Gradsky's son hinted at attempts to take away the theater founded by the artist from the family

The son of Alexander Gradsky said that he did not know about the future fate of the theater “Gradsky Hall” his family had the Gradsky Hall theater founded by his father. This is reported by the Super Telegram channel. According to the businessman and the musician, he cannot say anything about the further fate of the institution, but “apparently, some decision has already been made.” Gradsky Jr. said that he did not know whether it would be possible to preserve the troupe and the spirit of this theater. “In our country there is such a tendency: we love to receive very much. But Alexander Borisovich was still very fond of giving. He always said: “Tribute, you give more, and you will receive ten times more.” He lived in this place, “- said the son of Gradsky. He added that the Gradsky Hall belongs to the city, but his father invested

Former deputy mayor of Magnitogorsk detained for accepting bribes

In Magnitogorsk, former deputy mayor Valery Izmalkov was detained for bribes bribes in exchange for the transfer of municipal land to private ownership. This was reported on Wednesday, December 1, by the edition. According to the newspaper, Izmalkov transferred state land to a private individual in 2017 for a monetary reward. A criminal case was opened against the ex-deputy mayor under Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Taking a bribe by an official for illegal actions”). The investigation is requesting the arrest of the suspect and placing him in a pre-trial detention center. Valery Izmalkov from April 2009 to October 2019 held the position of Deputy Mayor for Property Issues. Prior to that, since 2005, he served as head of the legal department of the Magnitogorsk administration.

The State Duma commented on the pulling together of half of the Ukrainian army in Donbass

Deputy Chepa stated that by its actions Kiev violates the terms of the Minsk Agreement that by its actions Ukraine violates the terms of the Minsk Agreement. He gave such a comment in a conversation with the radio station “Moscow speaking”. “We are categorically concerned that Ukraine is pulling together its troops, and that the supply of weapons from a number of Western countries is increasing, that provocations on the border between Ukraine and the Donetsk Republic have become more frequent. and Luhansk, “- said the deputy. At the same time, he expressed concern about the escalation of the situation in some countries that Russia is allegedly creating a conflict situation on the border with Ukraine. The parliamentarian added that the Russian authorities are doing everything to avoid provocations. Earlier, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova announced that half of the Ukrainian army was being pulled

The Kremlin is confident in a joint visit to Crimea by Putin and Lukashenko

“It is obvious that & nbsp; now in & nbsp; Crimea is not & nbsp; the best time for & nbsp; such trips. Weather out of the & nbsp; row, yes & nbsp; and & nbsp; various climatic anomalies make themselves felt. But & nbsp; at & nbsp; I have no doubt that & nbsp; at & nbsp; at the right moment the two presidents will agree and & nbsp; will come to & nbsp; Crimea & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Peskov said. When & nbsp; this he & nbsp; clarified that & nbsp; for & nbsp; a trip is not & nbsp; is considered a & nbsp; specific city, a trip to & nbsp; Crimea is considered. & laquo; Of course, very An important statement was made yesterday by President Lukashenka about & nbsp; that & nbsp; in the & nbsp; perception of the Belarusian side, Crimea is

The reasons for the transfer of the Ukrainian army to Donbass are named

BVPA head Mikhailov: Kiev transferred its army to Donbass because of the meeting between Putin and Biden meetings of Russian and US Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. Thus, the West launched a global information provocation against Moscow for negotiations between the two leaders. The head of the Bureau of Military-Political Analysis (BVPA) Alexander Mikhailov named this reason to the TV channel 360. “From our point of view, now fanning the topic of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a global media provocation [against Russia], which is being played out by the West,” Mikhailov said. At the same time, the transfer of Ukrainian troops to Donbass is taking place for real, and the purpose of this maneuver is to provoke Russia to respond, he added. Related materials00: 02 – October 7 ” The crisis will come by spring “Zelensky gets rid of political competitors. Why won't this help him to retain

