Volodin said the need to discuss the abolition of the Christmas holidays with the citizens

Photo: TASS Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin considers that the feasibility of initiatives on the abolition in Russia the Christmas holidays should first be discussed with citizens. “As for the proposals on the agenda to sacrifice weekends in January and enter the day 7 November, such issues should be discussed with the citizens of Russia”, – he said on Friday, responding to the Deputy from the Communist party Nikolai Kolomeitsev who insisted on the inclusion in the legislative program of the state Duma of July bill to abolish the Christmas holidays. Volodin calls not to hurry with consideration of this initiative. “Take that transference emotionally in anticipation of the holidays – we do not understand. Let’s first discuss, and then we will talk about feasibility,” he said. “No need to frighten such decisions, and that everyone will think seriously want to do it”, – concluded the head of

CNN has tightened control over the publication of materials about Russia

American broadcaster CNN is tightening control over the publication of materials related to Russia. As reported by BuzzFeed, this is stated in the editorial letter, at the disposal of edition. “No one should publish content about Russia without coordination with me and Jason (we are talking about the Vice President CNN’s Jason Farkas — approx. “Of the tape.ru”). This applies to social networks, videos, editorials, and [the app] MoneyStream. Without exception”, — stated in the message editor of CNN Money division Richard Barbieri. On such measures, the company’s administration has gone after publishing articles on alleged relations Anthony of Scaramucci, adviser to the US President Donald trump with the Russian direct investment Fund (RDIF). The material, published on 22 June, citing sources claimed that Scaramucci allegedly discussed the mitigation of anti-Russian sanctions with the head of RDIF Kirill Dmitriev during a meeting at the Davos world economic forum. The publication

The media learned about the lack of need for hospitalization Bulk

Alexei Navalny Oppositionist Alexey Navalny to whom on June 25 called the ambulance to the detention center, did not need hospitalization. As told RIA Novosti source in the medical services, the necessary assistance was provided to the policy in place. “Navalny continues to serve his sentence,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier the lawyer of the oppositionist Olga Mikhaylova reported that her client had a fever, therefore he called an ambulance. Navalny is serving a sentence for organizing inconsistent with the authorities shares in Tverskaya street on June 12. Simonovsky court of capital has appointed him to 30 days in jail, but later had his term reduced by court up to 25 days. Thus, the politician will leave the detention center on 7 July. On the night of June 12, Navalny urged his supporters to go out on Tverskaya, a part of which has been blocked off and made pedestrian

In Russia planned to toughen punishment for corruption

The state Duma Committee for security and combating corruption prepared amendments to the criminal code increasing the penalties for giving and accepting bribes. On Monday, June 26, write “news”. Deputy Chairman of the Committee Anatoly Vyborny (“United Russia”) is the author of the bill, told the publication that the term of imprisonment for giving and receiving bribes is proposed to increase to four years. In addition, the Criminal code can be extended to arbitrators in the case of the abuse of power they can get up to three years of imprisonment. Amendments will be made to the articles of the Russian criminal code, concerning abuse of authority (article 202), commercial bribery (article 204), giving and receiving bribes (articles 290 and 291). They proposed to add such concepts as “moral benefits”, “services moral character,” and “non-property rights and other undue advantages.” “It can be mutually beneficial service — for example, when

Media: in Argentina in a traffic accident with a bus killed 12 people

Media: in Argentina in a traffic accident with a bus killed 12 people It is noted that in the bus there were a lot of minors. BUENOS AIRES, June 26. /TASS/. At least 12 people were killed and about 30 injured in a road accident involving a bus in the Argentine province of Mendoza in the West of the country. This was reported on Sunday television channel Todo Noticias. Mendoza: al menos 12 muertos por el choque y vuelco de un micro. #argentina https://t.co/w5xZDs2qOH pic.twitter.com/wC8RMlwVoJ — Fm 89.9 Profesional (@FM899) 25 Jun 2017 According to him, in the bus there were a lot of minors. At the scene continue to work rescuers and doctors. Some of the injured are in serious condition. The cause of the accident is not yet established. According to police, the number of victims can increase.

