Coffee has improved human visual function

University of Waterloo scientists discovered the benefits of coffee for visual acuity and also improves response. This is reported in an article published in the journal Psychopharmacology. Visual acuity refers to a person's ability to detect and recognize fine details and can be measured under static (stationary) or dynamic (moving) conditions. Dynamic visual acuity is especially important in many daily activities. In a new study, researchers examined how caffeine improves visual processing. The study involved 21 volunteers. On one day they took a caffeine capsule (at a dose of four milligrams per kilogram), and on the other day, a placebo capsule. Using a computerized test developed and validated at the University of Waterloo, each participant was measured for dynamic visual acuity skills one hour and one hour after ingestion of caffeine. Participants who took caffeinated capsules showed significantly greater and better accuracy. high speed when detecting moving targets of small

Saxo Bank publishes insane forecast for 2022

Saxo Bank Chief Economist Steen Jacobsen gave a “crazy” forecast for 2022 Saxo Bank Chief Economist Steen Jacobsen gave the traditional predictions for 2022, the correspondent reports from the online presentation of the report. According to the forecast of the Scandinavian banker, next year the world expects many serious changes in the field of the economy. Governments around the world will be forced to postpone the green energy transition and push back the dramatic cuts in oil (by 29 percent) and gas (by 10 percent) by five and 10 years, respectively, compared with the originally planned 2030. The largest social network in the world, Facebook, is expecting a recession due to the outflow of young users who are dissatisfied with the level of personal data protection and the quality of content. The United States, according to Jacobsen, will face a recession due to the political crisis due to the

The nutritionist named the most harmful breakfast

Nutritionist Burak: the most harmful for breakfast is donuts, pancakes and muffins American nutritionist Laura Burak named the most harmful breakfast shapes. Her words are quoted by Eat This, Not That! Related materials 00:07 – January 10 “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat “How food changes our consciousness, behavior and prevents us from losing weight – says a neurobiologist 00:01 – 17 December 2020 and it's no one's fault at all. ”Sweet, fatty and tasty: how familiar food is killing Russians Burak said that the worst breakfast option would be food with a high sugar content, such as donuts, pancakes and muffins. She explained that consuming “empty calories” in the form of sugar can lead to high blood cholesterol levels. At the same time, a sweet breakfast lacks the protein and fiber necessary for the body, so the feeling of fullness passes very quickly. As an alternative to

Coffee has improved human visual function

Scientists at the University of Waterloo discovered the benefits of coffee for visual acuity and also improves response. This is reported in an article published in the journal Psychopharmacology. Visual acuity refers to a person's ability to detect and recognize fine details and can be measured under static (stationary) or dynamic (moving) conditions. Dynamic visual acuity is especially important in many daily activities. In a new study, researchers examined how caffeine improves visual processing. The study involved 21 volunteers. On one day they took a caffeine capsule (at a dose of four milligrams per kilogram), and on the other day, a placebo capsule. Using a computerized test developed and validated at the University of Waterloo, each participant was measured for dynamic visual acuity skills one hour and one hour after ingestion of caffeine. Participants who took caffeinated capsules showed significantly greater and better accuracy. high speed when detecting moving targets

Saxo Bank publishes insane forecast for 2022

Saxo Bank Chief Economist Steen Jacobsen gave a “crazy” forecast for 2022 Saxo Bank Chief Economist Steen Jacobsen gave the traditional predictions for 2022, the correspondent reports from the online presentation of the report. According to the forecast of the Scandinavian banker, next year the world expects many serious changes in the field of the economy. Governments around the world will be forced to postpone the green energy transition and push back the dramatic cuts in oil (by 29 percent) and gas (by 10 percent) by five and 10 years, respectively, compared with the originally planned 2030. The largest social network in the world, Facebook, is expecting a recession due to the outflow of young users who are dissatisfied with the level of personal data protection and the quality of content. The United States, according to Jacobsen, will face a recession due to the political crisis due to the

