Social institutions of the Moscow region were recognized as one of the best in Russia

The Moscow Region Center has become a leader in the competition of professional skills in social services The All-Russian competition of professional skills in the field of social services has ended. One of the winners was a social institution from the Moscow region. This was reported by the press service of the regional Ministry of Social Development. “The Center for Social Services and Rehabilitation” Zhuravushka “took first place in the All-Russian competition for professional skills in the field of social services in the nomination” Best Practice for the Development of Hospital-Replacing Technologies for Helping Children with Disabilities ” – said Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Region Irina Kaklyugina. Five more social institutions of the region became the winners of the competition. “The results of the competition confirm this. The center “Zhuravushka” has developed a unique technology for the rehabilitation of children at home. More than 200 disabled children pass

Russian Foreign Ministry ordered US embassy staff to leave Moscow

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ordered US Embassy employees working for three years or more to leave Russia by January 31 By January 31, 2022, US Embassy employees must leave Russia who have been in Moscow for more than three years. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, quoted by RIA Novosti. This is how the diplomat commented on Washington's demand against the employees of the Russian diplomatic mission in the United States. 27 Russian diplomats are to leave the country on January 30, and the same number will leave on June 30, 2022: that is, a total of 54 people. “We view the American demand precisely as expulsion and intend to react accordingly. By January 31, 2022, employees of the US Embassy, ​​who have been in Moscow for more than three years, should leave Russia, “Zakharova said. At the same time, the

Rospotrebnadzor questioned the relationship of the omicron strain and HIV

Rospotrebnadzor epidemiologist Pokrovsky: there is no evidence of a relationship between the omicron strain and HIV HIV infection. Vadim Pokrovsky, the head of the specialized research department of epidemiology and prevention of AIDS of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, doubted the hypothesis of some virologists. in the body of this person and therefore mutated. But it could have happened in a different way: a mutation occurred in one person, the next one was infected from him, a mutation also occurred there. And as a result, a lot has accumulated, “Pokrovsky said. He explained that the new strain was associated with HIV due to the fact that it appeared in South Africa, where the proportion of people with immunodeficiency is 20 percent. p> The specialist emphasized that HIV cannot be transmitted with the omicron strain. The new

In the Russian region, a migrant beat an alabai to death with a cobblestone

A migrant who entered someone else's dacha in the Kurgan region beat him to death with a cobblestone alabay with a cobblestone located on the site of alabay, according to the website of the regional investigation department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. According to the investigation, the man also beat the dog with a wooden board. The abuse of the animal was recorded by a camera located at the site. Two cases were opened against the 40-year-old migrant under Articles 139 and 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal entry into a home”; “Cruelty to animals”). “Soon the case on its merits will be considered by the court,” the message says. Earlier, a resident of Novouralsk beat a dog with a baseball bat near one of the residential high-rise buildings on Maxim Gorky Street. The footage published on the network shows how a man releases a

Akademovsky maniac Nikita Lytkin committed suicide in the Irkutsk colony

Source: Akademovsky maniac Nikita Lytkin committed suicide in the Irkutsk colony Nikita Lytkin, also known as Akademovsky maniac in a colony in the Irkutsk region. On Wednesday, December 1, a law enforcement source told “Early in the morning on December 1, the body of 28-year-old Nikita Lytkin was found in a special regime penal colony in the city of Angarsk,” said a source. In 2013, 17-year-old Lytkin was sentenced to 24 years in prison for six murders committed in the Irkutsk Academgorodok in 2010-2011. The Supreme Court later reduced this term to 20 years.

Akademovsky maniac Nikita Lytkin committed suicide in the Irkutsk colony

Source: Akademovsky maniac Nikita Lytkin committed suicide in the Irkutsk colony in a colony in the Irkutsk region. On Wednesday, December 1, a law enforcement source told “Early in the morning on December 1, the body of 28-year-old Nikita Lytkin was found in a special regime penal colony in the city of Angarsk,” said a source. In 2013, 17-year-old Lytkin was sentenced to 24 years in prison for six murders committed in the Irkutsk Academgorodok in 2010-2011. The Supreme Court later reduced this term to 20 years.

Lavrov declared the uselessness of laws on the recognition of Crimea

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: Belarus does not need to adopt additional laws on the recognition of Crimea no additional laws are required to recognize Crimea as part of the Russian Federation, TASS reports. The journalists asked the Foreign Minister what should be done to make Minsk formalize the recognition of Crimea. “You don't need to do anything for this … No laws need to be passed. Belarus has not just diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, but allied relations. But even for countries that do not have such a format of relations with the Russian Federation, no special legislative acts are required to be adopted, “Lavrov said. According to him, if a country interacts with Russia, then“ it should automatically recognize that Russia has its own territory “, which is subject to the powers of the Russian authorities. ” If it was not completely clear to someone there, then President

In the Russian region, a migrant beat an alabai to death with a cobblestone

A migrant who entered someone else's dacha in the Kurgan region beat an alabai to death with a cobblestone A migrant who made his way to a strange dacha in the Kurgan region beat an alabay who was on the site to death with a stone cobblestone, according to the website of the regional investigation department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. According to the investigation, the man also beat the dog with a wooden board. The abuse of the animal was recorded by a camera located on the site. Two cases were opened against the 40-year-old migrant under Articles 139 and 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal entry into a home”; “Cruelty to animals”). “Soon the case on its merits will be considered by the court,” the message says. Earlier, a resident of Novouralsk beat a dog with a baseball bat near one of the

The hurricane knocked down the main tree of Russia

A hurricane knocked down a 198-year-old oak tree at the Ivan Turgenev Museum-Reserve In the area, a hurricane knocked down an oak tree that was planted by the writer 198 years ago. This is reported on the site of the reserve. The hurricane wind, reaching 30 meters per second, also knocked down several old spruce, ash, birch and trees in the old linden alley. “But the real tragedy was the fall of the Turgenev oak,” the message says. The oak was recognized as the main tree of Russia in 2021, and in 2022 it was supposed to participate in the competition “European Tree of the Year.” , and called the tree not just a landmark of the estate, but a symbol of love for the homeland. “To stand under his crown and bow to him – according to Turgenev's behest – people came from the farthest corners of Russia and

Lavrov declared the uselessness of laws on the recognition of Crimea

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: Belarus does not need to adopt additional laws on the recognition of Crimea Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said no additional laws are required to recognize Crimea as part of the Russian Federation, TASS reports. The journalists asked the Foreign Minister what should be done to make Minsk formalize the recognition of Crimea. “You don't need to do anything for this … No laws need to be passed. Belarus has not just diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, but allied relations. But even for countries that do not have such a format of relations with the Russian Federation, no special legislative acts are required to be adopted, “Lavrov said. According to him, if a country interacts with Russia, then“ it should automatically recognize that Russia has its own territory “, which is subject to the powers of the Russian authorities. ” If it was not completely