Channel One was accused of releasing the show “Two Stars” without a license

The owner of the Two Stars format accused Channel One of broadcasting the show without a license licenses. In a letter of claim from the copyright holder of the Banijay Group format, it is said that the channel aired a new season of the show without receiving permission to broadcast, Vedomosti writes. The owner of the Two Stars show format Banijay Group sent channel to Konstantin Ernst a letter of claim due to the airing of the sixth season of the program “Two stars. Fathers and Sons”. It notes that neither the Banijay Group itself, nor the owner of the exclusive license for the production of the group's formats in Russia, “White Media” gave the channel permission to use the program format in the new season. Channel One did not buy the corresponding license to broadcast the program from the copyright holders, the letter says. Earlier, Endemol, the owner of

Russians have listed the most unfortunate gifts for the New Year

According to the SuperJob survey, the most unnecessary gifts were robes and socks Russians have listed things they would not like to receive as a gift for the New Year. This is reported by Gazeta.Ru with reference to a study conducted by the SuperJob service. It is known that the survey was conducted from November 9 to 18, 2021 among 1600 respondents over 18 years old from all districts of Russia. According to its results, the most unsuccessful gifts were “unnecessary” wardrobe items, namely: T-shirts, robes and socks. Five percent of the respondents came to this conclusion. Various souvenirs were in second place in the rating: candles, statuettes, symbols of the year, magnets, key rings – they were named by four percent of the respondents. In addition, three percent of voters considered kitchen utensils and utensils to be an unsuccessful gift. Among them are mugs, salt shakers and cutlery. At

Catastrophic changes in the Arctic predicted due to warming

Nature Communication: Snowfall in the Arctic will be replaced by rain due to warming This is the conclusion reached by an international team of scientists based on improved models. The results of the study are presented in an article published in the journal Nature Communication. It is known that the Arctic region heats up much faster than the rest of the planet, as a result of the melting of sea ice, which saturates the air with water vapor and is likely to lead to a significant increase in precipitation. Now scientists have shown that the transition from annual precipitation with a predominance of snowfalls to precipitation with a predominance of rain will occur one or two decades earlier, if the current rate of carbon dioxide emissions continues. On the other hand, if the goal can be achieved. Of the Paris Agreement and to keep the rise in global temperatures by

The Federation Council explained the recognition of Crimea by Belarus

Senator Tsekov: Lukashenko made an absolutely correct decision, recognizing Crimea as Russian President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko made an absolutely correct decision when he recognized Crimea as Russian. This was stated in an interview with by a member of the Federation Council Sergei Tsekov. The senator explained that Lukashenko had recently felt the hostility of Ukraine towards Belarus, after which he realized that Kiev was treating Crimea in the same way. “The fact that Lukashenka actually recognized Crimea as an integral part of Russia makes us very happy. (…) The time has come? He appreciated everything, made an absolutely correct decision on Crimea, ”said a member of the Federation Council. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko recognized Crimea as Russian de facto and de jure. He also spoke about his visit to the peninsula. According to the head of state, a trip there together with Russian President Vladimir Putin will

Археологи нашли самое древнее в Евразии украшение

Люди современного вида начали расселение по Центральной и Западной Европе около 42000 лет назад. Примерно к этому же времени относятся самые ранние находки артефактов из кости мамонта с нанесенными на них штрихами или геометрическими мотивами. Однако до сих пор большинство этих изделий трудно было однозначно отнести к украшениям, а также возникали вопросы с их точной датировкой. В новом исследовании его авторы, ученые из Института эволюционной антропологии Макса Планка в Германии, Болонского университета в Италии, Вроцлавского университета в Польше, Польского геологического института и Института систематики и эволюции Польской академии наук, приводят доказательства того, что найденный в пещере Стайня в Польше в 2010 году небольшой овальный предмет, выточенный из мамонтовой кости, — это древнейшее в Евразии личное украшение, которым пользовался один из первых представителей Homo sapiens на континенте. Ученые из России раскрыли одну из загадок скифского мира Кулон, как его называют исследователи, нашли вместе с инструментом из конской кости, известным как шило, и фрагментами костей. Первоначально весь комплекс находок датировали диапазоном от 42 до 37 тысяч лет. Сейчас авторы применили к кулону передовые методы радиоуглеродного датирования и уточнили его возраст. «Определение точного возраста этого украшения было основополагающим для идентификации его

