Mine rescuers resumed prospecting work at the Listvyazhnaya mine

Ministry of Emergency Situations: mine rescuers resumed search work at Listvyazhnaya in the Kemerovo Region areas where the explosion killed 51 people. This was reported in the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, TASS reports. Earlier, paramilitary mine rescue units suspended prospecting in the mine due to the difficult gas situation. According to the latest data, there are 38 bodies of Russians inside Listvyazhnaya.

Saxo Bank представил «шокирующие предсказания» на следующий год

Директор по инвестициям Saxo Bank Стин Якобсен так охарактеризовал очередные «шокирующие предсказания»: «Главная тема предсказаний на 2022 год — революция. В нашем обществе и экономике, которые страдают от неравенства, растет напряжение. А учитывая неспособность нынешней системы решить эту проблему, а также нашу потребность смотреть в будущее с фундаментальной точки зрения, вопрос о возможности революции не стоит — непонятно лишь то, когда и как она произойдет». Fitch оценило вероятность глобального локдауна из-за омикрон-штамма Банк подчеркивает, что «тема революции в предсказаниях на 2022 год может создавать негативные ассоциации»: «Для многих из нас слово “революция” означает Французскую революцию 1789 года с призывом к “свободе, равенству и братству” или русскую революцию с принципами “уничтожения капитализма”. Но наша цель — более широкое определение революции: не физическое свержение правительств, а моменты, подобные озарению, которые вызывают изменения в мышлении и поведении, а также отказ от прежних парадигм… Нам нужно больше свободы от правительства в некоторых областях, таких как менее жесткая денежно-кредитная политика и моральные риски непродуктивной поддержки рынков». Одним из возможных потрясений глобального характера банк считает вероятность нового витка холодной войны и космической гонки. «Последние испытания гиперзвуковых ракет вызывают все большее чувство незащищенности,

In Russia, they began to identify parents who did not provide their children with housing

“Rossiyskaya Gazeta”: law enforcement officers are monitoring the problem of allocating shares in housing to children children. Writes about this “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. Corresponding lawsuits are brought against mothers and fathers in the event that housing was purchased with the involvement of maternity capital. As the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) told the publication, several similar cases were registered in the Bryansk region. In one case, parents who did not provide their children with housing were fined 5,000 rubles. “As a result of the application of compulsory enforcement measures, the spouses gave the children shares in the apartment,” the FSSP reported. According to the law, if an apartment or a house is bought using maternity capital, parents are obliged to register part of the housing for their children, but sometimes they forget to do it. In the meantime, the prosecutor's office and guardianship authorities began to actively monitor this problem. Experts advise

Russians were listed four ways to save up for a decent pension

A financial literacy expert called bank deposits a popular way to save up for retirement 40 years. Olga Daineko, an expert at the Center for Financial Literacy of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta. box # 3022550 She listed four ways to save up for a decent pension. The first is buying real estate, you need to pay attention to its investment attractiveness. According to Daineko, it is better to purchase a small studio apartment with basic renovation in an area with good transport accessibility than a three-room apartment in a residential area. Bank deposits are another popular way of saving, although the expert advises not to count on large profits … Before concluding a contract, you should pay attention to the presence of capitalization – such a contribution is more profitable than usual. Daineko also notes that one should not

In Russia, they began to identify parents who did not provide their children with housing

“Rossiyskaya Gazeta”: law enforcement officers are monitoring the problem of allocating shares in housing to children children. Writes about this “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. Corresponding lawsuits are brought against mothers and fathers in the event that housing was purchased with the involvement of maternity capital. As the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) told the publication, several similar cases were registered in the Bryansk region. In one case, parents who did not provide their children with housing were fined 5,000 rubles. “As a result of the application of compulsory enforcement measures, the spouses gave the children shares in the apartment,” the FSSP reported. According to the law, if an apartment or a house is bought using maternity capital, parents are obliged to register part of the housing for their children, but sometimes they forget to do it. In the meantime, the prosecutor's office and guardianship authorities began to actively monitor this problem. Experts advise

Russians were listed four ways to save up for a decent pension

A financial literacy expert called bank deposits a popular way to save for retirement 40 years. Olga Daineko, an expert at the Center for Financial Literacy of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta. box # 3022550 She listed four ways to save up for a decent pension. The first is buying real estate, you need to pay attention to its investment attractiveness. According to Daineko, it is better to purchase a small studio apartment with basic renovation in an area with good transport accessibility than a three-room apartment in a residential area. Bank deposits are another popular way of saving, although the expert advises not to count on large profits … Before concluding a contract, you should pay attention to the presence of capitalization – such a contribution is more profitable than usual. Daineko also notes that one should not keep

В Минздраве сообщили о росте материнской смертности от COVID-19 в России

«Мы видим, что в этом году материнская смертность от COVID-19 в России выросла в 3 раза в этом году по сравнению с предыдущим, при этом все эти женщины были не привиты», — сказал Шмаков журналистам. Он отметил, что данные исследований показывают, что вакцины не увеличивают риск каких-либо акушерских или перинатальных осложнений. При этом при самом заболевании при отсутствии вакцинации отмечается рост числа случаев осложнённого течения беременности, задержки развития плода, самопроизвольных выкидышей и частоты преждевременных родов, подчеркнул Шмаков.

The troops of the Union State have decided on the timing of the exercises near the borders of Ukraine

Lukashenko: Belarus and Russia will conduct exercises on the southern border in the next couple of months Belarus and Russia will conduct joint exercises over the next two months on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. The troops of the Union State will rehearse to cover the southern border due to the increased military activity on the part of Ukraine and Western countries. The timing of the exercises was determined by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in an interview for RIA Novosti. “We agreed with President Putin that in the near future we should jointly conduct exercises on the southern borders, the Belarusian-Ukrainian border,” Lukashenko said . For the first time, Minister of Defense of Belarus Viktor Khrenin spoke about the possibility of the exercises. The military noted that in 2022 no major operations are planned for the armies of Russia and Belarus, and maneuvers on the Ukrainian border are planned only in

The troops of the Union State have decided on the timing of the exercises near the borders of Ukraine

Lukashenko: Belarus and Russia will conduct exercises on the southern border in the next couple of months Belarus and Russia will conduct joint exercises over the next two months on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. The troops of the Union State will rehearse to cover the southern border due to the increased military activity on the part of Ukraine and Western countries. The timing of the exercises was determined by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in an interview for RIA Novosti. “We agreed with President Putin that in the near future we should jointly conduct exercises on the southern borders, the Belarusian-Ukrainian border,” Lukashenko said . For the first time, Minister of Defense of Belarus Viktor Khrenin spoke about the possibility of the exercises. The military noted that in 2022 no major operations are planned for the armies of Russia and Belarus, and maneuvers on the Ukrainian border are planned only in

The nutritionist named the most harmful breakfast

Nutritionist Burak: the most harmful for breakfast is donuts, pancakes and muffins American nutritionist Laura Burak named the most harmful breakfast shapes. Her words are quoted by Eat This, Not That! Related materials 00:07 – January 10 “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat “How food changes our consciousness, behavior and prevents us from losing weight – says a neurobiologist 00:01 – 17 December 2020 and it's no one's fault at all. ”Sweet, fatty and tasty: how familiar food is killing Russians Burak said that the worst breakfast option would be food with a high sugar content, such as donuts, pancakes and muffins. She explained that consuming “empty calories” in the form of sugar can lead to high blood cholesterol levels. At the same time, a sweet breakfast lacks the protein and fiber necessary for the body, so the feeling of fullness passes very quickly. As an alternative to