Venediktov named two of Lukashenko's trump cards in relations with Putin

Echo of Moscow editor-in-chief Venediktov: Lukashenka has two trump cards left in a conversation with Putin President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has two trumps conversation with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. They were named by the editor-in-chief of the radio station “Echo of Moscow” Alexei Venediktov, he is quoted by the Telegram-channel “Told on Echo.” … “This is such a plus, a bonus to Putin. And the second [trump card] is blocking the transit of energy resources through the territory of Belarus from Russia to Europe. In fact, this is also a bonus to Putin, because then the importance of Nord Stream-2 will sharply increase, through which these energy resources, which Lukashenka can cut off, can go. Again Putin is in the black, ”he added. The journalist believes that Lukashenka can still play these two aces, and when this happens, Russia and Putin will not be interested in him. Earlier 1

The reasons for the transfer of the Ukrainian army to Donbass are named

The head of the BVPA Mikhailov: Kiev transferred the army to Donbass because of the meeting between Putin and Biden meetings of Russian and US Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. Thus, the West launched a global information provocation against Moscow for negotiations between the two leaders. The head of the Bureau of Military-Political Analysis (BVPA) Alexander Mikhailov named this reason to the TV channel 360. “From our point of view, now fanning the topic of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a global media provocation [against Russia], which is being played out by the West,” Mikhailov said. At the same time, the transfer of Ukrainian troops to Donbass is taking place for real, and the purpose of this maneuver is to provoke Russia to respond, he added. Related materials00: 02 – October 7 ” The crisis will come by spring “Zelensky gets rid of political competitors. Why won't this help

Venediktov named two of Lukashenko's trump cards in relations with Putin

Editor-in-chief of “Echo of Moscow” Venediktov: Lukashenko has two trump cards left in a conversation with Putin President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has two trumps conversation with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. They were named by the editor-in-chief of the radio station “Echo of Moscow” Alexei Venediktov, he is quoted by the Telegram-channel “Told on Echo.” … “This is such a plus, a bonus to Putin. And the second [trump card] is blocking the transit of energy resources through the territory of Belarus from Russia to Europe. In fact, this is also a bonus to Putin, because then the importance of Nord Stream-2 will sharply increase, through which these energy resources, which Lukashenka can cut off, can go. Again Putin is in the black, ”he added. The journalist believes that Lukashenka can still play these two aces, and when this happens, Russia and Putin will not be interested in him. Earlier

90-kilogram girl revealed the secret of losing weight by 32 kilograms

The girl lost 32 kg in 11 months using an individual meal plan A resident of the Indian city of Vadodara, Gujarat state, lost 32 kilograms in 11 months and revealed the secret of losing weight. Her story is published by the Times of India. Prachi Zalani, 26, said she had long struggled with polycystic ovary syndrome. Despite the fact that the Indian woman took the necessary medications, the disease affected her health and body condition – she continued to gain weight. After the outbreak of the pandemic, the situation worsened – Zalani began to weigh 90 kilograms, realized that she could not continue this way, and decided to radically change her lifestyle and achieve a dream figure with the help of proper nutrition. Related materials00: 00 – April 13, 2018 < img src = "/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/133149901bc7c0e5605931016a670736.jpg" /> “Don't drink, don't smoke, don't watch porn” Indians quit ghee and became obsessed

90-kilogram girl revealed the secret of losing weight by 32 kilograms

The girl lost 32 kg in 11 months using an individual meal plan A resident of the Indian city of Vadodara, Gujarat state, lost 32 kilograms in 11 months and revealed the secret of losing weight. Her story is published by the Times of India. Prachi Zalani, 26, said she had long struggled with polycystic ovary syndrome. Despite the fact that the Indian woman took the necessary medications, the disease affected her health and body condition – she continued to gain weight. After the outbreak of the pandemic, the situation worsened – Zalani began to weigh 90 kilograms, realized that she could not continue this way, and decided to radically change her lifestyle and achieve a dream figure with the help of proper nutrition. Related materials00: 00 – April 13, 2018 < img src = "/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/333de4b193c9e91c15b6e002a70ba892.jpg" /> “Don't drink, don't smoke, don't watch porn” Indians quit ghee and became obsessed