В Якутии исполнили просьбу мальчика, обратившегося к Путину

Ранее пользователи соцсети распространили информацию о мальчике из Якутии, который дозвонился на прямую линию президента и попросил через оператора помочь его семье купить корову. Вопрос перенаправили в министерство сельского хозяйства республики. Семья школьника получила от ведомства предложение участвовать в программе «Агростартап» и получить грант на покупку коровы. Министр сельского хозяйства республики Александр Атласов ранее рассказал РИА Новости о том, что корову на днях передадут его семье, кроме того, им улучшат жилищные условия. «На днях от СХПК “Мындагай” семье Сокольниковых передали корову», — рассказали в пресс-службе. Отмечается, что в четверг во время командировки в Чурапчинский улус глава республики Айсен Николаев созвонился с Алешей Сокольниковым. «Я сегодня разговаривал с Алексеем, он поблагодарил всех за такое внимание к его просьбе. Вся семья Сокольниковых очень рада появлению новой коровы. Ей уже дали имя — Кэскилээнэ. Большинство семей в улусах Якутии живут подсобным хозяйством. И его желание помочь родителям понятно. Конечно, власть должна подключаться к решению подобных вопросов», — приводятся слова Николаева.

Scientists noted the absence of severe cases of omicron-strain disease

Australian scientists pointed to the lack of evidence of the danger of the omicron strain the coronavirus strain is absent. This indicates that it should not be considered more dangerous than other types of infection. Bloomberg writes about this with reference to the statement of the chief physician of Australia Paul Kelly. “Among the almost 300 cases of infection that are observed in several countries around the world, the symptoms are quite mild, or they are not at all,” Kelly said . At the same time, the lack of evidence of the danger of the omicron-strain does not mean that it is completely harmless. In addition, until scientists have figured out how the existing vaccines against COVID-19 will cope with the new type of virus. Earlier, the director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg suggested that the omicron may have an incubation period of about 12- 14 days. If at

UFC head White contracted coronavirus

UFC President Dana White tested positive for coronavirus UFC President Dana White tested positive for coronavirus This is reported by MMA Fighting. According to the functionary, he contracted the infection during a trip to his relatives. The American noted that now almost all members of his family have been diagnosed with coronavirus. White said that he went to take the test after he lost his sense of smell and taste. He also noted that he feels well, but will be in quarantine for now. In addition, the American said that he was vaccinated. In August of this year, White spoke about the possible introduction of mandatory vaccinations for UFC fighters. The functionary said he would never force athletes to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

UFC head White contracted coronavirus

UFC President Dana White tested positive for coronavirus UFC President Dana White tested positive for coronavirus. This is reported by MMA Fighting. According to the functionary, he contracted the infection during a trip to his relatives. The American noted that now almost all members of his family have been diagnosed with coronavirus. White said that he went to take the test after he lost his sense of smell and taste. He also noted that he feels well, but will be in quarantine for now. In addition, the American said that he was vaccinated. In August of this year, White spoke about the possible introduction of mandatory vaccinations for UFC fighters. The functionary said he would never force athletes to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Nikolay Drozdov explained the behavior of a bird in the Red Book in the Russian region

Residents of the Tula Region noticed the Red Data Book gray-headed woodpecker Residents of Novomoskovsk spotted the gray-headed woodpecker included in the Red Book. This is reported by TSN 24. A resident of the city said that his attention was attracted by the steady knocking of a woodpecker on the feeder. “Usually the middle spotted woodpecker comes to us for the third year, but he knows the feeder, takes the seeds carefully, in short, he does not vandalize, and in general is a cultured and intelligent bird – this one tried to open it, but as soon as I went to the window – immediately flew to a nearby tree “, – he noted. Specialist of the Tula exotarium Alexei Yevsyunin and a famous zoologist, host of the TV show” In the animal world “Nikolai Drozdov explained the behavior of the bird in the city. “The gray-headed woodpecker is much