The head of the German foreign Ministry: EU should regulate migration without controversy because of quotas

The head of the German foreign Ministry: EU should regulate migration without controversy because of quotas PRAGUE, 24 June. /TASS/. The EU needs to focus on addressing the question of how most effectively to reduce the influx of illegal refugees, not to argue for immigration quotas. On Saturday said in Prague by Minister of foreign Affairs of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, visited a working visit to the Czech Republic. “We are not talking about which one of the quota and for what we fight and what we will do in future decades for a significant reduction of refugees, he said. — While we in Europe are fighting about how much we would accept the refugees, in Africa the number of people (seeking to enter the EU) because they are in catastrophic circumstances.” However, Gabrielle understood the position of the Czech Republic and other countries of the “Visegrad group” (which includes also

The Syrian army repelled a powerful attack of terrorists on the Golan heights

The Syrian army repelled a powerful attack of terrorists on the Golan heights DAMASCUS, Jun 24 — RIA Novosti. The SAR government troops repulsed a powerful attack of terrorists “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra” (a group banned in Russia) in the city of al-Baath in the Golan heights, reported RIA Novosti informed source in place. “The army repelled a major attack of Nusra in the city of al-Baath in the province of Quneitra. The army took the battle to the terrorists. The attackers suffered losses. To repel the attacks helped aviation and artillery”, — told the Agency interlocutor. According to a source, offensive of terrorists supported from the air the helicopter of the Israeli air force struck near the building of Governorates in al-Baath. Earlier, the press service of the defense Army of Israel said that Israeli aircraft attacked two tanks of the Syrian government forces and artillery positions in response to a

At the blow of the Israeli air force killed two Syrian soldiers

At the blow of the Israeli air force killed two Syrian soldiers BEIRUT, 24 Jun — RIA Novosti, Mikhail Alaeddin. Victims of blow of the Israeli air force on Syrian army positions in the Golan heights began, according to preliminary data, two Syrian soldiers, said on Saturday the TV channel “al-Mayadin” with reference to the informed source. “Two killed in airstrike (of Israel) according to one of the positions of the Syrian army in the liberated part of the Golan,” the channel quoted the words of the source. Earlier, the press service of the defense Army of Israel said that Israeli aircraft attacked two tanks of the Syrian government forces and artillery positions in response to the exploding shells that fell on the Jewish state-controlled part of the Golan heights.

The cyclist in the Stavropol region threw acid in the face crossing the road girls

A cyclist rides on the street October in Budennovsk, Stavropol Krai, threw acid in the face of two underage girls who were crossing the road. This is with reference to regional management of the Investigative Committee, RIA Novosti reported. The incident occurred on Friday evening, June 23. The victims — 15-year-old and 16-year-old girl hospitalized with burns of different severity. A criminal case under article “Hooliganism committed with use of objects used as weapons”. Conducted the inspection of the scene, appointed a number of examinations. The identity of the attacker is not yet established. For information about the police offering a reward in the amount of 500 thousand rubles, reports channel five.

Cherchesov commented on the departure of the Russian national team from the confederations Cup

Stanislav Cherchesov (center) Head coach Stanislav Cherchesov commented on the defeat of the Mexicans in the final match of the group stage of the confederations Cup. His words on Saturday, June 24, resulting in “Match TV”. “Unfortunately, the game was not in our favor. It is clear that it is impossible to miss goal in this situation. Well the red card. A lot of nuances. Although still to the last played, wanted to equalize, but failed. Now we know exactly what we work. There is something. Need to just calm down and analyze everything,” said Cherchesov. Before June 24, the Russian team lost to the Mexicans with the score 1:2 and left the confederations Cup. The Russians opened the scoring in the 25th minute of the match, but after five minutes we allowed them to equalise. Victory to the team of Mexico has brought exact blow of Irvine Lozano. In

The Manchester terrorist Packed a bomb in YouTube videos

The suspect in the terrorist attack in the British city of Manchester, Salman Abedi assembled the bomb according to the instructions found in videos on YouTube. On Saturday, June 24, reports The Evening Standard. The publication stresses that in the original investigation of the attack by the security services believed that the explosive device was collected by an experienced specialist. Such a conclusion they did based on the complexity of the bomb. They also found that the necessary information on what chemicals to use, Abedi downloaded on the Internet. The attack on the stadium “Manchester arena” took place the evening of may 22. Killing 22 people, including 12 children. The responsibility for what happened took banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state”. The investigation revealed that the offender was under the influence of radical groups operating in the city. In addition, a few hours before the attack, Abedi called Libya.

Fursenko: the Church Slavonic language is unlikely to become a compulsory subject

Fursenko: the Church Slavonic language is unlikely to become a compulsory subject GURZUF, 24 Jun — RIA Novosti. Church Slavonic language is unlikely to become a compulsory subject in Russian schools, said Russian presidential aide Andrei Fursenko. On Saturday, the press Secretary of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill, the priest Alexander Volkov said that learning the basics of the Church Slavonic language it would be appropriate to include in the school curriculum in Russia. “In terms of a mandatory subject, I think that’s unlikely, given the tensions of our schedule, I don’t think that’s possible. There is also some part of variable,” — said Fursenko told reporters. “If a school wants to learn it, then you don’t disturb them”, he added.

Schwarzenegger and macron have teamed up against trump

Schwarzenegger and macron have teamed up against trump The President of France Emmanuel macron struck another blow at the policy of U.S. President Donald trump in relation to climate change — this time with the support of Hollywood star Arnold Schwarzenegger, with whom the French President has recorded a video. Macron sharply criticized the decision of the President of the US announced withdrawal from the Paris agreement in 2015 on climate change. At the beginning of June in social networks have gained immense popularity of Macron slogan “let’s Make our planet great again!”, which French leader was defeated, the main slogan of the presidential campaign, trump’s “Make America great again!” and has established a reputation as the “anti-trump”. Less than 24 hours his slogan “let’s Make our planet great again” retweeted more than 140 thousand times that I left far behind the previous record-holder — TV presenter Cyril Hanoun. I

The British Parliament had been hacked

The British Parliament had been hacked LONDON, June 24. /TASS/. The British Parliament had been hacked, leading to malfunction of the e-mail MPs and peers. About this in his Twitter on Saturday said a member of the house of lords Christopher Rennard. “Cyber attack on Westminster. Parliamentary e-mail may not work”, — he wrote. The British newspaper the Times earlier reported that it found on one Russian resource for hackers lists of usernames and passwords from e-boxes, presumably owned by the British civil servants, including Ministers, data were available for sale or exchange.

ROC commented on the opportunity to leave the relics of St. Nicholas in Russia

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) will firmly adhere to the agreements with the Roman Catholic Church concerning the stay of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Russia. This was reported by press Secretary of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill, the priest of Alexander Volkov, reports RIA Novosti on Saturday, June 24. “I think we need all of us to recall the agreement that was reached with the Roman Catholic Church: it implies the return of the relics of St. Nicholas from St. Petersburg on July 28 back in Bari,” he said. Wolves also responded to the question about the possibility to leave the relic in Russia. “Let’s wait and see. I’m not ready to predict anything as to evaluate some opportunities,” — said the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church. To date the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Moscow already bowed