About 70 flights were canceled and delayed at Moscow airports

Yandex.Schedule: about 70 flights canceled and delayed at Moscow airports – for snow and icing of roads. Mass delays are reported by the online service for tracking departures Yandex.Schedule. According to information at 10:24 Moscow time, eight flights were delayed in Vnukovo and four more flights were canceled, 12 flights were delayed at Sheremetyevo. 23 were canceled, and 21 more flights were delayed at Domodedovo. There are no data on any disruptions in the schedule in Zhukovsky. Earlier on November 30, about 30 flights were delayed and canceled at the capital's airports. Thus, five flights to Vnukovo were delayed and two more flights were canceled, six flights were delayed to Domodedovo, one was canceled, and five flights were delayed at Sheremetyevo, another ten were canceled.

About 70 flights were canceled and delayed at Moscow airports

Yandex.Schedule: about 70 flights canceled and delayed at Moscow airports – for snow and icing of roads. Mass delays are reported by the online service for tracking departures Yandex.Schedule. According to information at 10:24 Moscow time, eight flights were delayed in Vnukovo and four more flights were canceled, 12 flights were delayed at Sheremetyevo. 23 were canceled, and 21 more flights were delayed at Domodedovo. There are no data on any disruptions in the schedule in Zhukovsky. Earlier on November 30, about 30 flights were delayed and canceled at the capital's airports. Thus, five flights to Vnukovo were delayed and two more flights were canceled, six flights were delayed to Domodedovo, one was canceled, and five flights were delayed at Sheremetyevo, another ten were canceled.

Хрупкая дама или ломовая лошадь: Минтруд разрешил женщинам таскать тяжести на работе

С марта 2022 года для женщин в ходе исполнения трудовых обязанностей начнут действовать новые предельно допустимые нормы по переносу тяжестей. Их утвердил Минтруд приказом от 14 сентября 2021 года № 629н. В настоящее время то, какой вес может поднимать женщина и на какое расстояние переносить, регламентировано в Постановлении Правительства РФ № 105 от 6 февраля 1993 года. Согласно данному документу, для лиц женского пола вручную допустимо разовое перемещение до 10 килограммов не чаще двух раз в час, а если необходимо что-либо перемещать в течение всего рабочего дня, то каждый груз не может весить больше семи килограммов. При этом суммарно допустимо перемещать с рабочей поверхности (например с рабочего стола, тумбы или невысокой полки) не более 350 килограммов в час на расстояние, не превышающее пяти метров. А если груз поднимается с пола, то не более 175 килограммов на те же пять метров. Россиянам напомнили, кто может досрочно выйти на пенсию Согласно новому нормативу, который начнёт действовать с весны будущего года, пределы перемещаемого веса в килограммах остаются теми же, а вот допустимое расстояние, на которое этот вес можно перемещать, метражом будет не ограничено. То есть от сотрудниц торговой сферы работодатель сможет требовать переносить на руках что-либо весом семь, а то и 10 килограммов

Putin and Erdogan will hold talks and discuss Ukraine

Turkish Foreign Minister: Erdogan plans to hold telephone talks with Putin December 3 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to hold talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Friday, December 3. This became known from the words of the head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry Mevlut Cavusoglu. The quote is given by RIA Novosti. It is assumed that the heads of state will also discuss the situation in eastern Ukraine. “We are in favor of de-escalation [of the situation at the border]. I recently held talks with the Foreign Ministers of [Russia Sergey] Lavrov and [Ukraine Dmitry] Kuleba, “the Turkish minister emphasized. Cavusoglu added that he intends to meet with Lavrov and Kuleba in person, on the sidelines of a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers OSCE cases in Stockholm. It will take place on December 2-3.

Zakharova pointed to US weakness due to sanctions

Maria Zakharova: the use of sanctions against Russia demonstrates Washington's weakness The use of sanctions against Russia demonstrates Washington's own weakness. This opinion was expressed by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova, TASS reports. The diplomat noted that earlier the United States considered the policy of economic restrictions against Moscow to be a manifestation of force. She pointed out that the use of illegal means of influence in foreign policy and the refusal of legal opportunities speaks of the weakness of the American state, and this fact does not require additional evidence at the moment. Earlier, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby accused Russia of the fact that it continues to increase the number of its troops near the border of Ukraine. He stressed that we are talking about units of a combined nature, which “continue to assemble at, or not at, but near the Ukrainian

Putin and Erdogan will hold talks and discuss Ukraine

Turkish Foreign Minister: Erdogan plans to hold telephone talks with Putin December 3 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to hold talks with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Friday, December 3. This became known from the words of the head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry Mevlut Cavusoglu. The quote is given by RIA Novosti. It is assumed that the heads of state will also discuss the situation in eastern Ukraine. “We are in favor of de-escalation [of the situation at the border]. I recently held talks with the Foreign Ministers of [Russia Sergey] Lavrov and [Ukraine Dmitry] Kuleba, “the Turkish minister emphasized. Cavusoglu added that he intends to meet with Lavrov and Kuleba in person, on the sidelines of a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers OSCE cases in Stockholm. It will take place on December 2-3.

The Federation Council assessed Kiev's reaction to Lukashenko's statement about Crimea

Senator Altabayeva: Ukrainian authorities react painfully to Lukashenko's statement about Crimea his upcoming visit to the peninsula. Such an assessment was given by Ekaterina Altabaeva, a member of the Federation Council from Sevastopol, writes RIA Novosti. According to her, Ukraine needs to think about its people and not involve people in solving its own political mercantile tasks. The senator noted that the level of relations between Russia and Belarus is currently such that Lukashenka's plans will certainly come true. “We, of course, are waiting for the leader of a friendly state in Sevastopol, I think that President Lukashenko will appreciate him and how he has changed over the past seven years,” Altabayeva emphasized. The policy pursued by the current leadership of Ukraine she is shortsighted and does not take into account the interests of her own people, the senator concluded. Earlier, President of Belarus Lukashenko recognized Crimea as Russian de

The Ministry of Emergency Situations told about the state of the emergency section at the Kuzbass mine “Listvyazhnaya”

EMERCOM: the emergency section at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass was sealed The emergency section of Listvyazhnaya in the Kemerovo Region was sealed, and gas is being pumped out, a TASS source in the EMERCOM of Russia said, commenting on the state of the mine. The interlocutor of the agency noted that gas pumping has now begun to prevent the threat of an explosion.

The Federation Council assessed Kiev's reaction to Lukashenko's statement about Crimea

Senator Altabayeva: Ukrainian authorities react painfully to Lukashenko's statement about Crimea Ukrainian authorities react painfully to Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko's statement his upcoming visit to the peninsula. Such an assessment was given by Ekaterina Altabaeva, a member of the Federation Council from Sevastopol, writes RIA Novosti. According to her, Ukraine needs to think about its people and not involve people in solving its own political mercantile tasks. The senator noted that the level of relations between Russia and Belarus is currently such that Lukashenka's plans will certainly come true. “We, of course, are waiting for the leader of a friendly state in Sevastopol, I think that President Lukashenko will appreciate him and how he has changed over the past seven years,” Altabayeva emphasized. The policy pursued by the current leadership of Ukraine she is shortsighted and does not take into account the interests of her own people, the senator concluded.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations told about the state of the emergency section at the Kuzbass mine “Listvyazhnaya”

EMERCOM: the emergency section at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass was sealed The emergency section of Listvyazhnaya in the Kemerovo Region was sealed, and gas is being pumped out, a TASS source in the EMERCOM of Russia said, commenting on the state of the mine. The interlocutor of the agency noted that gas pumping has now begun to prevent the threat of an explosion.