Spartak player speculated about the level of salaries in Russian football

Spartak footballer Ilya Kutepov: the quality of a footballer primarily affects the salary Spartak Moscow footballer Ilya Kutepov spoke salaries in Russian football. He is quoted by Sport24. Kutepov discussed the limit on legionnaires and how the high salaries of players with Russian citizenship are connected with this. “I think the quality of a football player primarily affects the salary. If you are a good player, you will be in demand regardless of your passport, “the defender said. In September 2021, State Duma Deputy Dmitry Svishchev commented on the possible introduction of a salary cap in Russian football. According to the parliamentarian, the measure will give nothing, because the market will regulate the salaries in one way or another. Clubs will find a way to get around the restriction. Kutepov has been in favor of the red and white since 2012. He is the Russian champion of the 2016/2017 season.

SBU calls FSB message about arrest of Ukrainian agents fake

The SBU called the statement of the FSB about the detention of Ukrainian agents in the Russian Federation The FSB detained three Ukrainian agents in Russia. UNIAN writes about this. “Such statements by the FSB of the Russian Federation should be viewed exclusively through the prism of a hybrid war, in which information propaganda and the spread of fakes have an outstanding role,” said SBU speaker Artem Dekhtyarenko. According to him, one of the main tasks of the SBU is to counter intelligence and subversive activities in the territory of Ukraine. In November, the SBU exposed the FSB officers who carried out five thousand cyberattacks on the state bodies of the republic, says Dekhtyarenko. “It is obvious that this is a great reputational loss for the FSB, which once again seeks to discredit the Ukrainian special service with fakes,” concluded Speaker of the SBU. On December 2, it became known

Spartak player speculated about the level of salaries in Russian football

Spartak footballer Ilya Kutepov: the quality of a footballer primarily affects the salary Spartak Moscow footballer Ilya Kutepov salaries in Russian football. He is quoted by Sport24. Kutepov discussed the limit on legionnaires and how the high salaries of players with Russian citizenship are connected with this. “I think the quality of a football player primarily affects the salary. If you are a good player, you will be in demand regardless of your passport, “the defender said. In September 2021, State Duma Deputy Dmitry Svishchev commented on the possible introduction of a salary cap in Russian football. According to the parliamentarian, the measure will give nothing, because the market will regulate the salaries in one way or another. Clubs will find a way to get around the restriction. Kutepov has been in favor of the red and white since 2012. He is the Russian champion of the 2016/2017 season. As

Lavrov predicted a catastrophe for Ukraine

Lavrov: The OSCE should send a signal to Kiev that the revision of the Minsk Agreements is unacceptable provisions of the Minsk agreements. He spoke about this during a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), TASS reports “No alternative basis” for resolving the situation in Donbass. He also stressed that the internal Ukrainian crisis will not be overcome until Kiev stops evading the implementation of the legal obligations assumed under the Minsk agreements, in particular – direct dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk. Earlier, Sergei Lavrov said about “impudent” Ukraine and pointed out its aggressiveness towards the Minsk agreements and Russia. According to the minister, behind such behavior of the Ukrainian leadership is an attempt to provoke the West to support Kiev's “militant aspirations”.

Lavrov predicted a catastrophe for Ukraine

Lavrov: The OSCE should send a signal to Kiev that the revision of the Minsk agreements is unacceptable provisions of the Minsk agreements. He spoke about this during a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), TASS reports “No alternative basis” for resolving the situation in Donbass. He also stressed that the internal Ukrainian crisis will not be overcome until Kiev stops evading the implementation of the legal obligations assumed under the Minsk agreements, in particular – direct dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk. Earlier, Sergei Lavrov said about “impudent” Ukraine and pointed out its aggressiveness towards the Minsk agreements and Russia. According to the minister, behind such behavior of the Ukrainian leadership is an attempt to provoke the West to support Kiev's “militant aspirations”.

