Poroshenko told Mattis that from the time of the service in the Soviet army wanted to be in the Pentagon

Poroshenko told Mattis that from the time of the service in the Soviet army wanted to be in the Pentagon WASHINGTON, June 21. /TASS/. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko from the time of the service in the Soviet army wanted to be in the Pentagon. With this unexpected recognition of the Ukrainian leader was speaking on Tuesday in Washington meeting with U.S. Secretary of defense James Mattis. “Mr. Minister, for me and my entire delegation is a great honor to be with you at the Pentagon. I told you that my dream from the time when I was in the army, to be at the Pentagon”, — said the Ukrainian leader, according to the transcript that was circulated by the press service of the defense Ministry of the USA. In accordance with these official biography Poroshenko, the Armed forces of the USSR, he served in 1984-1986. In turn, Mattis

Belgian authorities revealed the circumstances of the terrorist attack in Brussels

The explosion, which occurred the evening of June 20 at the Central station of Brussels was less than planned a suicide bomber. About this on air of the TV channel VTM reported the interior Minister of Belgium Jan Jambon, reports TASS. According to him, the bomb exploded not, as suggested by the attacker. Jambon also said that the identity of the perpetrator of the terrorist act installed. The Minister said that the suicide bomber was known to the police. His name, the official did not disclose. The explosion at the Central station of Brussels, occurred around 20:30 local time on 20 June. The bomb was powered by a man who had previously shouted “Allah Akbar”. The power of the explosion was so slight that no one except the attacker was killed or injured. Nevertheless, the authorities acknowledged the incident a terrorist attack.

Trump said about the futility of the attempts of China to influence the DPRK

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said that China’s attempts to influence North Korea came to nothing. About this American leader wrote on his Twitter page. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) On 20 June 2017, 18:38 “I appreciate the efforts of the Chairman of China XI Jinping on North Korea, but they didn’t work.At least I know that China tried,” said trump. On 20 June it was reported that the United States reserved the right to impose sanctions against Chinese citizens and Chinese companies that allegedly assisted North Korea in nuclear development. This was stated by the assistant Secretary for East Asian Affairs Susan Thornton. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that Washington had asked Beijing to put pressure on Pyongyang, forcing it to abandon its nuclear program. “The President [of the USA Donald] trump told Chinese President XI Jinping that if China does not take action, we

In France, resigned two Minister

François Bayrou The French government left the Minister of justice, françois Bayrou and the Minister of European Affairs under the Minister for European Union Affairs and foreign Affairs Mariel de Sarnez. It is reported BFMTV. Earlier, on 20 June, it was reported that a letter of resignation written by the head of the defense Ministry of France, Sylvie Gular. All the resignation connected with preliminary investigation, the open Prosecutor’s office against senior officials of the party “Democratic movement” (MoDem). All three Ministers at different times was part of its leadership. June 9 to the law enforcement authorities of France received a statement from a man who claims that in 2010 was listed as assistant Gular in the European Parliament (EP), received a salary, but never fulfilled the relevant functions. According to the testimony of an unnamed informant, in total there were 12 of fictitious assistants. The investigators have information about

Venice want to close for tourist ships

Venice want to close for tourist ships In Venice the results of the plebiscite regarding the port city the major cruise liners. 99% of those who took part in the voting residents supported the ban stay large tourist ships. The results of a plebiscite are not binding. However, the city and regional authorities can not ignore such a massive expression of dissatisfaction with the current state of Affairs. In 2016, the income from tourism brought the budget Venice €5.6 billion. However, according to the results held in the city’s plebiscite on the closing of the city for large cruise ships, Venetians are willing to sacrifice part of the revenue to take a break from tourists. Usually cruise ships stop in the port across the lagoon, covering the city from the Adriatic sea, pass by St. Mark and pass through the Giudecca canal before dropping anchor in the port. According to

