Michael Jordan's Superyacht Interior Details Revealed

Michael Jordan's ship Joy for 5.9 billion rubles is equipped with eight cabins with mosaics NBA champion and two-time Olympic champion Michael Jordan. The relevant material appeared on the website of the publication. The 58-year-old star of the Chicago Bulls team is the owner of a 70-meter five-deck superyacht Joy worth 60 million pounds (5.9 billion rubles). It is known that the athlete acquired it in 2019. According to the publication, the vessel is equipped with eight cabins, each decorated with mosaics and equipped with a separate shower. The ceilings and bathrooms of the premises are finished with granite. In addition, each cabin offers a panoramic 270-degree ocean view. Joy can accommodate up to 12 guests and a crew of 19 at the same time. The yacht also features a bar, dining room, jacuzzi, gym and full-scale basketball court. Earlier in November, Steven Spielberg sold his Seven Seas superyacht for

Michael Jordan's Superyacht Interior Details Revealed

Michael Jordan's ship Joy for 5.9 billion rubles is equipped with eight cabins with mosaics NBA champion and two-time Olympic champion Michael Jordan. The relevant material appeared on the website of the publication. The 58-year-old star of the Chicago Bulls team is the owner of a 70-meter five-deck superyacht Joy worth 60 million pounds (5.9 billion rubles). It is known that the athlete acquired it in 2019. According to the publication, the vessel is equipped with eight cabins, each decorated with mosaics and equipped with a separate shower. The ceilings and bathrooms of the premises are finished with granite. In addition, each cabin offers a panoramic 270-degree ocean view. Joy can accommodate up to 12 guests and a crew of 19 at the same time. The yacht also features a bar, dining room, jacuzzi, gym and full-scale basketball court. Earlier in November, Steven Spielberg sold his Seven Seas superyacht for

Muscovites warned about the onset of 10-degree frost

Meteorologist Tishkovets: in Moscow, the air temperature at night will drop to minus 10 degrees up to minus 10 degrees. Meteorologist, leading specialist of the Phobos weather center, Yevgeny Tishkovets, gave such a warning about frost to the residents of the capital in his Instagram account. He noted that in the Moscow region thermometers will show up to minus 11 degrees at night. Tishkovets linked the sharp cold snap with the simultaneous effect of radiation cooling of the earth and the advection of colder air. The meteorologist admitted that the townspeople would feel the cold with greater force. “Because of the high relative humidity, the” Baltic syndrome “will work – it will seem in sensations that the ambient temperature is 3-4 degrees colder than it actually is,” he explained. Tishkovets recommended to residents of Moscow dress warmer in cold weather. Earlier, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia,

Национальный парк в Приморском крае показал соседей амурского тигра

Сотрудники Национального парка «Бикин» в Приморском крае опубликовали подборку фотографий, сделанных фотоловушками на их территории. Главный обитатель парка — амурский тигр — на снимки не попал, зато перед камерой покрасовались его многочисленные соседи. На фото можно полюбоваться на медведей, оленей, косуль, енотовидных собак, кабанов, рысей, куниц и других обитателей Национального парка. Екатерина Гура Еще больше интересного о животных

US threatens Russia with unprecedented sanctions over Ukraine

Under Secretary of State Nuland: The United States will impose sanctions against the Russian Federation, which did not exist before, because of Ukraine Washington may impose unprecedented sanctions against Russia in the event that Moscow takes any action aimed at destabilizing the situation in Ukraine. A similar reaction from the American side was threatened by US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, RIA Novosti reports. Earlier in December, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that the United States is always ready to take steps towards imposing sanctions against Russia due to situation near the border with Ukraine. At the same time, she stressed that Washington considers it necessary to discuss such decisions with its European allies. In November, The New York Times, citing American and European officials, reported that Russia was allegedly ready to invade Ukraine and time to thwart it, the Western states have little left. The attack

Russian doctor explains the nature of fatigue when infected with omicron strain

Doctor Bolibok: omicron fatigue is associated with impaired neuromuscular conduction tachycardia experienced by those infected. This is how the nature of this symptom was explained by the Russian allergist-immunologist Vladimir Bolibok in a conversation with Lenta.ru. “We can say that the point of application of the omicron is mucous membranes and neuromuscular conduction. It is often not very correct to say that a patient with a new strain is experiencing chronic fatigue. This is not entirely true; rather, it is a weakness, specifically muscle weakness, ”he said. The loss of taste and smell disappeared with the omicron.If the first Wuhan variant had as its most characteristic symptom a loss of smell and a violation of the perception of taste, then the delta strain already had more pronounced manifestations in the form of sore throat and disorders of the digestive system. But you need to understand that the symptoms associated with

Kazan will host free film screenings for the International Day of Disabled Persons

The Mir cinema will show free films for people with disabilities disabilities. This is reported by the local portal “Tatar Inform”. According to the publication, screenings of films timed to the International Day of Disabled Persons will be held in the city from 1 to 10 December. So, for example, on December 1, visitors will be shown a picture with tiflo-commentary and subtitles “The Ghost”, and on December 2 and 5 – the family drama “Spread Your Wings.” »About the hockey team Lokomotiv Yaroslavl. The screening will be completed by cartoons for children with sign language interpretation, namely: “Kid and Carlson”, “Winter in Prostokvashino” and “Little Thunder”. values. The heroes of these films face difficulties of irresistible force, but they come out victorious thanks to their willpower, “explained the head of Tatarkino, Milyausha Aituganova. It is known that the action will also be supported by the children's center” Ekiyat “,

Astrakhan Lake has become the “Treasure of Russia”

Lake Baskunchak in the Astrakhan region was celebrated at the competition “Treasures of Russia” “Treasures of Russia”. On Wednesday, December 1, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. As specified, the reservoir entered the top 5 in the category “Beach, health or recreational resort”. In particular, the lake was noted for the deposits of medicinal clays, which in their action and composition are similar to the mud of the Dead Sea. “We are working to create a hospitality industry in Astrakhan, to develop domestic and inbound tourism. In May, we presented to the Federation Council proposals on the creation of a cruise route along the Volga from Moscow to the Caspian Sea and the construction of a year-round sanatorium-resort complex “Baskunchak” – I am sure potential tourists will be interested in this “, – said the governor of the Astrakhan region Igor Babushkin, commenting on the results of the competition./p> Currently, a sanatorium is