The Russians were reminded of the rules for visiting Cyprus

ATOR: toughening of antiquarian measures in Cyprus will not affect Russian tourists This is reported by the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). It is clarified that since November 29, the Cypriot authorities have tightened antiquated restrictions – now children aged six years and older are required to wear masks, as well as present SafePass in printed or electronic form. In addition, from December 1, minors and unvaccinated citizens who have not completed vaccination must regularly undergo PCR testing or take express tests to receive SafePass. At the same time, the innovations do not apply to foreign tourists who enter Cyprus from CyprusFlightPass. With this document and wearing a mask, travelers can freely visit public places such as restaurants, museums, shopping centers and move around the resort. However, the CyprusFlightPass is valid for seven days starting from the date of arrival to the island. From the eighth day after

A taxi for anti-vaccinations appeared in the Russian city

A taxi for anti-vaccination users appeared in Kazan A taxi for anti-vaccination users appeared in the capital of Tatarstan after the introduction of mandatory QR codes for travel in public transport. reports on the mechanism of such a ride. Drivers began to pick up those who were not allowed into public transport without a QR code. On the streets, you can stop the car using a conventional sign – a raised hand and a mask on it. “Everything went online very quickly: chats appeared in Telegram, where motorists began to indicate the route of their trip, and passengers – to agree with them about the time and place of meeting,” said a resident of the Russian city. Each district of Kazan has its own chat room, and the audience of such communities ranges from 100 to 11 thousand people. At the same time, one of the residents of the

China predicted global green energy dominance

IEA: China to Lead in Renewable Energy Energy (VEI), analysts predicted. This is stated in the report of the International Energy Agency (IEA). According to the agency, in 2021 the PRC became the world leader in the implementation of renewable energy sources, and by 2026 the country will reach 1200 gigawatts of wind and solar power. In addition to China, the main drivers of green energy growth will be European countries, as well as the United States and India. The IEA indicated that in total in 2021, about 290 gigawatts of new renewable energy production capacity were commissioned worldwide, which was higher than the record levels of last year. The main sources of this power are solar panels and wind turbines. Analysts are confident that by 2026 REI will bypass fossil fuels and nuclear power combined in terms of capacity, and 95 percent of the global increase in energy production

The personal pilot of a pedophile businessman spoke about his flights with Clinton and Trump

Former Epstein pilot said Trump and Clinton flew the millionaire's private jet on the private jet of a pedophile businessman of US presidents Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and British Prince Andrew. This is reported by CNN. Related materials 00:01 – 17 August 2019 Death of a rich American pedophile in prison has become a mystery Millionaire Epstein was friends with the presidents of the United States. His suicide raises many questions00: 01 – December 17, 2019 Captain Shark against pedophiles But the perpetrators escaped trial The pilot spoke about this at the trial in the case of Gislaine Maxwell, Epstein's former assistant and mistress, who is called an accomplice in the crimes of the scandalous businessman. In particular, she is charged with aiding in sexual violence and human trafficking, which Epstein was involved in. According to Visoski, Epstein introduced passengers to him when he flew with them, and when the

Ученые рассказали, как обеззаразить одноразовую маску

Исследователи в США изобрели простой и быстрый способ продезинфицировать одноразовую защитную маску. Они определили, что нагревание хирургической маски в обычной духовке с температурой 70 градусов Цельсия в течение пяти минут убивает более 99,9% вирусов, включая SARS-CoV-2. При этом сама маска не теряет своих защитных качеств и может быть использована еще несколько раз. Исследователи также протестировали другие методы обеззараживания и выяснили, что не все из них работают так же хорошо. Например, ультрафиолет не так эффективен, потому что он не проникает в складки или щели, характерные для масок. Горячий пар может нарушить структуру маски, сделав ее непригодной. Химические дезинфицирующие средства также могут разрушать материал. Ученые отметили, что важно не нагревать маску слишком сильно. Уже при 125 градусах Цельсия начинается деформация фильтрующего слоя в масках, а при 160 он плавится. Суперскидки до -70% на электронику, модную одежду, обувь и многое другоеУзнать цены Анна Лысенко

The State Duma commented on the pulling together of half of the Ukrainian army in Donbass

Deputy Chepa said that by his actions Kiev violates the terms of the Minsk Agreement that by its actions Ukraine violates the terms of the Minsk Agreement. He gave such a comment in a conversation with the radio station “Moscow speaking”. “We are categorically concerned that Ukraine is pulling together its troops, and that the supply of weapons from a number of Western countries is increasing, that provocations on the border between Ukraine and the Donetsk Republic have become more frequent. and Luhansk, “- said the deputy. At the same time, he expressed concern about the escalation of the situation in some countries that Russia is allegedly creating a conflict situation on the border with Ukraine. The parliamentarian added that the Russian authorities are doing everything to avoid provocations. Earlier, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova announced that half of the Ukrainian army was being pulled

Gradsky's son hinted at attempts to take away the theater founded by the artist from the family

The son of Alexander Gradsky said that he did not know about the future fate of the Gradsky Hall theater his family had the Gradsky Hall theater founded by his father. This is reported by the Super Telegram channel. According to the businessman and the musician, he cannot say anything about the further fate of the institution, but “apparently, some decision has already been made.” Gradsky Jr. said that he did not know whether it would be possible to preserve the troupe and the spirit of this theater. “In our country there is such a tendency: we love to receive very much. But Alexander Borisovich was still very fond of giving. He always said: “Tribute, you give more, and you will receive ten times more.” He lived in this place, “- said the son of Gradsky. He added that the Gradsky Hall belongs to the city, but his father invested

Former deputy mayor of Magnitogorsk detained for accepting bribes

In Magnitogorsk, former deputy mayor Valery Izmalkov was detained for bribes bribes in exchange for the transfer of municipal land to private ownership. This was reported on Wednesday, December 1, by the edition. According to the newspaper, Izmalkov transferred state land to a private individual in 2017 for a monetary reward. A criminal case was opened against the ex-deputy mayor under Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Taking a bribe by an official for illegal actions”). The investigation is requesting the arrest of the suspect and placing him in a pre-trial detention center. Valery Izmalkov from April 2009 to October 2019 held the position of Deputy Mayor for Property Issues. Prior to that, since 2005, he served as head of the legal department of the Magnitogorsk administration.