One Russian airline is again recognized as the most unpunctual

OAG: in October Ural Airlines performed 52.5 percent of all flights on time In October, Ural Airlines again recognized one of the most unpunctual airlines in the world. This became known from a study by the British aviation statistics agency OAG, writes Kommersant. It is noted that in October, the Russian airline was able to complete 52.5 percent of all flights on time – the carrier delayed every second flight by more than 15 minutes. airplane. At the same time, earlier the company's statistics were even worse – in September only 28 percent of flights were sent on schedule, in August – 25 percent, in July – 32.5 percent of flights, in June – 32 percent, in May – 50 percent. Other carriers showed the following results: the regularity of Aeroflot's flights in October was 91 percent, Pobeda – 86 percent, Rossiya – almost 82 percent, S7 – 83 percent,

Giant black holes closest to each other discovered

Astronomy & amp; Astrophysics: a pair of supermassive black holes discovered in the galaxy NGC 7727 Astronomers using the VLT (Very Large Telescope) of the European Southern Observatory a pair of supermassive black holes that are closer together than any other pair of black holes ever observed. This is reported in an article published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. The largest black hole, located right in the nucleus of the galaxy NGC 7727, has a mass almost 154 million times the mass of the Sun, while while the mass of its satellite is 6.3 million solar masses. This was measured thanks to the influence of both objects on nearby stars. Scientists suspected that there were two black holes in the galaxy, but they could not confirm their presence, since they did not detect a large amount of high-energy radiation. The search for similar hidden pairs of supermassive black holes

Biologist calls symptoms of omicron strain COVID-19

Biologist Baranova: with the omicron-strain COVID-19, a person feels “monstrous fatigue” feels very tired and has other symptoms. They were named by Anch Baranova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University, in her Telegram channel. “The omicron's symptoms are noticeable, but not terrible. This is monstrous fatigue, and not at all a cough and snot. The scent does not seem to disappear, “Baranova said. According to the biologist, the omicron is a separate new strain of the virus that differs from the delta. He is most likely able to evade the action of antibodies that have formed after vaccination against coronavirus or disease. At the same time, the protection of a person will not be completely lost, the specialist believes. “The chances that the delta will not let the omicron enter its territory are considerable. There is also a chance that the

Giant black holes closest to each other discovered

Astronomy & amp; Astrophysics: a pair of supermassive black holes discovered in the galaxy NGC 7727 a pair of supermassive black holes that are closer together than any other pair of black holes ever observed. This is reported in an article published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. The largest black hole, located right in the nucleus of the galaxy NGC 7727, has a mass almost 154 million times the mass of the Sun, while while the mass of its satellite is 6.3 million solar masses. This was measured thanks to the influence of both objects on nearby stars. Scientists suspected that there were two black holes in the galaxy, but they could not confirm their presence, since they did not detect a large amount of high-energy radiation. The search for similar hidden pairs of supermassive black holes is expected to advance thanks to the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), which

Подавляющее большинство россиян останется без новогоднего корпоратива

«75% участников исследования рассказали, что в их компании новогоднего праздника не будет. 13% респондентов отметили, что их работодатели организуют новогодние корпоративы в этом году. Еще 12% опрошенных указали, что решили самостоятельно устроить праздник с коллегами», — говорится в исследовании, в ходе которого были опрошены более пяти тысяч пользователей сервиса. У 84% из тех, кто все-таки будет проводить корпоратив, он пройдет в офлайн-формате, остальные порадуются онлайн-вечеринкам. При этом 40% опрошенных жителей России готовы отказаться от новогоднего корпоратива просто так. 36% респондентов указали, что откажутся от праздника в пользу получения денежной премии. Еще 8% участников исследования смирятся с отменой корпоратива, если сэкономленные средства будут отправлены на благотворительность или социальные проекты. Только 16% респондентов отметили, что ни при каких условиях не откажутся от новогоднего корпоратива.

The girl dyed her eyebrows at home and could not wash off the paint from her face

TikTok blogger overexposed the dye for longer than the prescribed time, and it eaten into her skin Blogger dyed her eyebrows at home and showed a bad result … The video posted on her TikTok was noticed in The Sun. In the footage posted on the network, Beth explained that for several years she has been dyeing her eyebrows on her own. However, during the last procedure, the girl accidentally overexposed the dye for longer than the prescribed time, and it stuck into her skin – the video shows how the area around her eyebrows turned brown. “Please don't laugh at me. I need your help. I don't know how to get rid of the paint, I can't wash it off, but I have to go on vacation! ” – shared the blogger. In the following frames, Beth showed her appearance in the morning after the incident. According to her,

Biologist calls symptoms of omicron strain COVID-19

Biologist Baranova: with the omicron strain COVID-19, a person feels “monstrous fatigue” feels very tired and has other symptoms. They were named by Anch Baranova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the School of Systems Biology at George Mason University, in her Telegram channel. “The omicron's symptoms are noticeable, but not terrible. This is monstrous fatigue, and not at all a cough and snot. The scent does not seem to disappear, “Baranova said. According to the biologist, the omicron is a separate new strain of the virus that differs from the delta. He is most likely able to evade the action of antibodies that have formed after vaccination against coronavirus or disease. At the same time, the protection of a person will not be completely lost, the specialist believes. “The chances that the delta will not let the omicron enter its territory are considerable. There is also a chance that

The State Duma responded to the words of Kuleba after Lukashenka's statement about Crimea

Deputy Zatulin said that Kuleba's words after Lukashenko's statement about Crimea are worthless If the Crimea is officially recognized by Belarus, it costs nothing and is an empty threat. This is how the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Konstantin Zatulin answered them, RIA Novosti writes. cases “. According to Zatulin, the Ukrainian authorities have already abandoned special relations with Belarus, in addition, they will not be able to bring any additional problems to the president of the republic without harming themselves. “The words of Kuleba in today's situation, when Ukraine is living either in anticipation of a coup, or martial law, judging by the statements of the President of Ukraine, they cost nothing and can be reduced to zero, “concluded Kuleba. Earlier, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said that Kiev will assess the actions of the

Kyrgyzstan denies Turkey's involvement in coup

The State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan denied information about Turkey's participation in the preparation of a coup d'etat in the country corresponds to reality. This was stated by the Kyrgyz State Committee for National Security (GKNB), Sputnik Kyrgyzstan reports. The ministry denied the involvement of the Turkish side in preparing a coup d'etat and stressed that intervene in the internal political affairs of Kyrgyzstan. The State Committee for National Security also added that they would not allow any attempts to exert external influence on the processes taking place in the Kyrgyz society and the state. Earlier it became known that in In Kyrgyzstan, security officials detained a group of people who were planning to carry out a coup d'etat in the republic. It was noted that behind them were non-profit organizations associated with Turkey and various Turkish foundations that are actively working in the country.

Kyrgyzstan denies Turkey's involvement in coup

The State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan denied information about Turkey's participation in preparing a coup in the country corresponds to reality. This was stated by the Kyrgyz State Committee for National Security (GKNB), Sputnik Kyrgyzstan reports. The ministry denied the involvement of the Turkish side in preparing a coup d'etat and stressed that intervene in the internal political affairs of Kyrgyzstan. The State Committee for National Security also added that they would not allow any attempts to exert external influence on the processes taking place in the Kyrgyz society and the state. Earlier it became known that in In Kyrgyzstan, security officials detained a group of people who were planning to carry out a coup d'etat in the republic. It was noted that behind them were non-profit organizations associated with Turkey and various Turkish foundations that are actively working in the country.