Media: pleasure boat with 150 tourists sank in Colombia

Media: pleasure boat with 150 tourists sank in Colombia According to the newspaper El Colombiano, started rescue operation involving the military. MOSCOW, June 26. /TASS/. Pleasure craft, on Board of which there were 150 of tourists sank on Sunday in the Department of Antioquia in Colombia. This was reported by Colombian newspaper El Colombiano, citing local authorities. Vía @inter_pl 150 personas con Barco se hundió en represa Peñol, #Guatapé, #Antioquia #Colombia. Video: @BluRadioCo pic.twitter.com/qMsfdY4gGc — Bomba España CBS (@Bomba_Decima) 25 Jun 2017 According to her, started a rescue operation involving the military. Boat that sank, carrying 150 people in #Colombia, filled with tourists. Happened near the city of Medellin. Response by rescuers was fast. pic.twitter.com/Sn9WcoqDdZ — Lake Travis Candor (@ltcandor) 25 Jun 2017 Tragedia en #Guatapé, El Peñol #Antioquia #Colombia la embarcación “Almirante” naufragó y van hasta el momento tres personas muertas. ¡Fatal! pic.twitter.com/x3g6Ggmjc8 — ATE ГЕSЕNТIDО ¡JaJa! (@VictorMarenco) 25

The state Duma will toughen punishment for corruption

The state Duma will toughen punishment for corruption A bill providing punishment for arbitrators. In Russia can significantly increase the punishment for giving and taking bribes. Among the criminal acts appears the concept of “moral bribe” — for example, favoritism and nepotism. The relevant amendments to the criminal code prepared by the Committee on security and combating corruption of the state Duma. The author of the bill Deputy Chairman of the Committee Anatoly Vyborny (United Russia) said “news” that the penalties for giving and accepting bribes is proposed to increase to four years of imprisonment, under the criminal code will be and the arbitrator: the abuse of power they could face up to three years of imprisonment. The bill has already received the positive opinion of the Supreme court, he also supported the Prosecutor General’s office. Amendments to articles of the Criminal code regarding the abuse of power (article 202),

Media: CNN tightens rules of publication of materials about Russia

Media: CNN tightens rules of publication of materials about Russia Pre-material must be approved by the editor-in-chief of the division of CNN Money and Vice President, writes the news portal BuzzFeed. WASHINGTON, June 25. /TASS/. The American broadcaster CNN is tightening the rules of publication of materials related to Russia, after the scandal with the article about the alleged investigation by the intelligence Committee of the Senate of the U.S. Congress, the circumstances of his meeting with the head of the Russian direct investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev. This material was published, and then deleted, in addition, CNN had to apologize to the mentioned financier Anthony of Scaramucci. As reported in the Sunday information portal BuzzFeed, editor-in units CNN Money rich Barbieri sent within the company circular, which says: No one will publish any material relating to Russia, without the approval of me, and Vice-President Jason. This applies to publications

Trump has abandoned the traditional dinner in honor of Ramadan

Trump has abandoned the traditional dinner in honor of Ramadan The President of the United States Donald trump did not carry out dinner for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr (in Russia better known as Eid al-Fitr), which marks the end of Ramadan. According to The Hill, thus the head of state broke the tradition set by bill Clinton and observed by the then George Bush, Jr. and Barack Obama. The publication notes that the American leader was limited to a congratulatory statement on his own behalf and behalf of the first lady Melania trump. The tradition to hold a dinner in honor of Eid al-Fitr began in 1996. As noted by the Huffington Post, the event was attended by prominent members of the Muslim community. Trump, entered the office of U.S. President in January 2017, is often accused of bad attitude towards Muslims. So, one of his first decrees

The Falcon missile was launched ten satellites

Booster Falcon 9 was launched from air force base Vandenberg (California) Sunday, 25 June at 13:25 local time (23:25 GMT). This was reported in Twitter of the American company SpaceX. The first stage of the rocket successfully landed on a floating platform in the Pacific ocean approximately eight minutes after launch. The second stage came at the intermediate orbit.