world against the new Omicron strain,” Peskov added.