Coronavirus outbreak gaining strength in China

Over the past day, 91 cases of coronavirus infection have been detected in northern China Over the past day, 113 coronavirus cases have been identified in China. Thus, the country has updated the record for the number of daily infections. This was announced by the State Health Committee of the People's Republic of China. Of this number, 22 cases were found in people who came to China from abroad. At the same time, the remaining 91 cases appeared in the Hulunbir urban district bordering Russia, located in the northern region of Inner Mongolia. Earlier, in the same district, Chinese doctors identified 21 cases, which indicates an outbreak of coronavirus that is gaining strength. In total, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to official figures, 98,824 people have been infected in China. Since the beginning of 2020, 4,636 Chinese have died from the coronavirus.

Coronavirus outbreak gaining strength in China

Over the past day, 91 cases of coronavirus infection have been detected in northern China Over the past day, 113 coronavirus cases have been identified in China. Thus, the country has updated the record for the number of daily infections. This was announced by the State Health Committee of the People's Republic of China. Of this number, 22 cases were found in people who came to China from abroad. At the same time, the remaining 91 cases appeared in the Hulunbir urban district bordering Russia, located in the northern region of Inner Mongolia. Earlier, in the same district, Chinese doctors identified 21 cases, which indicates an outbreak of coronavirus that is gaining strength. In total, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to official figures, 98,824 people have been infected in China. Since the beginning of 2020, 4,636 Chinese have died from the coronavirus.

Ukraine named the point of no return in relations with Belarus

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba: recognition of Crimea as part of the Russian Federation will become a point of no return Russia. Interfax-Ukraine reports this on Wednesday, December 1. “The potential recognition of the occupied Crimea by Belarus will be a point of no return in our bilateral relations, and we will act accordingly, because for us Crimea is not a field for compromises, “Kuleba said. The Foreign Minister said that Ukraine already considers Belarus a potential source of threat. “In fact, we now have a northern flank for the defense of our country,” he said. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko recognized Crimea as Russian de facto and de jure. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Minsk does not need to pass any additional laws to recognize Crimea as part of the Russian Federation.

Ukraine named the point of no return in relations with Belarus

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba: recognition of Crimea as part of the Russian Federation will become a point of no return Russia. Interfax-Ukraine reports this on Wednesday, December 1. “The potential recognition of the occupied Crimea by Belarus will be a point of no return in our bilateral relations, and we will act accordingly, because for us Crimea is not a field for compromises, “Kuleba said. The Foreign Minister said that Ukraine already considers Belarus a potential source of threat. “In fact, we now have a northern flank for the defense of our country,” he said. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko recognized Crimea as Russian de facto and de jure. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Minsk does not need to pass any additional laws to recognize Crimea as part of the Russian Federation.

Thousands of people will be forced to do tests for the omicron strain due to one infected

TV2 Nord: an omicron strain was found in a person who attended a concert with 2 thousand spectators A resident of Denmark found an omicron strain of coronavirus. This is the fifth case of this type of infection in the country. Over the weekend, the man attended a concert, which was attended by two thousand spectators, in connection with which each of them will be forced to do a PCR test for infection, according to TV2 Nord. This is a concert by Danish DJ Martin Jensen. which took place in Aalborg. Thousands of viewers will also have to retest on Friday, December 3rd. Special attention will be paid to those who have symptoms of coronavirus infection: they will have to comply with quarantine. At the same time, the director of the Aalborg Congress and Cultural Center Nikolai Holm noted that about 1.6 thousand people were at the concert itself, and

В Красноярске открыли самую длинную лестницу в России

КРАСНОЯРСК, 1 декабря. /ТАСС/. Лестницу на Торгашинский хребет, одно из популярных мест отдыха, открыли в Красноярске в среду. Ее протяженность составляет 1,2 км — это самая длинная лестница в России, говорится в сообщении пресс-службы губернатора края. В западной части Торгашинского хребта разработаны и промаркированы более 100 км туристских троп, однако добираться до них было проблематично из-за отсутствия обустроенных дорог и подъемов. «Лестница на Торгашинском хребте самая длинная в России: насчитывает 1 683 ступени, общая протяженность маршрута — 1 200 м, перепад высот — 240 м. Она начинается на территории лагеря “Гренада”, там оборудовали специальную площадку с навигацией, освещением, теплым бесплатным туалетом», — говорится в сообщении. Уточняется, что при возведении туристического объекта воздействие на природный ландшафт было минимальным. Реализация проекта позволила соединить две достопримечательности краевого центра — Торгашинский хребет и национальный парк «Красноярские Столбы» — в единый туристический кластер с общей сетью пешеходных троп. В следующем году планируется продолжить обустройство троп и видовых площадок. «Окрестности Красноярска — это уникальные ландшафты и великолепные смотровые площадки, в последние годы, когда мы их обустраиваем, они открываются и красноярцам, и гостям нашего города с новой стороны и становятся предметом гордости. Уверен, что эта лестница будет одной из самых популярных», — приводит пресс-служба слова губернатора Александра

The Russians were reminded of the rules for visiting Cyprus

ATOR: toughening of antiquated measures in Cyprus will not affect Russian tourists This is reported by the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). It is clarified that since November 29, the Cypriot authorities have tightened antiquated restrictions – now children aged six years and older are required to wear masks, as well as present SafePass in printed or electronic form. In addition, from December 1, minors and unvaccinated citizens who have not completed vaccination must regularly undergo PCR testing or take express tests to receive SafePass. At the same time, the innovations do not apply to foreign tourists who enter Cyprus from CyprusFlightPass. With this document and wearing a mask, travelers can freely visit public places such as restaurants, museums, shopping centers and move around the resort. However, the CyprusFlightPass is valid for seven days starting from the date of arrival to the island. From the eighth day after

A taxi for anti-vaccinations appeared in the Russian city

A taxi for anti-vaccination users appeared in Kazan A taxi for anti-vaccination users appeared in the capital of Tatarstan after the introduction of mandatory QR codes for public transport. reports on the mechanism of such a ride. Drivers began to pick up those who were not allowed into public transport without a QR code. On the streets, you can stop the car using a conventional sign – a raised hand and a mask on it. “Everything went online very quickly: chats appeared in Telegram, where motorists began to indicate the route of their trip, and passengers – to agree with them about the time and place of meeting,” said a resident of the Russian city. Each district of Kazan has its own chat room, and the audience of such communities ranges from 100 to 11 thousand people. At the same time, one of the residents of the city said

China predicted global green energy dominance

IEA: China to Lead in Renewable Energy Energy (VEI), analysts predicted. This is stated in the report of the International Energy Agency (IEA). According to the agency, in 2021 the PRC became the world leader in the implementation of renewable energy sources, and by 2026 the country will reach 1200 gigawatts of wind and solar power. In addition to China, the main drivers of green energy growth will be European countries, as well as the United States and India. The IEA indicated that in total in 2021, about 290 gigawatts of new renewable energy production capacity were commissioned worldwide, which was higher than the record levels of last year. The main sources of this power are solar panels and wind turbines. Analysts are confident that by 2026 REI will bypass fossil fuels and nuclear power combined in terms of capacity, and 95 percent of the global increase in energy production