EN route to Cuba Boeing urgently returned to Domodedovo

Passenger Boeing-767 EN route from Moscow to Varadero (Cuba), returned to Moscow Domodedovo airport and made an emergency landing. On Wednesday, June 28, according to the Federal news Agency (FAN). It is noted that the liner company Air Azur landed due to the failure of automation systems and equipment. According to a source “Interfax” in emergency services, after departure from Domodedovo airport, the crew reported the failure of system of pressurization of the cockpit and gave the signal of distress. It was decided to return to airport of departure. After that, Boeing began to develop fuel and to prepare for landing. According to the interlocutor of Agency, the liner will be replaced, and passengers will continue to fly in another ship. It is clarified that for an unknown reason, the plane took off with eight-hour delay. It is planned that after replacing the liner will leave for Cuba at 14:30

The cause of the accident in the subway of new York became loose rail

The cause of the accident in the subway of new York became loose rail MOSCOW, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. The cause of the derailment of two wagons in the metro new York became loose rail inventory, reports channel ABC News. On Tuesday, the two carriages of the train derailed in a subway in new York. The result is emergency braking two wagon derailed and crashed into the wall of the tunnel; 34 people were injured, including due to smoke-filled, 17 were hospitalized. In total, the accident site was about 800 people, evacuating them from the tunnel took more than an hour. “I was leaning against the left door, on the left side of the train, and the right door was ripped open.” https://t.co/h7SLW90tau pic.twitter.com/gYjqD5F2p4 — DNAinfo New York (@DNAinfoNY) 27 Jun 2017 “Storing equipment between tracks — it is common practice throughout the country, the purpose of which is

Media reported taken prisoner near Lugansk Russian scout

Media reported taken prisoner near Lugansk Russian scout According to “bi-Bi-si”, 22-year-old citizen of Russia was taken prisoner as a result of clashes on June 24. Moscow. June 28. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian contractor Victor Ageev was taken prisoner by the Ukrainian military during the fighting near Lugansk, said on Tuesday “Bi-Bi-si” with reference to sources in military circles of Ukraine. According to the publication, on June 24 near the village of Zholobok in Luhansk region reported involving soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces and the reconnaissance of the 4th mechanized brigade of the 2nd army corps of the self-proclaimed Luhansk national Republic (LNR). As a result, the commander of the militias, which the publication of “bi-Bi-si” referring to the Ukrainian media calls regular Russian officer was killed and four soldiers were taken prisoner. The defense Ministry of Ukraine in response to the request

In Spain, Britain and Germany arrested six suspected of having links with ISIS*

In Spain, Britain and Germany arrested six suspected of having links with ISIS* MADRID, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. Law enforcement authorities in Spain, the UK and Germany carried out an operation in which were arrested six people on suspicion of terrorist activities and having links with the group “Islamic state.”* Four people were detained in Palma de Mallorca (Spain, Balearic Islands), one in UK and another in Germany, stated in the message of Ministry of internal Affairs of Spain. The criminal group was engaged in recruitment and propaganda. The investigation began in 2015 when one of the Internet pages was discovered a series of videos as a young person living in Spain, persuaded to go to Syria. It was found that the recruitment was coordinated by Imam Salafi, in respect of which the investigation was conducted in several European countries and was detained in the UK. The man recently

In the state Duma introduced a bill to abolish national roaming

In the state Duma introduced a bill to abolish national roaming MOSCOW, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. Several deputies “Fair Russia”, headed by faction leader Sergei Mironov in the state Duma introduced a bill on the abolition of national roaming, the press service of the faction. Mironov reminded that domestic roaming was introduced in the country under the pretext of compensatory measures cellular companies, which initially were forced to carry out connections through a single nationwide operator and carried because of this additional costs. But today, this mechanism is rarely used, so that the charge for domestic roaming has become an anachronism, not to mention its redundancy.Sergei Ironblade of the faction “Fair Russia” In his opinion, the abolition of roaming will increase the availability of mobile communication and make the operators ‘ tariffs more transparent. Earlier it was reported that the Federal Antimonopoly service intends to exclude from legislation the

In Venezuela, a group of security forces attacked the Supreme court and the interior Ministry

In Venezuela, a group of security forces attacked the Supreme court and the interior Ministry Security forces seized a police helicopter flew over Caracas with an appeal for disobedience, and then disappeared in an unknown direction. Authorities called the incident a terrorist attack. MEXICO city, June 28 — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Znamensky. Tuesday night in Venezuela was the “hot” — a group of security forces seized a police helicopter fired on and threw grenades at buildings of the interior Ministry and the Supreme court (SC) declared the beginning of struggle against the regime of President Nicolas Maduro, and then disappeared in an unknown direction. Authorities called the incident a terrorist attack and began the search involved in the events of people. The call for Maduro The conspirators are well coordinated. Simultaneously with the attacks on the Ministry in the Internet appeared the video message recording officer Oscar Perez, who heads

In a network there was video of attack of the helicopter to the building of the Supreme court of Venezuela

In the Internet appeared the video shelling of the building of the Supreme court of Venezuela in Caracas from the helicopter. Video Tuesday, June 27, published in Twitter-account TN – Todo Noticias. — TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) 28 June 2017, 02:08 The courthouse was attacked on June 27. The perpetrators of the attack a police officer Venezuelan Oscar pérez demanded the resignation of President Nicolas Maduro.

Erdogan said about the possibility of a new military operation in Syria

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkey is ready to conduct a military operation in the North of Syria and to include in its control area, the cities of Manbij and raqqa in order to prevent the emergence there of a Kurdish state. The President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the “Izvestia”. According to the Turkish President, Ankara is ready to go on such measures “at the slightest threat.” “Now in Syria are negative processes. If it leads to the emergence of threats to our borders, we will respond in the same way as during the operation “shield of the Euphrates”,” — said Erdogan newspaper. In addition, Erdogan expressed regret that countries that are strategic partners of Ankara, “acting together with terrorist” organizations of the Kurdish “democratic Union Party” (PYD) and its military wing “of the people’s protection Units” (YPG). We are talking about the United States that train and equip the

The United States refused to provide evidence of the preparation of the Damascus chemical attack

The US government will not make public information that confirms the conclusions of Washington on training Syrian authorities to chemical attack. On Wednesday, June 28, RIA Novosti reported. During the briefing, journalists asked state Department spokesman Heather Nauert comment published on Monday a White house statement that the US is watching the preparations for a chemical attack by the Syrians. It also asked whether Washington “to say something specifically about chemical weapons.” “No,” replied Nauert. “[The evidence] would not allow. Because it is viewed as an issue of intelligence. As you know, sometimes such issues, details of which we don’t get bogged down. But, of course, this topic has attracted the attention of the US government at the highest level,” said Neuert. An earlier edition of the Daily Beast reported that U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson before the publication of the White house statements on Syria contacted the Minister

The state Duma has proposed more than 90 variants of the text of the oath for new citizens

Photo: RIA Novosti The working group of the state Duma, responsible for drafting the text of the oath for those taking Russian citizenship, got a 93 version of the text of the oath. This was announced by the Chairman of the Duma Committee on state building and legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov, RIA Novosti reported on Monday, June 26. Their authors were made by ordinary citizens, entrepreneurs and deputies of the state Duma, said the Agency urban news “Moscow”. In the end, all of the ten options were selected based on requirements: the text of the oath shall be a solemn but brief. “We will continue to select three or four, maybe two, and eventually to the Duma, we will make one,” said Krasheninnikov. On 6 June the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has suggested to oblige those who enter into the Russian citizenship, take an oath or an oath. The initiative