Agutin spoke about changes in the behavior of Gradsky before his death

Agutin noticed that before his death Gradsky began to praise him often and stopped criticizing Singer Leonid Agutin came to the farewell ceremony with musician Alexander Gradsky in Moscow. The artist told reporters that before his death there had been changes in the composer's behavior, his words were published by Zvezda on its Telegram channel. According to Agutin, he noticed that Gradsky began to praise him often and almost stopped criticizing – the singer found it strange. “In the end, I began to praise often, I think, not for good. He praises everything, praises, almost does not swear. Weird. “I praise, but don't relax” – this has always been the case, “he admitted. Earlier, Agutin told about his last message to Gradsky, which he left unanswered. Narodny Russian artist, singer and composer Alexander Gradsky was admitted to the hospital with suspected stroke. On the night of November 28, he died

A jacket with a thong for 124 thousand rubles amused the Russians

Netizens reacted ambiguously to the cut of the jacket-bodysuit of the luxury brand Mugler Corresponding comments appeared on the Instagram account of Modnaya Zheleza. This is a double-breasted jacket-bodysuit made of black wool, the lower part of which is made in the form of a thong. In addition, the item is framed with a wide neckline that exposes the model's back. The footage shows that the girl is wearing a jacket over her naked body. The cost of the goods on the brand's website is $ 1,690 (124 thousand rubles). Commentators were ambivalent about the unusual cut of the wardrobe item, which they began to express under the published photograph. “What a thoughtful option for a home office!”, “Where have they seen such bodies when it’s all over?” “Inconvenient for Russians”, “She's not cold?” – wrote the users. In November, netizens made fun of the ridiculous basketball sweater. Kyle Kuzma

Agutin spoke about changes in the behavior of Gradsky before his death

Agutin noticed that before his death Gradsky began to praise him often and stopped criticizing Singer Leonid Agutin came to the farewell ceremony with the musician in Moscow. The artist told reporters that before his death there had been changes in the composer's behavior, his words were published by Zvezda on its Telegram channel. According to Agutin, he noticed that Gradsky began to praise him often and almost stopped criticizing – the singer found it strange. “In the end, I began to praise often, I think, not for good. He praises everything, praises, almost does not swear. Weird. “I praise, but don't relax” – this has always been the case, “he admitted. Earlier, Agutin told about his last message to Gradsky, which he left unanswered. Narodny Russian artist, singer and composer Alexander Gradsky was admitted to the hospital with suspected stroke. On the night of November 28, he died without

A jacket with a thong for 124 thousand rubles amused the Russians

Netizens reacted ambiguously to the cut of the jacket-bodysuit of the luxury brand Mugler Corresponding comments appeared on the Instagram account of Modnaya Zheleza. This is a double-breasted jacket-bodysuit made of black wool, the lower part of which is made in the form of a thong. In addition, the item is framed with a wide neckline that exposes the model's back. The footage shows that the girl is wearing a jacket over her naked body. The cost of the goods on the brand's website is $ 1,690 (124 thousand rubles). Commentators were ambivalent about the unusual cut of the wardrobe item, which they began to express under the published photograph. “What a thoughtful option for a home office!”, “Where have they seen such bodies when it’s all over?” “Inconvenient for Russians”, “She's not cold?” – wrote the users. In November, netizens made fun of the ridiculous basketball sweater. Kyle Kuzma

Reasons for the FSB searches in the Orenburg morgue revealed

The FSB detained the chief forensic scientist of the Orenburg region for business on the bodies of the dead This was announced on Wednesday, December 1, to by the official representative of the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Radik Galimov. The TFR opened a criminal case against the detainee under Article 285 (“Abuse of official powers” ) Of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation based on the materials of the FSB. As part of the investigation of the case, searches were carried out in the expert institution and its structural divisions, including the morgue, as well as at the place of residence of the suspect. According to a source of in law enforcement agencies, we are talking about Andrei Gromov. He and his accomplices created a whole business on the bodies of the dead – they forced the relatives of the deceased to

