Apple's leadership in the smartphone market predicted

TrendForce: Apple Ranks # 1 in Smartphone Shipments in Q4 segment. This was reported in the report of the analytical company TrendForce. According to experts, in the third quarter of the year Samsung remained the market leader, with a share of 21.2 percent. The second position is occupied by Apple with a share of 15.9 percent, the third – Oppo, which received 15.7 percent. Chinese manufacturers Xiaomi and Oppo follow, with shares of 13.7 and 10.5 percent, respectively. Analysts predict that thanks to the Christmas sales and consumer interest in the iPhone 13 lineup, Apple will come out on top by the end of the year for the supply of smartphones. In this case, Samsung will take the second position, the rest of the brands will remain in the same places. TrendForce sources also reported that in the first half of 2022 Apple will strengthen its position in the segment

Apple's leadership in the smartphone market predicted

TrendForce: Apple Ranks # 1 in Smartphone Shipments in Q4 segment. This was reported in the report of the analytical company TrendForce. According to experts, in the third quarter of the year Samsung remained the market leader, with a share of 21.2 percent. The second position is occupied by Apple with a share of 15.9 percent, the third – Oppo, which received 15.7 percent. Chinese manufacturers Xiaomi and Oppo follow, with shares of 13.7 and 10.5 percent, respectively. Analysts predict that thanks to the Christmas sales and consumer interest in the iPhone 13 lineup, Apple will come out on top by the end of the year for the supply of smartphones. In this case, Samsung will take the second position, the rest of the brands will remain in the same places. TrendForce sources also reported that in the first half of 2022 Apple will strengthen its position in the segment

Having been married 11 times, a woman managed to maintain faith in love

A woman who always believed in love survived 11 divorces and met a new lover A woman named Monet who survived 11 divorces met a new lover. The story of the 11-time-married American is published by The Sun. The 52-year-old woman said that she always believed in love and got married for the first time right after leaving school. Soon the couple divorced, and Monet met a second husband. The marriage did not last long, but after the divorce the lovers decided to try again and got married again. Related materials 00:01 – April 4 The Polygamist King How an African ruler recruits a harem and buys planes while his people suffer from poverty 00:03 – March 7 was able to have five wives and 25 children and still maintain love in the family? The woman's fourth husband had children from a previous marriage, and over time she realized that

Russian timber exports are under threat

The closure of the checkpoint on the border with China may hit the export of Russian timber , will hit the export of Russian timber, Kommersant reports. A lot of timber cargo goes through the checkpoint on the border with China. Last year 6.13 million tons of forest passed through Zabaikalsk, 3.96 million tons – through Grodekovo. These are the largest border crossings for the export of Russian timber products. The termination of the acceptance of timber through them jeopardizes part of the export, experts say. The eastern border crossings account for about 20-22 percent of the total volume of supplies in the eastern direction. Sources of the publication note that the crossings were already unable to cope with the passage of goods. Now the blocked cargo can be redirected to the congested ports of the Far East, which will aggravate the situation there. China has closed the Grodekovo-Suifenhe and

Russian timber exports are under threat

The closure of the checkpoint on the border with China may hit the export of Russian timber , will hit the export of Russian timber, Kommersant reports. A lot of timber cargo goes through the checkpoint on the border with China. Last year 6.13 million tons of forest passed through Zabaikalsk, 3.96 million tons – through Grodekovo. These are the largest border crossings for the export of Russian timber products. The termination of the acceptance of timber through them jeopardizes part of the export, experts say. The eastern border crossings account for about 20-22 percent of the total volume of supplies in the eastern direction. Sources of the publication note that the crossings were already unable to cope with the passage of goods. Now the blocked cargo can be redirected to the congested ports of the Far East, which will aggravate the situation there. China has closed the Grodekovo-Suifenhe and

The Investigative Committee stood up for the mortgage owner who lost her apartment with children

The head of the IC Bastrykin instructed to restore the housing rights of a mother with many children from Tyumen violation of the rights of a mother with many children from Tyumen, who lost her apartment due to a mortgage debt. This was reported on the department's website. As noted in the message, Bastrykin instructed the head of the regional department of the IC “to immediately organize an investigation into the violation of the rights of a mother with many children and report on all the circumstances of the incident.” In addition, he demanded to take exhaustive measures to restore the rights of women. Earlier it was reported that in Tyumen they wanted to evict a large family from a mortgage apartment: after the divorce and the start of the pandemic, a home buyer, a woman named Natalya, faced financial difficulties. The bank refused to restructure the debt and did

The Investigative Committee stood up for the mortgage owner who lost her apartment with children

The head of the IC Bastrykin instructed to restore the housing rights of a mother with many children from Tyumen violation of the rights of a mother with many children from Tyumen, who lost her apartment due to a mortgage debt. This was reported on the department's website. As noted in the message, Bastrykin instructed the head of the regional department of the IC “to immediately organize an investigation into the violation of the rights of a mother with many children and report on all the circumstances of the incident.” In addition, he demanded to take exhaustive measures to restore the rights of women. Earlier it was reported that in Tyumen they wanted to evict a large family from a mortgage apartment: after the divorce and the start of the pandemic, a home buyer, a woman named Natalya, faced financial difficulties. The bank refused to restructure the debt and did

Mortality in Russia over the past year has become a record since the war

“Vedomosti”: the mortality rate for the year exceeded 2.4 million, this is the worst indicator since 1945 Mortality in Russia over the last year, from December 2020 to 2021, became a record and exceeded 2.4 million people. This is the worst indicator since the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Such an estimate of the number of deaths was given by Vedomosti. Natural population decline, excluding migration, exceeded the mark of 990,000 thousand. The previous record for the number of deaths was recorded in 2003, when the number of deaths was 2.37 million.

German competitor overtook Tesla

Volkswagen overtook Tesla in sales of electric vehicles in Europe Tesla lost the competition in Europe to automaker Volkswagen. The German giant has surpassed it in sales of electric vehicles in the European region and in the first half of 2021 took 26 percent of the market. Volkswagen is playing into the hands of brand awareness, local production and lower prices, CNBC reports.

An emergency regime was introduced in a Russian city due to heavy snowfall

An emergency situation was introduced in Khabarovsk due to heavy snowfall on Wednesday, December 1, heavy snowfall. This was reported on the website of the mayor's office. The Khabarovsk mayor's office noted that employees of management companies were involved in cleaning the snow in the yards. Snow removed from the roadway is taken to designated landfills. Deputy Mayor of the city for industry, transport, communications and work with law enforcement agencies of the Khabarovsk administration, Alexander Prokhorets, explained that now two snow plows are in operation. One is located in the Industrial area, the other – in the ash disposal area.