The general made a deal with the investigation in the case of a scam for 1.6 billion rubles

“Kommersant”: General of the RF Armed Forces Ogloblin made a deal with the investigation into the theft GUS) of the Armed Forces (Armed Forces) of the Russian Federation, Major General Alexander Ogloblin concluded a pre-trial cooperation agreement with the investigation and testified against other officers in the case of a scam worth 1.6 billion rubles. This is reported by Kommersant. The serviceman fully admitted his guilt. He called the organizer of the fraudulent scheme the former Deputy Chief of the General Staff – Chief of the Main Administration of the Russian Federation Khalil Arslanov and the ex-head of the orders department for improving the technical basis of the control system of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel Pavel Kutakhov. General Ogloblin will be tried in the Moscow garrison military court in a special order, providing for the minimum punishment, since the defendant made a deal with the investigation. He is charged

Russian immunologist allowed the end of the pandemic after the outbreak of omicron

Immunologist Bolibok said that omicron will become a natural vaccine and save humanity Omicron strain of coronavirus can become a natural vaccine and save humanity. This was stated by the doctor allergist-immunologist Vladimir Bolibok, his words are quoted by the Telegram channel “Radiotochka NSN”. The expert believes that in the near future humanity will receive an outbreak of this strain. It spreads quickly, but at the same time, according to the doctor, does not cause serious consequences. “He will now run ahead of all other strains and immunize everyone. That is, it turned out like a natural vaccine, “the specialist said. Earlier, Vladimir Bolibok appreciated the opinion of international experts who believe that young people are more likely to get sick with the new COVID-19 strain omicron. He noted that a small number of elderly people live in the place of origin of the new strain, which influenced the prevailing

Moscow State University assessed the discovery of antibodies from all strains of coronavirus

Moscow State University assessed the discovery by Chinese biologists of antibodies against all strains of coronavirus the infection is constantly mutating. This is how the leading researcher of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Roman Zinovkin, assessed the discovery of Chinese scientists, Izvestia cites his words. “It would be really convenient if doctors had a“ magic injection ”, which cures for covid. However, it is worth considering that drugs based on monoclonal antibodies are quite expensive, “the scientist said, noting that such drugs are used for wealthy patients in extremely severe cases.

Moscow State University assessed the discovery of antibodies from all strains of coronavirus

The Moscow State University assessed the discovery by Chinese biologists of antibodies against all strains of coronavirus The 35B5 antibody discovered by Chinese molecular biologists acts against all existing strains of coronavirus, but the infection is constantly mutating. This is how the leading researcher of the laboratory of molecular biology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Roman Zinovkin, assessed the discovery of Chinese scientists, Izvestia quotes his words.

Kiriyenko announced the holding of the League of Lecturers every six months

Kiriyenko said that the League of Lecturers would be a permanent project The First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergei Kiriyenko announced that the League of Lecturers competition organized by the Russian society Znanie would be held on an ongoing basis every six months. “This project will definitely be permanent, applications for the spring“ League of Lecturers ”are being accepted today. Therefore, the one who did not manage to win the first time, but managed to reach the final, you can already apply for the spring “League of Lecturers” today, ”Kiriyenko quoted TASS as saying. “The most important thing is that we are moving on to create conditions so that the work of the lecturers of the Knowledge Society could take place throughout the entire territory of our country. Studios of the Znanie society are being created, which will allow creating modern content for working

Russian rescued from the flood 10 people will be awarded a medal

The Ministry of Emergency Situations will award a medal to a resident of the village of Pyatigorskaya for saving 10 people from the flood ten people from the flood that hit the southern coast of Russia in July 2021. Nikita Gavrilyak, the head of the press service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry's Main Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory, spoke about this on the air of the KP-Krasnodar radio. As the newspaper notes, the water began to heat the man's house when he was sleeping. At one o'clock in the morning, friends and neighbors began to call him with a request to shelter them – only the first floor in the Passage cottage was flooded. “Together with our neighbor Sergei, we went to save people. They took people out of the attic, water was up to my chest. He carried the children around his neck, and he himself prayed not to

Russian rescued from the flood 10 people will be awarded a medal

The Ministry of Emergency Situations will award a medal to a resident of the village of Pyatigorskaya for saving 10 people from the flood ten people from the flood that hit the southern coast of Russia in July 2021. Nikita Gavrilyak, the head of the press service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry's Main Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory, spoke about this on the air of the KP-Krasnodar radio. As the newspaper notes, the water began to heat the man's house when he was sleeping. At one o'clock in the morning, friends and neighbors began to call him with a request to shelter them – only the first floor in the Passage cottage was flooded. “Together with our neighbor Sergei, we went to save people. They took people out of the attic, water was up to my chest. He carried the children around his neck, and he himself prayed not to

An exhibition of mechanical dolls and antiques of the 18th-20th centuries will open in Kazan

On December 17, the Hermitage-Kazan Center will host an exhibition of mechanical dolls and antiques The Hermitage-Kazan Center The Kazan Kremlin will open an exhibition of mechanical dolls and antiques of the 18th-20th centuries. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Culture of Tatarstan. The exhibition is dedicated to rare exhibits from the funds of the largest private museum in Europe. It was created on the initiative of the Russian philanthropist David Yakobashvili and his son Mikhail and will be available for visiting from December 17. Thus, residents and guests of the Republic of Tatarstan will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the antique rarities collected over many years: automatons, self-playing musical instruments, mechanical dolls. It is noted that the art fund of the Museum “Collection” has more than 20 thousand exhibits, including mechanical musical instruments and objects, arts and crafts and watchmaking, fine arts, printed

Russian immunologist allowed the end of the pandemic after the outbreak of omicron

Immunologist Bolibok said that omicron will become a natural vaccine and save humanity The Omicron strain of coronavirus can become a natural vaccine and save humanity. This was stated by the doctor allergist-immunologist Vladimir Bolibok, his words are quoted by the Telegram channel “Radiotochka NSN”. The expert believes that in the near future humanity will receive an outbreak of this strain. It spreads quickly, but at the same time, according to the doctor, does not cause serious consequences. “He will now run ahead of all other strains and immunize everyone. That is, it turned out like a natural vaccine, “the specialist said. Earlier, Vladimir Bolibok appreciated the opinion of international experts who believe that young people are more likely to get sick with the new COVID-19 strain omicron. He noted that a small number of elderly people live in the place of origin of the new strain, which influenced the

An exhibition of mechanical dolls and antiques of the 18th-20th centuries will open in Kazan

On December 17, the Hermitage-Kazan Center will host an exhibition of mechanical dolls and antiques The Hermitage-Kazan Center The Kazan Kremlin will open an exhibition of mechanical dolls and antiques of the 18th-20th centuries. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Culture of Tatarstan. The exhibition is dedicated to rare exhibits from the funds of the largest private museum in Europe. It was created on the initiative of the Russian philanthropist David Yakobashvili and his son Mikhail and will be available for visiting from December 17. Thus, residents and guests of the Republic of Tatarstan will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the antique rarities collected over many years: automatons, self-playing musical instruments, mechanical dolls. It is noted that the art fund of the Museum “Collection” has more than 20 thousand exhibits, including mechanical musical instruments and objects, arts and crafts and watchmaking, fine arts, printed