State Duma deputy invites Lukashenko to Crimea for the anniversary of the referendum

State Duma Deputy Sheremet invited Lukashenko to Crimea on the eighth anniversary of reunification with the Russian Federation Alexander Lukashenko is expected in the republic at any time. However, as an honored guest, he should visit the peninsula on the eighth anniversary of reunification with Russia, RIA Novosti informs about the invitation. According to the deputy, the arrival of the head of the republic will be symbolic for the whole world, “how to respect and honor the democratic choice of people, and not punish with sanctions and blockades. ” At the same time, Sheremet noted that Lukashenka should not pay attention to threats and blackmail from Ukraine. “Recognition of Crimea is inevitable, no matter how hard the Ukrainian authorities and their Western partners try to resist,” he concluded. Earlier it became known that the President of Belarus recognized Crimea as Russian de facto and de jure. In addition, the head

AvtoVAZ raised prices for all Lada models

Prices for the entire Lada model range have grown by an average of three percent since December 1 the entire model range of Lada, on average the cost of cars increased by three percent. According to Drom, Lada Granta has risen in price by 28 thousand rubles, Lada Vesta – by 40 thousand rubles, and Lada Largus – by 32 thousand rubles. This is the seventh price increase since the beginning of the year. In total, since the beginning of 2021, Lada Granta has risen in price by 20 percent, Lada Vesta – by 23 percent, Lada Xray – by 21 percent, Lada Largus – by 24 percent. Earlier, the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, noted that AvtoVAZ increased the cost of cars by an average of 9-12 percent over the year, that is, at the level of competitors. According to the head of Rostec, the growth in the cost

Zakharova announced retaliatory measures after the expulsion of Russian diplomats from the United States

“We & nbsp; regard the US demand as a deportation and & nbsp; intend to respond accordingly. By & nbsp; 31 & nbsp; January 2022 & nbsp; g. Employees of the US Embassy in & nbsp; Moscow, who have been on a business trip for more than three years & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; should leave Russia; she said. According to & nbsp; she said, if the US does not & nbsp; give up the & nbsp; three-year restriction and & nbsp; does not & nbsp; compromise, the next American diplomatic workers will be sent to & nbsp; USA from & nbsp; Russia until & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; 22 & nbsp; g. “ Until & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; July next year, if Washington does not & nbsp; abandon the & nbsp; three-year rule and & nbsp; does & nbsp; compromise, workers

AvtoVAZ raised prices for all Lada models

Prices for the entire Lada model range have grown by an average of three percent since December 1 the entire model range of Lada, on average the cost of cars increased by three percent. According to Drom, Lada Granta has risen in price by 28 thousand rubles, Lada Vesta – by 40 thousand rubles, and Lada Largus – by 32 thousand rubles. This is the seventh price increase since the beginning of the year. In total, since the beginning of 2021, Lada Granta has risen in price by 20 percent, Lada Vesta – by 23 percent, Lada Xray – by 21 percent, Lada Largus – by 24 percent. Earlier, the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, noted that AvtoVAZ increased the cost of cars by an average of 9-12 percent over the year, that is, at the level of competitors. According to the head of Rostec, the growth in the cost

Ukraine offered NATO to strengthen sanctions against Russia

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba called on NATO to unite efforts to contain Russia Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba took part in a Foreign Ministers of NATO member states. This was reported by the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. He called for uniting the efforts of Ukraine and NATO to deter Russia “from further aggressive actions” and suggested that the NATO member states tighten sanctions against Moscow, as well as strengthen the defense capabilities of Kiev. Related materials00: 01 – April 16 “We have nowhere to retreat” DPR head Denis Pushilin – about the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection of Russians in Ukraine 17:26 – 23 November The DPR and Ukraine declare mutual shelling and are preparing for war. Why are Russia accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? “Ukraine is actively working with partners to implement a comprehensive containment package consisting of political,