The Federation Council criticized the passage of the British Foreign Minister on a tank near the borders of Russia

Dzhabarov invited Lavrov to ride a tank on the Belarusian-Polish border with “” the act of the British Foreign Minister Liz Truss, who rode a NATO tank near the Russian border in Estonia. colonies and mandated territories. In Ukraine, the British are building a military training center, in Estonia they ride a tank, spewing threats against Moscow. And you can find many similar examples. I can imagine what the reaction would be in NATO capitals if our Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov arrived in Belarus and took a ride on a Russian tank on the Belarusian-Polish border, “Dzhabarov noted. Earlier, British Foreign Minister Liz Truss rode on a NATO tank near the Russian border in Estonia, accusing Russia of malicious acts and urging not to make a strategic mistake by invading Ukraine. According to The Times, by doing so she wanted to evoke an association with the former Prime Minister of the

The advantage of the modernized “Pantsir” is named

Viktor Murakhovsky: “Pantsir-S1M” will be able to shoot down drones before their attack starts Pantsir-S1M “will be able to shoot down drones before they launch weapons of destruction. The advantages of the Russian complex were named to TASS by the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Arsenal of the Fatherland” Viktor Murakhovsky. According to him, “Pantsir-S1M” is distinguished by an increased range of destruction, which makes it possible to shoot down drones before an attack begins. “Drones have a low effective dispersion surface, their detection range is often shorter than the range of their weapons. The range of the “Pantsir” has been increased and a fairly confident identification of drones is ensured in the affected area, “he said. The expert added that drones remain an affordable product, so it is important to reduce the cost of anti-aircraft missiles. According to him, a small-sized rocket has already been created for the Tor complex.

The advantage of the modernized “Pantsir” is named

Viktor Murakhovsky: “Pantsir-S1M” will be able to shoot down drones before their attack starts Pantsir-S1M “will be able to shoot down drones before they launch weapons of destruction. The advantages of the Russian complex were named to TASS by the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Arsenal of the Fatherland” Viktor Murakhovsky. According to him, “Pantsir-S1M” is distinguished by an increased range of destruction, which makes it possible to shoot down drones before an attack begins. “Drones have a low effective dispersion surface, their detection range is often shorter than the range of their weapons. The range of the “Pantsir” has been increased and a fairly confident identification of drones is ensured in the affected area, “he said. The expert added that drones remain an affordable product, so it is important to reduce the cost of anti-aircraft missiles. According to him, a small-sized rocket has already been created for the Tor complex.

Zakharova announced the pulling together of the Ukrainian army to Donbass

“The Armed Forces of Ukraine are building up their military force, pulling together heavy equipment and personnel. According to & nbsp; some data, the number of Ukrainian troops in the & nbsp; conflict zone & nbsp; already reaches 125 & nbsp; 000 people, and & nbsp; if anyone & nbsp; does & nbsp; knows, half of the entire composition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Zakharova said at the & nbsp; briefing. Earlier, Bloomberg, with & nbsp; citing & nbsp; sources, reported that & nbsp; the United States provided its European partners with intelligence data about & nbsp; that & nbsp; Russia is allegedly building up troops to & nbsp; preparing for & nbsp; rapid and & nbsp; large-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine from & nbsp; nbsp; ; including from & nbsp; Crimea and & nbsp; through & nbsp; Belarus. A similar

In the village of Yakutia, on the first day of winter, 53-degree frost was recorded

In the village of Oymyakon in Yakutia, on the first day of winter, the temperature was recorded as minus 53 degrees minus 53 degrees. Frost is mentioned on the website of the regional hydrometeorological center. As reported by TASS with reference to the Oymyakon administration, on Wednesday, December 1, all pupils of grades 1-10 were released from classes. In total, 93 children did not go to school, they added there. In addition to Oymyakon, a temperature of 49 degrees below zero was recorded in the village of Ust-Nera, 48 degrees below zero in the city of Verkhoyansk. Forecasters also report 45 degrees of frost in the villages of Olenek and Kyusyur. Earlier in the Ust-Aldan region of Yakutia, children rode a carousel at minus 48 and amazed foreigners. Readers of the Polish publication Wirtualna Polska called Russian children “supermen” and said that they themselves did not leave the house even

In the village of Yakutia, on the first day of winter, 53-degree frost was recorded

In the village of Oymyakon in Yakutia, on the first day of winter, the temperature was recorded as minus 53 degrees minus 53 degrees. Frost is mentioned on the website of the regional hydrometeorological center. As reported by TASS with reference to the Oymyakon administration, on Wednesday, December 1, all pupils of grades 1-10 were released from classes. In total, 93 children did not go to school, they added there. In addition to Oymyakon, a temperature of 49 degrees below zero was recorded in the village of Ust-Nera, 48 degrees below zero in the city of Verkhoyansk. Forecasters also report 45 degrees of frost in the villages of Olenek and Kyusyur. Earlier in the Ust-Aldan region of Yakutia, children rode a carousel at minus 48 and amazed foreigners. Readers of the Polish publication Wirtualna Polska called Russian children “supermen” and said that they themselves did not leave the house even

The Federation Council criticized the passage of the British Foreign Minister on a tank near the borders of Russia

Dzhabarov invited Lavrov to ride a tank on the Belarusian-Polish border with “” the act of the British Foreign Minister Liz Truss, who rode a NATO tank near the Russian border in Estonia. colonies and mandated territories. In Ukraine, the British are building a military training center, in Estonia they ride a tank, spewing threats against Moscow. And you can find many similar examples. I can imagine what the reaction would be in NATO capitals if our Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov arrived in Belarus and took a ride on a Russian tank on the Belarusian-Polish border, “Dzhabarov noted. Earlier, British Foreign Minister Liz Truss rode on a NATO tank near the Russian border in Estonia, accusing Russia of malicious acts and urging not to make a strategic mistake by invading Ukraine. According to The Times, by doing so she wanted to evoke an association with the former Prime Minister of the

В России с 1 декабря проиндексировали пенсии трем категориям граждан

В частности, увеличен размер выплат для пенсионеров, которым исполнилось 80-лет: их пенсия увеличится вдвое — до 12 088,96 рубля. Прибавка также полагается тем пенсионерам, которые работали до августа 2021 года, но уволились в последний месяц лета. С 1 декабря 2021 года у них будет начисляться автоматическая прибавка к пенсии с дополнительной доплатой за три месяца. На автоматическое повышение пенсии также могут рассчитывать российские граждане, подавшие заявления на перерасчет. Ранее сообщалось, что в России установлен новый порядок получения услуг Пенсионного фонда. До 1 января 2022 года услуги ПФР в отделениях граждане смогут получить только по предварительной записи, также они могут проконсультироваться через электронную почту. Такой порядок предоставления государственных услуг зарегистрировало Министерство юстиции.

A homeless man killed a Russian “for insults that were unacceptable for a seated person”

A Russian will stand trial for reprisals against an acquaintance for unacceptable insults without a fixed abode. This was reported on Wednesday, December 1, by the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). According to the investigation, the accused, being in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication, severely beat his 56-year-old acquaintance during a quarrel, and after stabbing him over ten times – the Russian died on the spot. Later, in the course of the investigation, the homeless man admitted that he had committed the murder “for insults that were unacceptable for a seated person” on the part of the victim. However, initially he tried to divert suspicion from himself – he threw the body of the deceased into the technical well of the heating network, and then appeared to the duty unit and said that allegedly some people had killed his acquaintance. The TFR opened a criminal