The Chinese came up with a Swiss scientist for the sake of fakes about the United States and COVID-19

Meta: Chinese users invented a Swiss scientist to fake COVID-19 in the US Chinese Facebook users came up with the idea of ​​creating an account of the Swiss scientist Wilson Edwards, who has been spreading fakes about the coronavirus infection and the United States for almost a month. In particular, the fictional researcher accused the American authorities of manipulating data on COVID-19 in order to accuse Beijing. Business Insider writes about this with reference to a statement from Meta. Related materials 17: 19 – 27 November A new a strain of coronavirus from Africa. What is known about the omicron and how dangerous is it? 12:50 – November 11 COVID passports, green passes and QR -codes. How citizens are controlled in different countries using electronic certificates The “scientist's” statements were especially active on Facebook and Twitter between July 24 and August 10. He published statements that the United States was

Rashkin's lawyer commented on the criminal case against the deputy

Rashkin's lawyer Bidzhev said that the actions of the deputy did not contain corpus delicti the case of illegal hunting, there was no corpus delicti. Such a comment in a conversation with “The Secret of Firmy” was given by the lawyer of the Moscow branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Mukhamed Bidzhev, who represents the interests of the politician. According to the lawyer, the case was initiated illegally, and in the whole situation there is a political order. Formally, Bidzhev noted, the head of the Investigative Committee (IC) Alexander Bastrykin had the right to initiate a criminal case against Rashkin. At the same time, the procedure established by the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), the Constitution and the law “On the status of deputy of the State Duma “. The materials that the Prosecutor General received from the Investigative Committee and submitted to the State Duma related to

Rashkin's lawyer commented on the criminal case against the deputy

Rashkin's lawyer Bidzhev said that the actions of the deputy did not contain corpus delicti the case of illegal hunting, there was no corpus delicti. Such a comment in a conversation with “The Secret of Firmy” was given by the lawyer of the Moscow branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Mukhamed Bidzhev, who represents the interests of the politician. According to the lawyer, the case was initiated illegally, and in the whole situation there is a political order. Formally, Bidzhev noted, the head of the Investigative Committee (IC) Alexander Bastrykin had the right to initiate a criminal case against Rashkin. At the same time, the procedure established by the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), the Constitution and the law “On the status of deputy of the State Duma “. The materials that the Prosecutor General received from the Investigative Committee and submitted to the State Duma related to

The Russians were told about the “explosive” rise in prices for fireworks

Vice President of the Moscow Pyrotechnic Association: the cost of fireworks will skyrocket by 70% -70 percent, Vice-President of the Moscow Pyrotechnic Association Viktor Samoshin told Gazeta.Ru. “There is trouble with prices,” he said. This year the average price of sparklers is 240 rubles, which is 33 percent more than last year. Firecrackers have risen in price by 56 percent over the year; on average, you can buy them for 1250 rubles. The price of the fireworks increased by four percent (to 2,400 rubles). The “explosive” rise in prices for New Year's pyrotechnics, according to Samoshin, was due to Chinese suppliers. This year, the costs of certification of products, equipment of warehouses, as well as certification and insurance of employees have increased significantly. Because of this, many factories were forced to close, and those that remained, announced a rise in product prices. China is the world's main importer of pyrotechnics.

Dzhigan was sued for gay propaganda

Rapper Dzhigan was accused of gay propaganda and insults because of videos about “cockerels” accusing him of gay propaganda and insults. This is reported by Starhit. Chairman of the All-Russian public movement “National Parents' Committee”, psychologist of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University Yuri Obolonsky demanded a million rubles from the hip-hop artist as moral compensation. Oblonsky went to court because of Djigan's videos about “cockerels.” “He took actions that I perceived as propaganda of homosexuality among minors, which violates paragraph 4 of part 2 of Art. 5 FZ of December 29, 2010 N 436-FZ (as amended on July 1, 2021). In addition, Dzhigan has repeatedly insulted and humiliated the honor and dignity of both my person and the audience covered by these posts, which was forced to listen and watch humiliating videos, because they subscribed to him as a public figure and rap artist, as well as the father