Lavrov announced the destruction of the architecture of stability in Europe

Foreign Minister Lavrov: US medium-range missiles may appear in Europe in the near future range. This was stated by the head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Sergei Lavrov, RIA Novosti reports. “The architecture of strategic stability is rapidly collapsing … American medium-range missiles are about to appear in Europe,” said diplomat. Earlier, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry demanded from NATO guarantees of non-expansion to the borders of Russia. According to the minister, Moscow, in contacts with the United States and its partners, will insist that NATO members do not threaten the country's security. He also demanded that Western countries transform the “right words” into long-term legal guarantees.

Lavrov announced the destruction of the architecture of stability in Europe

Foreign Minister Lavrov: US medium-range missiles may appear in Europe in the near future range. This was stated by the head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Sergei Lavrov, RIA Novosti reports. “The architecture of strategic stability is rapidly collapsing … American medium-range missiles are about to appear in Europe,” said diplomat. Earlier, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry demanded from NATO guarantees of non-expansion to the borders of Russia. According to the minister, Moscow, in contacts with the United States and its partners, will insist that NATO members do not threaten the country's security. He also demanded that Western countries transform the “right words” into long-term legal guarantees.

The RAS evaluated the effectiveness of “Sputnik V” against the omicron-strain

Virologist Netesov: “Sputnik V” will be effective against the omicron strain Russian drug against coronavirus Sputnik V will be effective against with an omicron strain, even numerous mutations cannot prevent this. This assessment was made by the virologist, molecular biologist, RAS Corresponding Member Sergei Netesov on Sputnik radio. The specialist recalled that precise indicators of the effectiveness of vaccines against the omicron strain will appear in the coming months. Nevertheless, Netesov urged Russians not to waste time and get vaccinated against coronavirus infection. “In Europe, this option is already walking, it is already in at least ten countries, which means that if it has not yet reached us, it will get there in the coming days,” the virologist suggested. Earlier, the head of the scientific development group new diagnostic methods based on sequencing technologies of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Kamil Khafizov also admitted the imminent appearance

The purpose of the complexes “Bastion” in the Kuril Islands has been named

Expert Viktor Litovkin: “Bastion” complexes will provide protection of the strait protection of Russian waters. This was reported by the Zvezda TV channel with reference to the military expert Viktor Litovkin. “Matua Island, on which the Bastion anti-ship complex battery is located, is the northernmost island of the Kuril ridge. Between it and the southern end of Kamchatka, the strait is wide enough. To protect this strait from uninvited guests, this battery was placed on Matua, ”Litovkin called the target of the new weapon. The expert said that the firing range of the complex is 600 kilometers. He also emphasized the accuracy of the Onyx anti-ship missile. On Thursday, December 2, the press service of the Eastern Military District announced that the Bastion missile defense system had been deployed for the first time on the island of Matua. The report noted that the calculations of the complexes will monitor the

The chief forensic scientist of the Orenburg region was arrested in a fraud case

In Orenburg, forensic expert Andrei Gromov, accused of fraud, was sent to jail This was announced on Thursday, December 2, by the Leninsky District Court of Orenburg. According to the court, the accused at the time of the investigation of the criminal case under article 159 (“Fraud”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and 285 (“abuse of office”) The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was sent to a pre-trial detention center – until January 29, 2022. Lawyers who applied for house arrest for their client were denied. According to a law enforcement source of, Gromov's accomplices created a whole business on the bodies of the dead – forcing the relatives of the deceased to conclude contracts for cosmetics for corpses and other services. On Wednesday, December 1, FSB operatives, with the support of special forces, came to search the forensic morgue. Operational activities were carried out

The purpose of the complexes “Bastion” in the Kuril Islands has been named

Expert Viktor Litovkin: “Bastion” complexes will provide protection of the strait protection of Russian waters. This was reported by the Zvezda TV channel with reference to the military expert Viktor Litovkin. “Matua Island, on which the Bastion anti-ship complex battery is located, is the northernmost island of the Kuril ridge. Between it and the southern end of Kamchatka, the strait is wide enough. To protect this strait from uninvited guests, this battery was placed on Matua, ”Litovkin called the target of the new weapon. The expert said that the firing range of the complex is 600 kilometers. He also emphasized the accuracy of the Onyx anti-ship missile. On Thursday, December 2, the press service of the Eastern Military District announced that the Bastion missile defense system had been deployed for the first time on the island of Matua. The report noted that the calculations of the complexes will monitor the

EU-sponsored prisons for migrants in Libya leaked

The Outlaw Ocean Project: EU sponsors camps in Libya that torture and kill migrants The European Union (EU) is sponsoring Libya, where migrants from Africa are tortured and killed. This became known from the investigation of Ian Urbina, the founder of The Outlaw Ocean Project, which studies crimes on water. Related materials00: 01 – November 18 ” They would rather die in Europe than return home “How migrants on the border with Poland changed life in Belarus jpg “/> France controlled the former colonies in Africa for 60 years. How did the Russian mercenaries push it back? The journalist claims that the European Union has achieved a decrease in the rate of migration from African countries to Europe by creating special camps controlled by the Libyan “Office for Combating Illegal Migration”, which are actually prisons with terrible conditions of detention. For example, in the west of the Libyan capital Tripoli,

Former Argentine President Accused Of Illegal Surveillance

BBC News: Former Argentine President Macri Accused Of Spying On Citizens the families of the crew of the San Juan submarine, which crashed in November 2017. This is reported by BBC News. The judge said that the former state leader violated the country's intelligence laws, as he demanded a dossier on the relatives of the victims of the submarine disaster, who accused the Argentine Navy of negligence. According to the investigators, the Federal Intelligence Agency (FRA) was engaged in spying on families in 2017-2018. Bava decided to seize Macri's assets totaling about a million dollars and banned him from leaving the country. The politician himself denies all charges against him. “I did not spy on anyone, I never ordered anyone in my government to spy on anyone,” he stressed. The San Juan submarine stopped communicating on November 15, 2017 in the Bay area Sao Jorge is approximately 240 nautical miles

EU-sponsored prisons for migrants in Libya leaked

The Outlaw Ocean Project: EU sponsors camps in Libya that torture and kill migrants The European Union (EU) sponsors Libya, where migrants from Africa are tortured and killed. This became known from the investigation of Ian Urbina, the founder of The Outlaw Ocean Project, which studies crimes on water. Related materials00: 01 – November 18 ” They would rather die in Europe than return home “How migrants on the border with Poland changed life in Belarus jpg “/> France controlled the former colonies in Africa for 60 years. How did the Russian mercenaries push it back? The journalist claims that the European Union has achieved a decrease in the rate of migration from African countries to Europe by creating special camps controlled by the Libyan “Office for Combating Illegal Migration”, which are actually prisons with terrible conditions of detention. For example, in the west of the Libyan capital Tripoli, in