Russians have discovered a way to rent an apartment at a higher price

“INCOM-Real Estate”: lack of repairs reduces the rental rate by 5-10 percent Russians who want to rent out housing at the maximum rates, it is worth choosing apartments in modern buildings, but not in new buildings – there the cost of rent is usually 10 percent lower, Oksana Polyakova, deputy director of the apartment rental department at INKOM-Real Estate, told the Prime agency. According to Polyakova, citizens who already own an “extra” apartment should think about how to increase its liquidity. The expert revealed a way to rent an object at a higher price: renovated apartments, according to her, are rented out faster. The absence of cosmetic repairs reduces the rate by 5-10 percent, but it is not worth spending too much money on upgrading economy-class housing – the cost of renting a lot on the outskirts will still not grow much. Repair costs should not exceed two or three

The main version of the death of a student in the final essay in a Russian school is named

REN TV: a deceased eleventh grader in the suburbs of Moscow has an ulcer on the final essay A deceased eleventh grader of secondary school No. 25 in the Moscow region of Lyubertsy developed an ulcer on the final essay and bleeding occurred. The source of REN TV named these circumstances as the main version of the teenager's death. The channel's interlocutor also noted that the school nurse began to immediately provide first aid to the young man, but they could not save him. Earlier it was reported that, according to the preliminary diagnosis of doctors, a blood clot came off the boy. Employees of the Investigative Committee worked on the spot. At the end of October this year, a 15-year-old student lost consciousness during a geography lesson at a Krasnoyarsk school. Ambulance doctors took him to the hospital and tried to resuscitate him, but the boy died in the

Lukashenko spoke about relations with Putin

President of Belarus Lukashenko: Putin and I are in constant contact President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko spoke about relations with his Russian counterpart Vladimir. The head of the republic spoke about this at a meeting with Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, BelTA informs. According to Lukashenko, he and Putin are in constant contact. The head of state noted that they “inform each other about the situation” and plan common actions for the future. “I think that at the end of the month we will check the cards again – what is happening now and determine our future for the coming year, “the Belarusian president added.

Tarasova offered to organize the Grand Prix final in figure skating in Russia

Coach Tarasova: Russia could organize the Grand Prix final as soon as possible The Russian Figure Skating Federation (FFKR) is capable organize the Grand Prix Final. Honored coach of the USSR Tatyana Tarasova said this to RIA Novosti. The specialist made such a proposal in connection with the possible cancellation of the tournament, which is to be held in Osaka from December 9 to 12. Tarasova also stated that the Japanese side, given the known problems, should not be condemned. Information about the possible cancellation of the Grand Prix final appeared earlier on Thursday, December 2. This is due to the threat of the spread of a new omicron strain of the coronavirus. One single skater, one dance duet and four sports couples qualified for the Grand Prix finals from Russia. Five Russian singles also won a ticket to the tournament.

Lukashenko spoke about relations with Putin

President of Belarus Lukashenko: Putin and I are in constant contact President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko spoke about relations with his Russian counterpart Vladimir. The head of the republic spoke about this at a meeting with Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, BelTA informs. According to Lukashenko, he and Putin are in constant contact. The head of state noted that they “inform each other about the situation” and plan common actions for the future. “I think that at the end of the month we will check the cards again – what is happening now and determine our future for the coming year, “the Belarusian president added.

Tarasova offered to organize the Grand Prix final in figure skating in Russia

Coach Tarasova: Russia could organize the Grand Prix final as soon as possible The Russian Figure Skating Federation (FFKR) is capable organize the Grand Prix Final. Honored coach of the USSR Tatyana Tarasova said this to RIA Novosti. The specialist made such a proposal in connection with the possible cancellation of the tournament, which is to be held in Osaka from December 9 to 12. Tarasova also stated that the Japanese side, given the known problems, should not be condemned. Information about the possible cancellation of the Grand Prix final appeared earlier on Thursday, December 2. This is due to the threat of the spread of a new omicron strain of the coronavirus. One single skater, one dance duet and four sports couples qualified for the Grand Prix finals from Russia. Five Russian singles also won a ticket to the tournament.

CIA harbored child rapists to protect state secrets

The CIA covered up child sex crimes to protect confidential information children for the sake of protecting confidential information and state secrets. This is reported by BuzzFeed News, with reference to the agency's internal reports. Related materials 16:00 – October 25 “My hands in the blood ”Thousands of people suffer and die due to posts in social networks. Why doesn't anyone want to help them? 00:02 – June 5 “Are people paying that kind of money for this?” Child pornography was found on OnlyFans. Why is no one fighting this? At least ten employees of the department were convicted of crimes involving minors. Although most of the cases were referred to US prosecutors for trial, only one member of the organization was charged. The rest of the cases were sent back to the CIA for internal review, and the criminals remained virtually unpunished. For example, the agency fired without further

Scientists noted the absence of severe cases of omicron-strain disease

Australian scientists pointed to the lack of evidence of the danger of the omicron strain the coronavirus strain is absent. This indicates that it should not be considered more dangerous than other types of infection. Bloomberg writes about this with reference to the statement of the chief physician of Australia Paul Kelly. “Among the almost 300 cases of infection that are observed in several countries around the world, the symptoms are quite mild, or they are not at all,” Kelly said . At the same time, the lack of evidence of the danger of the omicron-strain does not mean that it is completely harmless. In addition, until scientists have figured out how the existing vaccines against COVID-19 will cope with the new type of virus. Earlier, the director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg suggested that the omicron may have an incubation period of about 12- 14 days. If at

In Russia sentenced to the curator of the Crimean saboteurs from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

FSB: a court in Russia gave an intelligence officer of Ukraine 6.5 years for working with saboteurs in Crimea In Russia, a court sentenced to 6 , 5 years of imprisonment of the employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Sergey Shvidenko, who was in charge of the sabotage group in Crimea. This was reported to TASS by the FSB public relations center. Based on materials from the Russian special services, Captain 1st Rank Shvidenko, born in 1969, was found guilty of preparing crimes against the security of Russia. According to the FSB , the senior officer of the GUR on the territory of Ukraine prepared saboteurs from the employees of his unit and sent them to Crimea. There they were detained in 2016 – Colonel Dmitry Shtyblikov, born in 1970, Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Stogniy, born in 1975, Captain 2nd Rank Gleb Shabliy,

In Russia sentenced to the curator of the Crimean saboteurs from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

FSB: a court in Russia gave an intelligence officer of Ukraine 6.5 years for working with saboteurs in Crimea In Russia, the court sentenced , 5 years of imprisonment of the employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Sergey Shvidenko, who was in charge of the sabotage group in Crimea. This was reported to TASS by the FSB public relations center. Based on materials from the Russian special services, Captain 1st Rank Shvidenko, born in 1969, was found guilty of preparing crimes against the security of Russia. According to the FSB , the senior officer of the GUR on the territory of Ukraine prepared saboteurs from the employees of his unit and sent them to Crimea. There they were detained in 2016 – Colonel Dmitry Shtyblikov, born in 1970, Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Stogniy, born in 1975, Captain 2nd Rank Gleb Shabliy, born in