Found a revolutionary replacement for natural leather

The Guardian: Mushroom material is stronger than animal skin and safer for the planet clothes and accessories. The company said that the material from mushrooms is stronger and many times safer for the planet, writes The Guardian. Raw materials called Fine Micellium are made from mycelium (the vegetative body of fungi and actinomycetes, consisting of thin branched filaments) – for this mushroom is grown in special trays for several weeks. The biomaterial can be immediately reshaped and sized to reduce waste in leather production. According to MycoWorks head Dr Matt Scullin, the tactile feel and appearance of this leather is no different from calf leather. or sheep, however, it surpasses it in durability and does not harm the planet. Fine Micellium is not associated with burning forests for livestock feed, does not pollute the atmosphere with emissions of methane (a powerful greenhouse gas from the life of animals) and decomposes

The son of the former children's ombudsman Astakhov was suspected of a scam worth a billion rubles

Astakhov's son, suspected of embezzling 1.2 billion rubles, will not be placed under house arrest Astakhov, the son of Pavel Astakhov, a former child rights ombudsman in Russia, in a criminal case of major fraud. This was reported to “” on Thursday, December 2, in the press service of the court. Interior Ministry investigators asked for a measure of restraint for Astakhov Jr. in the form of house arrest, but the court rejected the request. A criminal case was initiated against him under Article 159 (“Fraud on an especially large scale”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He remains free. Ex-ombudsman Pavel Astakhov was also present at the court session. His son is suspected of fraud in the amount of 1.2 billion rubles, says the Telegram channel Mash. The Ministry of Internal Affairs believes that Astakhov Jr., together with a business partner, allegedly illegally took possession of the

Disclosed the size of the pension of Boris Moiseev

The pension of the singer Boris Moiseev was 85 thousand rubles The pension of the honored artist of Russia Boris Moiseev is 85 thousand rubles. The size of the singer's social payments was revealed by the portal. It is noted that Moiseev's pension consists of official pension payments and additional payments for the title of Honored Artist. He also has additional income from royalties. Together with the pension, the performer receives about 150-170 thousand rubles a month. “Boris Mikhailovich is the kind of person who never complains about anything and never asks anyone for anything. He has enough money. Moreover, he is surrounded by friends who will always help if he suddenly needs something, “- commented on the financial situation of Moiseev, the director of the singer Sergei Gorokh. In November, the widow of actor Mikhail Derzhavin, People's Artist of Russia Roxana Babayan complained for a “penny” pension in

The son of the former children's ombudsman Astakhov was suspected of a scam worth a billion rubles

Astakhov's son, suspected of embezzling 1.2 billion rubles, will not be sent under house arrest Astakhov, the son of Pavel Astakhov, a former child rights ombudsman in Russia, in a criminal case of major fraud. This was reported to “” on Thursday, December 2, in the press service of the court. Interior Ministry investigators asked for a measure of restraint for Astakhov Jr. in the form of house arrest, but the court rejected the request. A criminal case was initiated against him under Article 159 (“Fraud on an especially large scale”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He remains free. Ex-ombudsman Pavel Astakhov was also present at the court session. His son is suspected of fraud in the amount of 1.2 billion rubles, says the Telegram channel Mash. The Ministry of Internal Affairs believes that Astakhov Jr., together with a business partner, allegedly illegally took possession of the

Disclosed the size of the pension of Boris Moiseev

The pension of the singer Boris Moiseev was 85 thousand rubles The pension of the honored artist of Russia Boris Moiseev is 85 thousand rubles. The size of the singer's social payments was revealed by the portal. It is noted that Moiseev's pension consists of official pension payments and additional payments for the title of Honored Artist. He also has additional income from royalties. Together with the pension, the performer receives about 150-170 thousand rubles a month. “Boris Mikhailovich is the kind of person who never complains about anything and never asks anyone for anything. He has enough money. Moreover, he is surrounded by friends who will always help if he suddenly needs something, “- commented on the financial situation of Moiseev, the director of the singer Sergei Gorokh. In November, the widow of actor Mikhail Derzhavin, People's Artist of Russia Roxana Babayan complained for a “penny” pension in

The Kremlin explained the placement of “Bastion” in the Kuril Islands

Peskov about “Bastion” in the Kuriles: Russia is free to place military objects on its territory which it considers appropriate. This was stated by a Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, explaining the appearance in the Kuril Islands of calculations of the coastal missile complex (DBK) “Bastion”, reports TASS. “Russia is free to place on its territory those objects that it considers (necessary), and in those areas of our country in which it considers appropriate. This is our sovereign right, this is the right of any state, it is unlikely that it can be challenged by someone, “the press secretary of the head of state said. Peskov also added that Russia values ​​relations with Japan, but they have problem. “And we maintain the political will to continue a comprehensive dialogue with our Japanese partners in order to find ways to resolve this fundamental problem,” he concluded. As previously reported, the calculations of

The Kremlin explained the placement of “Bastion” in the Kuril Islands

Peskov about “Bastion” in the Kuriles: Russia is free to place military objects on its territory Russia is free to place military objects on its territory, which it considers appropriate. This was stated by a Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, explaining the appearance in the Kuril Islands of calculations of the coastal missile complex (DBK) “Bastion”, reports TASS. “Russia is free to place on its territory those objects that it considers (necessary), and in those areas of our country in which it considers appropriate. This is our sovereign right, this is the right of any state, it is unlikely that it can be challenged by anyone, “the press secretary of the head of state said. As previously reported, the calculations of the Pacific Fleet's DBK (Pacific Fleet) were first deployed and took up duty on the Kuril island of Matua. An autonomous military town has been deployed on the island –

Chrysanthemum anti-tank missile is being modernized in Russia

TASS: KBM is modernizing the Chrysanthemum missile The Chrysanthemum anti-tank missile is being modernized. The Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (KBM, part of the High-Precision Complexes holding of the Rostec State Corporation) is adapting the ammunition for use on Russian helicopters. This is reported by TASS with reference to the general designer of KBM Valery Kashin. A representative of the enterprise said during the EDEX 2021 international arms exhibition about work on improving the missile. “The Chrysanthemum missile is being modernized,” noted Kashin. The 9M123M Chrysanthemum anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) has become one of the most effective Russian-made guided munitions. The missile is part of the 9K123 Chrysanthemum-S anti-tank missile system (ATGM) on the BMP-3 chassis. Also, the ammunition is being adapted for use in the armament of the Mi-28NM and Ka-52M helicopters. Earlier, sources in the Russian Defense Ministry reported that the western strategic direction would be strengthened with the

Putin will hold a meeting after the emergency at Listvyazhnaya

Peskov: Putin will hold a meeting on the situation in the coal industry in Kuzbass on December 2 Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting on the situation in the coal industry Kuzbass on Thursday, December 2. During the meeting, the head of state will discuss the state of emergency at Listvyazhnaya, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, quoted by TASS. The president's press secretary specified that the meeting will take place at two in the afternoon Moscow time. “Naturally, we are talking about an analysis of the situation with the accident,” – said Peskov.