Reasons for the FSB searches in the Orenburg morgue revealed

The FSB detained the chief forensic scientist of the Orenburg region for business on the bodies of the dead This was announced on Wednesday, December 1, to by the official representative of the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Radik Galimov. The TFR opened a criminal case against the detainee under Article 285 (“Abuse of official powers” ) Of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation based on the materials of the FSB. As part of the investigation of the case, searches were carried out in the expert institution and its structural divisions, including the morgue, as well as at the place of residence of the suspect. According to a source of in law enforcement agencies, we are talking about Andrei Gromov. He and his accomplices created a whole business on the bodies of the dead – they forced the relatives of the deceased to

Lavrov said about “impudent” Kiev

Foreign Minister Lavrov: Kiev is becoming more and more arrogant in its aggressiveness Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said about “impudent” Ukraine, RIA Novosti reports. Lavrov recalled that the Foreign Ministry recently published his correspondence with colleagues from France and Germany, who have promised to influence Kiev for many years, but nothing happens. “On the contrary, Kiev is becoming more and more impudent, I would say, in its aggressiveness towards the Minsk agreements , in relation to the Russian Federation and in its attempts to provoke the West to support its militant aspirations, “Lavrov said. Earlier, the Foreign Minister said that the West has been provoking Ukraine into anti-Russian actions for several years, and Kiev may break on military adventures. “If the West cannot keep Ukraine, but, on the contrary, encourages it, of course, we will take all the necessary steps to reliably ensure our security,” Lavrov stressed. In November,

Lavrov said about “impudent” Kiev

Foreign Minister Lavrov: Kiev is becoming more and more arrogant in its aggressiveness Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said about “impudent” Ukraine, RIA Novosti reports. Lavrov recalled that the Foreign Ministry recently published his correspondence with colleagues from France and Germany, who have promised to influence Kiev for many years, but nothing happens. “On the contrary, Kiev is becoming more and more impudent, I would say, in its aggressiveness towards the Minsk agreements , in relation to the Russian Federation and in its attempts to provoke the West to support its militant aspirations, “Lavrov said. Earlier, the Foreign Minister said that the West has been provoking Ukraine into anti-Russian actions for several years, and Kiev may break on military adventures. “If the West cannot keep Ukraine, but, on the contrary, encourages it, of course, we will take all the necessary steps to reliably ensure our security,” Lavrov stressed. In November,

Having been married 11 times, a woman managed to maintain faith in love

A woman who always believed in love survived 11 divorces and met a new lover A woman named Monet, who survived 11 divorces met a new lover. The story of the 11-time-married American is published by The Sun. The 52-year-old woman said that she always believed in love and got married for the first time right after leaving school. Soon the couple divorced, and Monet met a second husband. The marriage did not last long, but after the divorce the lovers decided to try again and got married again. Related materials 00:01 – April 4 The Polygamist King How an African ruler recruits a harem and buys planes while his people suffer from poverty 00:03 – March 7

В России выявили 32 837 новых случаев заражения коронавирусом за сутки

МОСКВА, 1 декабря. /ТАСС/. Число подтвержденных случаев заражения коронавирусом в России возросло за сутки на 32 837. Общее количество инфицированных увеличилось до 9 669 718, следует из данных федерального оперативного штаба по борьбе с новым заболеванием, опубликованных в среду. В относительном выражении прирост составил 0,34%. Новые 2 419 случаев выявлены в Санкт-Петербурге, 2 008 в Московской области, 904 в Самарской области, 868 в Краснодарском крае, 741 в Воронежской области. В настоящее время болеют 1 028 367 человек. Число вылечившихся после коронавируса россиян возросло за сутки на 35 679. Всего уже выздоровели 8 364 932 человека. Доля выписанных пациентов, согласно данным штаба, осталась на уровне 86,5% от общего числа заразившихся. За сутки выписаны по выздоровлению 2 769 пациентов в Санкт-Петербурге, 2 013 в Московской области, 1 512 в Челябинской области, 1 101 в Краснодарском крае, 873 в Республике Крым. Число летальных исходов из-за коронавируса за сутки возросло на 1 226 против 1 229 днем ранее. Всего с начала пандемии умерли 276 419 пациентов. Условная летальность заболевания (окончательную можно будет определить только после завершения эпидемии) составляет 2,86%, следует из данных штаба. За сутки также умерли 59 пациентов в Санкт-Петербурге, 47 в Московской области, 42 в Краснодарском крае, 39 в Воронежской области, 39 в Нижегородской области. Ситуация в Москве Число