Russian citizen who stabbed passengers and bus driver to be sent for treatment

The case of a Krasnoyarsk resident who attacked the driver and passengers of the bus with a knife has been sent to court a summer local resident who stabbed passengers and a commuter bus driver with a knife, he will be sent for compulsory treatment. This was reported on Wednesday, December 1, to by the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). According to the investigation, on July 15, a man boarded a regular bus from Krasnoyarsk to Minusinsk. On the way, it seemed to him that the passenger sitting next to him was dangerous, and he hit his neighbor several times with a tourist knife. After that, the accused walked through the cabin and stabbed the 50-year-old driver and 41-year-old passenger. From the scream of the injured woman, a passenger woke up and neutralized the armed man. At the time of the incident, there were 14

Russian citizen who stabbed passengers and bus driver to be sent for treatment

The case of a Krasnoyarsk resident who attacked the driver and passengers of the bus with a knife has been sent to court a summer local resident who stabbed passengers and a commuter bus driver with a knife, he will be sent for compulsory treatment. This was reported on Wednesday, December 1, to by the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). According to the investigation, on July 15, a man boarded a regular bus from Krasnoyarsk to Minusinsk. On the way, it seemed to him that the passenger sitting next to him was dangerous, and he hit his neighbor several times with a tourist knife. After that, the accused walked through the cabin and stabbed the 50-year-old driver and 41-year-old passenger. From the scream of the injured woman, a passenger woke up and neutralized the armed man. At the time of the incident, there were 14

NATO Secretary General called the idea of ​​the spheres of interests of Russia unacceptable

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg was glad that the alliance does not respect Russia's right to a sphere of influence Thesis that Russia has its own sphere of interests , is unacceptable and causes caution, since all of the country's neighbors are sovereign states. This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, TASS reports. Related materials 00:01 – April 16 “We have nowhere to retreat »DPR head Denis Pushilin – about the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection of Russians in Ukraine 17:26 – 23 November The DPR and Ukraine declare mutual shelling and are preparing for war. Why is Russia accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? “And this is the world we don't want to return to. A world in which large countries could impose restrictions on what sovereign independent nations could do, “the head of the alliance stressed. Stoltenberg was glad that NATO

The court recovered 317 thousand rubles from Sobol in favor of Prigozhin

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow recovered 317 thousand from Sobol for legal costs in favor of Prigozhin The Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK, included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent, recognized as an extremist organization and banned in Russia) Lyubov Sobol to recover legal costs from her in the amount of 317 thousand rubles. This was reported by the businessman's Telegram channel “Cap Prigogine.” expresses gratitude to the staff of the Tverskoy District Court for their high professionalism and the work done, “the channel said. Earlier, Prigozhin appealed to law enforcement agencies with a demand to attract Sobol for libel. According to him, in a video posted on YouTube, an FBK lawyer presented “false information that undermines the honor and dignity of Prigozhin.” in November 2020. In October of the same year, he filed a lawsuit for seven million rubles against

В Китае заявили об открытии антитела против всех штаммов SARS-CoV-2

При анализе антител к коронавирусу SARS-CoV-2, которые вырабатывались в людях, тяжело переболевших COVID-19, китайские молекулярные биологи обнаружили универсальное антитело 35B5, которое эффективно действует против всех штаммов этого коронавируса. Информация об этом открытии была опубликована в электронной библиотеке bioRxiv. На публикацию обратило внимание агентство ТАСС. «Полученные нами снимки показали, что молекула 35B5 связывается с той частью S-белка коронавируса, которая фактически не меняется по мере эволюции SARS-CoV-2. Это позволяет использовать данный участок не только для создания антител, но и разработки универсальной вакцины от всех штаммов коронавируса», — говорится в публикации. Антитело 35B5 обнаружили во время масштабного исследования, когда образцы антител брали из организмов тяжело переболевших COVID-19 людей и изучали, какие участки вируса они атакуют. Опыты показали, что 35B5 с одинаковой эффективностью боролось со штаммом «бета», так и со штаммом «дельта». Действие антитела уже проверили на мышах: оно защитило всех грызунов и от гибели и серьезных повреждений легких. В статье говорится, что антитела других типов, выбранные для эксперимента, не показали такой же эффективности против всех штаммов, их действие ослаблялось после мутации коронавируса.