In Murmansk, the snow fell

In Murmansk, the snow fell MURMANSK, 21 Jun — RIA Novosti. The Arctic cyclone brought snow to the Kola Peninsula, the air temperature dropped to 1 degree, according to Murmansk meteorological centre. Users of social networks upload photos of snow swept the streets and courtyards of Murmansk, Kirovsk, Severomorsk and mocks the “Northern summer.” Just wanted to advise to the ocean to go to Murmansk)))) pic.twitter.com/koO2nSpU1k — Popov 3A (@sZ3eR5rOV2CBIXy) 21 Jun 2017 As noted by the meteorologist, blame — the cyclone, shifting from the Arkhangelsk region. “In the Murmansk region is expected to passage of atmospheric fronts, heavy rain, wet snow, gusty North wind, the average temperature +1 to+6°”, — informed forecasters. The Murmansk. 21 Jun 2017 pic.twitter.com/QhSIdrVP8v Serpent (@udaff_ka) 21 Jun 2017 The residents of the Murmansk region complain on social networks for the cold in the apartments — Central heating is already turned off, and in some

Do you know the work of Viktor Tsoi?

Do you know the work of Viktor Tsoi? The life of a musician, band “Kino” and cult songs. 21 Jun 1962 born Viktor Tsoi. Today, the musician would have turned 55 years old. Since childhood Tsoi was a tendency to two types of arts — drawing and music, which has predetermined its further destiny. In art school he met with Maxim by puchkovym who introduced Choi to the world of rock and arranged with him a group of “Ward # 6”. In the early 1980s, Choi, along with other musicians performed in Moscow at the appartment. Thanks to these concerts there was a group “Garin and hyperboloids” which included Tsoi, Aleksei Rybin and Oleg Valinsky. After leaving Vaninskogo the band changed its name and since then was called “Cinema”. The band’s debut album was released in 1982. The latest release of the collection, known as the “Black album”, was held

In the state Duma called the real US goal in Syria after the incident with the su-22

Photo: Reuters Attack fighter of the international coalition forces in the plane of the Syrian air force is an act of aggression, which comes from the feeling of the American side of their impunity, said the Chairman of the Duma Committee on defence Yury Shvydkin. His assessment he shared in an interview with “Tape.ru”. “USA today is not going to sufficient contacts in order to protect Syrian government forces and all those forces that are fighting terrorism. Instead, they follow the path of escalation. This shows that the real purpose of being there is the United States army and the coalition to show its presence, a force,” — said the MP. According to him, Washington risks provoking a serious conflict in the middle East. “All legal principles in order for the army cap struck back there, because it was an aggressive move against a sovereign state. The US should realize

Usmanov and Bulk did not come to the Council of the state Duma bloggers

Alisher Usmanov Photo: RIA Novosti In the state Duma at a public meeting of the Council of the state Duma of bloggers came businessman Alisher Usmanov and the head of the Fund of struggle against corruption Alexei Navalny, although he was invited. About this “Echo of Moscow” said one of the organizers, Deputy Vasily Vlasov. According to him, they refused to participate. “We can’t drag them by force,” – said Vlasov. The head of the election headquarters of Bulk Leonid Volkov said that the politician had not received any offers. As informs radio “Freedom”, the most popular help to the meeting to come. On the advice of bloggers prisutstvovat the party leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the daughter of press Secretary of the President of Russia Elizabeth Peskov, Deputy speaker of the state Duma Pyotr Tolstoy. According to Tolstoy, in the future, will create a “permanent place” to interact with

The deputies and senators argued from the extended summer vacation

The Building Of The Federation Council The Federation Council will be on summer vacation before the state Duma, from-for what a number of bills may come to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin without the approval of the upper house of Parliament. About it reports “Kommersant” with reference to sources on Wednesday, June 21. The discrepancy of the timing of the end of the spring session of the lower and upper houses of Parliament have risen to the Duma Council a day earlier, the newspaper writes. Talking about the consideration of the governmental amendments to the law on “far hectare” (for him every Russian from February this year can get for free at five years, the land area in hectare in the far East — approx. “Of the tape.ru”). Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin proposed to consider the document at the plenary on 21 July, which will be