Former footballer of the Russian national team appealed to the police after death threats

Former football player of the national team Andrei Kanchelskis was threatened with reprisals because of the debts of “Navbahor” Kanchelskis turned to the police and said that he was threatened with reprisals because of the debts of the Uzbek club “Navbahor” to him. This was reported by the Telegram channel “Mutko against”. The incident took place on November 22 in the Moscow cafe “Oasis”. Three unknown persons in medical masks approached the ex-player of the national team and asked if he worked in Uzbekistan and whether he was really offered to pay 1.6 million euros for his work at the Navbahor football club. After positive answers to these questions, threats began to sound against the athlete. The men offered the man to agree to the payment of only 80 thousand euros. In case of refusal, the unknown promised to “make him disabled.” The footballer did not agree to the conditions.

Poll: most Ukrainian citizens do not want Zelensky's second term

“The majority of respondents (58.2%) do not & nbsp; support Zelensky to run for a second term. Supports & nbsp; & mdash; 34.3% & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; according to a poll published on the & nbsp; KIIS website on & nbsp; Wednesday. In addition, according to the & nbsp; poll data, more than half of Ukrainians (51.6%) believe that & nbsp; Zelenskiy & nbsp; in & nbsp; case of invasion & nbsp; RF & raquo; not & nbsp; will not be an effective supreme commander in chief, but & nbsp; 35.9% of respondents believe that & nbsp; will. The survey was conducted by telephone interviews from & nbsp; 26 to & nbsp; 29 & nbsp; November, 1203 respondents were interviewed living in & nbsp; all regions of the country, with the exception of the Donbass territories not controlled by Kiev. The statistical error does not & nbsp; exceed

Russian economy predicted unexpected gains

The World Bank improved its forecast for Russia's GDP growth in 2021 to 4.3 percent percent, the World Bank predicts in its new report, which is at the disposal of “”. At the same time, the success of the Russian economy is assessed more optimistically than before: according to the May forecast, it was expected that Russia's GDP growth by the end of the year would amount to 3.2 percent. By the middle of the year, economic activity in Russia exceeded the pre-pandemic peak of 2019. According to the organization, in the second quarter of 2021, GDP growth accelerated (plus 3.5 percent over the previous quarter), and output recovered to pre-pandemic levels. According to analysts, the improvement in indicators is primarily associated with a sharp rise in consumer demand. The services, retail and transportation sectors have contributed most to economic growth. Removing some of the covid restrictions allowed Russians to

Zakharova responded to Britain's words about the “Russian threat”

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova: London is hiding behind Russia to increase military power Nick Carter's Great Britain on the “Russian threat” – wild and vague. reports the diplomat's response. Related materials 00:02 – October 13 “Sanctions are for life” The US threatens Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? 00: 02 – July 6 Wars for naval domination are a thing of the past. beyond the straits and channels? “It can be concluded that the general message of the British military is to re-present our country as a key factor allegedly pushing London to increase the modernization of its own military power,” Zakharova said. In her opinion, Great Britain is hiding behind imaginary threats emanating from Russia in order to justify an increase in the military budget. Zakharova also stressed that the Russian Foreign Ministry is not engaged in inciting conflicts, but in negotiations and maintaining

Russian economy predicted unexpected gains

The World Bank improved its forecast for Russia's GDP growth in 2021 to 4.3 percent percent, the World Bank predicts in its new report, which is at the disposal of “”. At the same time, the success of the Russian economy is assessed more optimistically than before: according to the May forecast, it was expected that Russia's GDP growth by the end of the year would amount to 3.2 percent. By the middle of the year, economic activity in Russia exceeded the pre-pandemic peak of 2019. According to the organization, in the second quarter of 2021, GDP growth accelerated (plus 3.5 percent over the previous quarter), and output recovered to pre-pandemic levels. According to analysts, the improvement in indicators is primarily associated with a sharp rise in consumer demand. The services, retail and transportation sectors have contributed most to economic growth. Removing some of the covid restrictions allowed Russians to

Russians set a record for spending

World Bank: Consumption in Russia Shows the Most Growth in Ten Years showed the largest quarterly growth over the past decade, follows from the World Bank report, which is at the disposal of “”. Consumption from April to June was nine percent higher than from January to March. Experts from the World Bank associate the record in spending with the implementation of deferred demand (postponed indefinitely the intention to make a purchase) after the weakening of covid restrictions. When restrictive measures were in force in the country, residents earned less and went to stores less often, and in the second quarter, circumstances allowed them to dispose of funds more freely. the energy sector and the development of domestic tourism due to outbound restrictions. It is the growth in consumer demand that has led to the fact that the economic activity of Russians has already exceeded the previous maximum set in

Russians set a record for spending

World Bank: Consumption in Russia showed the highest growth in ten years showed the largest quarterly growth over the past decade, follows from the World Bank report, which is at the disposal of “”. Consumption from April to June was nine percent higher than from January to March. Experts from the World Bank associate the record in spending with the implementation of deferred demand (postponed indefinitely the intention to make a purchase) after the weakening of covid restrictions. When restrictive measures were in force in the country, residents earned less and went to stores less often, and in the second quarter, circumstances allowed them to dispose of funds more freely. the energy sector and the development of domestic tourism due to outbound restrictions. It is the growth in consumer demand that has led to the fact that the economic activity of Russians has already exceeded the previous maximum set in

The main risks of the Russian economy are identified

The World Bank has linked the main risks of the Russian economy to the pandemic and inflation Russia's economic growth is threatened by the risks associated with the coronavirus pandemic and inflation. This is stated in a new report by the World Bank. The document was received by The low level of vaccination of the population can lead to new covid restrictions and thereby reduce the economic activity of Russians, and the likely increase in the rate by the Central Bank will slow down GDP growth, according to the organization. In the fall of 2021, Russia was swept by a new wave of COVID-19, which has already slowed economic growth after the summer take-off, mainly in regions with low vaccination rates. Another outbreak required new restrictive measures, for example, the introduction of non-working days in October-November. The risks are increased by the spread of the new omicron strain, which

The State Duma was delighted with the new album of Oksimiron

Deputy Drapeko was delighted with the release of the new album of rapper Oksimiron Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Culture Elena Drapeko , real name – Miron Fedorov) is releasing a new album. She confessed this to the radio station “Moscow Says” on Wednesday, December 1. “I am very glad that Oksimiron is releasing her new album, because, as far as I remember, probably for ten years we have not had such news was “, – said Drapeko. The MP wished the hip-hop artist success and good luck. “I'm sorry, I don't belong to the generation that listens to rappers,” Drapeko complained, assuring that she would try to listen to the artist's third studio disc. Earlier, Drapeko said that Oksimiron did not use the lyrics of his songs to the propaganda of narcotic substances. The release of the third studio album of Oksimiron, the name of

Israel postpones opening of borders for Russian tourists

Israel has postponed the date of opening borders for tourists due to the omicron strain of COVID-19 The Israeli authorities have postponed the issue of opening borders for Russian travelers in order to prevent the omicron strain of COVID-19 from entering the country. “Moskovsky Komsomolets” writes about this. So, on Tuesday, November 30, the republican ministerial commission on combating coronavirus at an emergency meeting decided to close the borders for tourists for 14 days. At the same time, it is clarified that the entry of foreigners into the country is allowed only in emergency cases. To do this, they will need to obtain permission approved by a special commission on exceptions. Earlier it was reported that Israel planned to open to Russian tourists on December 1. Until that time, the country was going to announce the recognition of the Sputnik V vaccine. Israeli Tourism Minister Yoel Razvozov named the necessary