Nikolay Drozdov explained the behavior of a bird in the Red Book in the Russian region

Residents of the Tula region noticed a red-headed gray-headed woodpecker Residents of Novomoskovsk noticed a gray-headed woodpecker introduced in the Red Book This is reported by TSN 24. A resident of the city said that his attention was attracted by the steady knocking of a woodpecker on the feeder. “Usually the middle spotted woodpecker comes to us for the third year, but he knows the feeder, takes the seeds carefully, in short, he does not vandalize, and in general is a cultured and intelligent bird – this one tried to open it, but as soon as I went to the window – immediately flew to a nearby tree “, – he noted. Specialist of the Tula exotarium Alexei Yevsyunin and a famous zoologist, host of the TV show” In the animal world “Nikolai Drozdov explained the behavior of the bird in the city. “The gray-headed woodpecker is much less common

Туры в Турцию за неделю подорожали более чем на 55%

Стоимость туров в Турцию с 23 по 29 ноября увеличилась на 55,18% в сравнении с неделей ранее. Об этом свидетельствуют данные Росстата. Неделей ранее — с 16 по 22 ноября — рост цен составил 4,7%, двумя неделями ранее — 0,5%. С начала года же туры в Турцию подорожали на 89,3%. Спрос на поездки в Турцию у россиян традиционно высок. Эта страна наряду с Кубой, ОАЭ, Мальдивами, Доминиканой и Египтом пользуется наибольшей популярностью для отдыха в новогодние праздники. Вместе с тем глава Роспотребнадзора Анна Попова ранее призвала россиян встретить Новый год дома, не выезжая за рубеж. Она подчеркнула, что высок риск заразиться. Кроме того, есть большая опасность застрять за границей из-за различных мер по борьбе с распространением нового штамма коронавируса «омикрон» в отдельно взятых странах.

Россияне рассказали, сколько денег им нужно для счастья

По данным опроса, эта сумма выросла на 12 тысяч рублей по сравнению с январем и стала самой высокой с 2017 года, когда респонденты указывали зарплату в 184 тысячи рублей в месяц. Мужчины назвали большую сумму, чем женщины — 203 тысячи против 155 тысяч. Запросы молодежи до 24 лет оказались ниже средних показателей — 126 тысяч в месяц. Среди городов на первом месте по ожиданиям стоят Москва и Владивосток. Запросы жителей здесь превысили 200 тысяч рублей. Наименьший показатель исследование выявило в Рязани и Оренбурге (140 и 138 тысяч, соответственно). Опрос проходил с 1 по 29 ноября 2021 года по всей России. В нем участвовали 2,5 тысячи человек в общем опросе и 19,5 тысячи респондентов из городов с населением более полумиллиона жителей. Ранее доцент кафедры статистики РЭУ им. Плеханова Ольга Лебединская рассказала, что с возрастом желаемая человеком зарплата увеличивается, и к 45 годам этот показатель может увеличиться на 50−60%.

RKN reaches out to VPN companies and agencies

Roskomnadzor announced the introduction of centralized control over VPN services Roskomnadzor (RKN) has asked companies and departments to notify Betternet, Lantern, X-VPN, Cloudflare WARP, Tachyon VPN and PrivateTunnel VPN services for uninterrupted operation. Companies using these VPNs should send information about their work to the Center for Monitoring and Control of the Public Communication Network (CMN SSOP), according to the agency's website. bypassing the restriction of information prohibited by law ”. In this regard, CMU SSOP will wait from companies for information on the use of VPN services – Betternet, Lantern, X-VPN, Cloudflare WARP, Tachyon VPN, PrivateTunnel – to ensure the work of technological processes of enterprises and organizations. Send data should be sent to the email address [email protected]. The letter must include the name of the organization, as well as contact information. On September 3, it was reported that RKN decided to block six VPN services that violate Russian

RKN reaches out to VPN companies and agencies

Roskomnadzor announced the introduction of centralized control over VPN services Betternet, Lantern, X-VPN, Cloudflare WARP, Tachyon VPN, and PrivateTunnel VPN services for smooth operation. Companies using these VPNs should send information about their work to the Center for Monitoring and Control of the Public Communication Network (CMN SSOP), according to the agency's website. bypassing the restriction of information prohibited by law ”. In this regard, CMU SSOP will wait from companies for information on the use of VPN services – Betternet, Lantern, X-VPN, Cloudflare WARP, Tachyon VPN, PrivateTunnel – to ensure the work of technological processes of enterprises and organizations. Send data should be sent to the email address [email protected]. The letter must include the name of the organization, as well as contact information. On September 3, it was reported that RKN decided to block six VPN services that violate Russian law – Hola! VPN, ExpressVPN, KeepSolid VPN Unlimited, Nord

Macron called Johnson a clown

It is noted that & nbsp; Macron complained about & nbsp; Johnson's behavior after the phone calls. Politicians discussed the situation with the & nbsp; refugee boat, which sank in the English Channel on November 24 & nbsp;. The French leader described the Johnson administration as a “circus” and rebuked the Prime Minister for trying to portray himself as a victim. Macron said that & nbsp; first, he and Johnson “ discuss matters like adults '', and & nbsp; then the British politician “ arranges difficulties '' in a vulgar way. Earlier it was reported that & nbsp; Macron accused Johnson of & nbsp; failure to take the migrant crisis seriously. Representatives of France and & nbsp; Britain blame each other for the & nbsp; death of 27 migrants in & nbsp; the Strait of La -Mansh who tried to swim to & nbsp; Great Britain. This is the largest

The Russians were named the optimal cost of vacation in Cyprus in December

You can buy a weekly ticket to Cyprus in December for 57 thousand rubles per person five star hotels in Cyprus. The Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) writes about this. “Hotels in Cyprus regularly put up special offers in order to attract as many tourists as possible in the off-season, so there is every chance to book a winter vacation at attractive prices,” a company representative said. Russian Express “Anna Filatovskaya. So, you can buy a weekly voucher with accommodation in a four-star hotel with breakfast-based meals for 57 thousand rubles per person. A more expensive option is accommodation in a five-star hotel for 65 thousand rubles. Such prices are relevant for tours departing from Moscow on December 30 and returning on January 6. A seven-day vacation with departure on December 6 will be cheaper – from 55.9 thousand rubles per person. At the same time, it is

The Russians were named the optimal cost of vacation in Cyprus in December

You can buy a weekly ticket to Cyprus in December for 57 thousand rubles per person five star hotels in Cyprus. The Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) writes about this. “Hotels in Cyprus regularly put up special offers in order to attract as many tourists as possible in the off-season, so there is every chance to book a winter vacation at attractive prices,” a company representative said. Russian Express “Anna Filatovskaya. So, you can buy a weekly voucher with accommodation in a four-star hotel with breakfast-based meals for 57 thousand rubles per person. A more expensive option is accommodation in a five-star hotel for 65 thousand rubles. Such prices are relevant for tours departing from Moscow on December 30 and returning on January 6. A seven-day vacation with departure on December 6 will be cheaper – from 55.9 thousand rubles per person. At the same time, it is