Taliban seize checkpoint on border with Iran

Aamaj News: Taliban have taken two checkpoints in Nimroz province bordering with Iran ( a terrorist organization banned in Russia ) seized two Iranian checkpoints. This was reported by Aamaj News. Taliban forces took control of the Dost Mohammad and Bala Sia Cheshman checkpoints. The agency said the fighting between Iranian border guards and the Taliban was fierce. The footage from the scene shows how opponents are using artillery against each other. However, the agency received reports from the Iranian side that the news of the seizure of two Iranian checkpoints by the Taliban is a lie. Iranian media stated that the Taliban attack was repulsed and the checkpoints were again taken under Iranian control. According to Tehran's reports, the conflict has now been extinguished. Earlier it became known that the Taliban had pulled captured American Humvees and other heavy weapons to the site of the collision. In addition, it

The court recovered 317 thousand rubles from Sobol in favor of Prigozhin

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow exacted 317 thousand from Sobol for legal costs in favor of Prigozhin The Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK, included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent, recognized as an extremist organization and banned in Russia) Lyubov Sobol to recover legal costs from her in the amount of 317 thousand rubles. This was reported by the businessman's Telegram channel “Cap Prigogine.” expresses gratitude to the staff of the Tverskoy District Court for their high professionalism and the work done, “the channel said. Earlier, Prigozhin appealed to law enforcement agencies with a demand to attract Sobol for libel. According to him, in a video posted on YouTube, an FBK lawyer presented “false information that undermines the honor and dignity of Prigozhin.” in November 2020. In October of the same year, he filed a lawsuit for seven million rubles against

The State Duma announced the benefit of Zelensky in the aggravation in the Donbass

Deputy Borodai: the war in Donbass will write off the economic and social crisis to Zelensky The Ukrainian authorities are interested in aggravating the situation in Donbass, since the war will help them to blame it on the economic and social crises within the country. Deputy of the State Duma and former chairman of the council of ministers of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Boroday drew attention to internal Ukrainian problems as the reason for the transfer of the armed forces of Ukraine (AFU) to the contact line. This is reported by “There is a colossal economic and social crisis in Ukraine. Accordingly, both of these crises can spill over into a political crisis. You understand that this is a series of events, and the war, as they say, will write off everything, “Borodai said. Related materials00: 02 – October 7 “The crisis will come by spring” Zelensky

The State Duma announced the benefit of Zelensky in the aggravation in the Donbass

Deputy Borodai: the war in Donbass will write off the economic and social crisis to Zelensky The Ukrainian authorities are interested in aggravating the situation in Donbass, since the war will help them to blame it on the economic and social crises within the country. Deputy of the State Duma and former chairman of the council of ministers of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Boroday drew attention to internal Ukrainian problems as the reason for the transfer of the armed forces of Ukraine (AFU) to the contact line. This is reported by “There is a colossal economic and social crisis in Ukraine. Accordingly, both of these crises can spill over into a political crisis. You understand that this is a series of events, and the war, as they say, will write off everything, “Boroday said. Related materials00: 02 – October 7 “The crisis will come by spring” Zelensky

The US State Department called the conditions for Ukraine's accession to the EU and NATO

Deputy Head of the US State Department Nuland: Ukraine's path to the EU and NATO lies through reforms of the entire system In order to join NATO and the European Union (EU), Ukraine must undertake deep and comprehensive reforms of its entire system. Such conditions were named by the Deputy Head of the US State Department for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, RIA Novosti reports. Her words were heard at the Kiev Security Forum. “This requires deep and comprehensive reforms of your entire system. You have been working on many of these issues over the years, but there is still a lot of work ahead, ”said Nuland. She noted that Ukraine's path to the EU and NATO lies through economic reforms, free and independent judiciary and the fight against corruption. Earlier, she warned that Washington could impose unprecedented sanctions on Russia if Moscow takes any -or actions aimed at destabilizing the