Departed a week ago in the woods for wild garlic elderly Irkutsk woman found alive

Missing more than a week ago in a forest near Irkutsk pensioner found alive. About it reports regional Department of the MIA. 60-year-old woman on 18 June sailed from gardening in Goloseevskom tract (near Irkutsk), with wild garlic and has not returned. In her search involved rescue workers, police and volunteers. The pensioner was found in 19 kilometers from Irkutsk in a depleted condition. It was transferred to the ambulance and was hospitalized. Now a woman’s life is not in danger. May 31, in ermakovskom district of Krasnoyarsk Krai rescued three days plutowski in swampy forest 79-year-old pensioner who went to pick flowers for his wife. To search for the men attracted to the entire staff of the local police Department. Found it late at night combing the area, heard the cries for help.

In the suburbs, established the award “Live sports”

The award “Live sports” was established in Moscow on the initiative of the Public Council of the regional Ministry of sports. About it reports TV channel “360” on Tuesday, June 27. “”The suburbs” is the brand. It is symbolic that the prize we are reviving the 80 year anniversary of our Ministry”, — said the head of the Ministry of sports of the Moscow region Roman Trushkov. Due to the award of government plans to stimulate the development of new technologies in the organization of sports-mass work, said the TV channel. Awards may be awarded to any resident of the area. 16 Jun novel Tereshkov and rector of the Russian state University of physical culture Tamara Mikhailova signed an agreement on the development of sports volunteering. In late may, the Ministry reported that in the Moscow region began the renovation of nine stadiums to be used for training members of

Hackers attacked the Ukrainian banks and companies

Hackers attacked the Ukrainian banks and companies Hackers attacked several Ukrainian banks, as well as some commercial and government enterprises in the country, according to the national Bank of Ukraine (NBU). The NBU does not say on what the companies and banks involved. According to the NBU, the banks experiencing difficulties with customer service and banking operations. “Now in the financial sector strengthened security measures and anti-hacking all participants of the financial market”, — underlined in the message. According to “Interfax-Ukraine”, the attack company “Kyivenergo” and “Ukrenergo”. According to “Interfax-Ukraine”, the attack company “Kyivenergo” and “Ukrenergo” and some state-owned banks.

After rescuing the pink dogs under the Gelendzhik police checks

After rescuing the pink dogs under the Gelendzhik police checks KRASNODAR, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Law enforcement officers organized the inspection of the information found under the Noumea two dogs breed Samoyed, painted in pink, told RIA Novosti press-service of Prosecutor’s office of Krasnodar region. Previously, the community “Husky Help” the social network “Vkontakte” reported that the animal was discovered near Gelendzhik two abandoned dogs breed Samoyed painted with a pink color coat. According to activists, dogs were used as props for photo shoots paid on-street, and when the animals are worked-off, the owners left them in the woods, 60 miles from Noumea. Volunteers do not exclude that in the forest could remain a third dog, which is keeping to himself. “According to media reports organized check. Materials of check are sent to the police”, — reported in Prosecutor’s office of the region.

AFP: the court found the Netherlands partially responsible for the deaths of Muslims in Srebrenica

AFP: the court found the Netherlands partially responsible for the deaths of Muslims in Srebrenica According to the decree, the country has to pay partial compensation. MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. Dutch appeals court ruled on Tuesday that the Netherlands partially responsible for the deaths of 300 Bosnian Muslims in Srebrenica in 1995. About it reports AFP. The court ruled that the Dutch government had “acted illegally, and is obliged to pay partial compensation” to the families of the victims, said the judge Gepke of Dulek. We are talking about people who had taken refuge on the basis of Dutch peacekeepers and was expelled from there. According to the judges, the Dutch military knew that “there is a real risk that they will be subjected to inhuman treatment by the Bosnian Serbs”, if you leave the base, but the military has not taken the necessary action to protect them. The court

Medvedev will represent Russia at the ceremony of farewell to Helmut Kohl

© Alexander Astafyev/press service of the Russian government/TASS MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. Russia at the farewell ceremony for former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl will present Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, reported the press service of the government of the Russian Federation. “The Chairman of the government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev will take part in the funeral ceremony of farewell with the former Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany on 1 July in Strasbourg”, – said in the Cabinet. The funeral ceremony, which is designed to emphasize not only national but also pan-European scale policy, will be held on 1 July in Strasbourg, France, where the European Parliament. Still, the EU never in its history has not organized such a ceremony. Kohl died June 16 at age 87 in his home in Ludwigshafen am Rhein (Rhineland-Palatinate). Condolences to the leadership of Germany Russian President Vladimir Putin sent condolences

Former French Prime Minister announced the withdrawal from the socialist party

Manuel Valls Former Prime Minister of France Manuel Valls comes from the Socialist party. This is stated in his official statement on Tuesday, June 27, the newspaper Le Huffington Post. “End of my political life. I leave the socialist party, or even she leaves me,” said the politician. Recently, the Waltz has repeatedly stated the intention to support in Parliament the movement “Go Republic!” President Emmanuel Macron. Manuel Valls took was Prime Minister of France from March 2014 to December 2016 in the government of françois Hollande. He resigned in order to participate in the primaries of the Socialist party to fight for the presidency. However, in the second round of primaries he lost to Benoit Amon, and eventually supported the election of President the nomination of Macron.

Sociologists reported the fall of the US image in the world because of trump

After the arrival of Donald trump to power the approval rating of the US policy in the world has decreased significantly. Such a study leads Pew Research Center. If at the end of the presidential term of Barack Obama’s positive attitude towards the United States, said 64 percent of the respondents, in the spring of this year, when the White house has entered the trump, the level of support the USA was 49 per cent. According to sociologists, the rating of approval of the policy of Washington fell while reducing the credibility of the President. So, at the end of the term trusted Obama 64 percent of respondents in the first weeks of the presidency of the trump support only 22 percent of respondents. The level of distrust of the White house grew from 23 to 74 percent. The exceptions are Israel and Russia: in those countries the level of