Putin asked the head of the Udmurt Republic to deal with the barracks in the Republic of

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin asked the acting head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov to understand the situation with the barracks in the Republic, RIA “Novosti”. “I don’t want to be negative, with the barracks, deal, okay,” said Putin at a meeting with Brechalov. According to the President, we are talking not only about the family that called the “straight line”. Brechalov said that the situation is under special control from the first day of his tenure. Earlier, Putin instructed Brechalov to the end of the year to relocate 11 families, including the family of the inhabitant of Izhevsk, which complained about disrepair of her house in the “straight line”.

In the Czech Republic caught the carp swam away from posing with him fisherman

In the Czech Republic caught the carp swam away from posing with him fisherman In Brno (Czech Republic) caught carp escaped from the hands of the fisherman who was going to pose with their catch for photos. Video of the incident taken on the shore of an unknown body of water, the Daily Mail published on June 28. Place of capture not reported. The fish couldn’t catch the companion of a fisherman. The carp were in the water and managed to swim.

Scientists from Singapore have created a useful beer with the addition of probiotics

Scientists from Singapore have created a useful beer with the addition of probiotics As noted by the representative of the National University of Singapore, the research team has already filed a patent for the recipe for the production of such Beers. SINGAPORE, June 29. /Offset. TASS Yevgeny Solovyov/. Scientists from Singapore have created healthy beer by adding in its composition of probiotics — substances of microbial origin that neutralize toxins and viruses and regulate the immune system. About it told on Thursday the correspondent of TASS representative of the National University of Singapore (National University of Singapore, NUS) Carolina Background. You won’t believe what this beer can do for your body! Cheers! ? https://t.co/wh9d5IgngG pic.twitter.com/P8P78KBSj3 — The Straits Times (@STcom) 28 Jun 2017 “Beneficial health properties of probiotics have long been known, moreover, in many of the products subjected to fermentation contained so-called good bacteria. But these substances have not

Sony, after almost 30 years to resume production of vinyl records

Sony, after almost 30 years to resume production of vinyl records TOKYO, 29 June — RIA Novosti, Yekaterina Plyasunova. Japanese company Sony Corp has announced plans to resume production of vinyl records for the first time after almost 30 years. According to the Agency Kyodo, citing the company, the mass production of records must be launched in the current financial year (started 1 April 2017). According to the Agency, a division of the Japanese company — Sony Music Entertainment Japan — newly equipped plant in the Central part of the capital region special press-form for casting vinyl. The company explains its decision by the high demand for records observed on the market in the last decade. So, for example, in Japan in 2016 was made almost 800 thousand vinyl records, while in 2010 it was cast only 105 thousand records. Sony Corp has released a vinyl record until 1989, when

16-year-old champion in orienteering died in training in Primorye

In the Primorsky territory 16-the summer teenager has died during training for orienteering. On Thursday, June 29, according to the regional Department of the Investigative Committee. According to authorities, the young man (his name is not called) is not engaged in the first year and was the champion of the regional and all-Russian competitions. “In March of 2017, a minor the disease is detected. That is, the state of his health prevented further training in sports clubs and participation in competitions. However, on 17 June 2017 he was admitted to sports”, — is spoken in the message. A criminal case under article 109 of the criminal code (“Causing death on imprudence”). The investigators find out all the circumstances of the incident. In October 2016 in Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo oblast) 13-year-old girl lost consciousness during warm-UPS in basketball section and died on the way to the hospital. It is known that the

In the Kremlin considered an unacceptable lack of progress in normalizing relations with the United States

Moscow and Washington still have not started the process of withdrawal from the crisis in their relations. This statement was made by the Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov on the Primako readings, reports “Interfax” on Thursday, June 29. “We can say that to a normal work together to rectify in deep crisis of bilateral cooperation, as well as in other areas requiring priority attention, the two largest nuclear powers has not started,” — said Ushakov. A Kremlin spokesman added that the Russian side can continue to hold the pause in the relationship, “while inter-passion doesn’t subside”. “But this is marking time still believe it is inadmissible”, — he added. 21 June it became known that Russia refused to hold bilateral consultations with the US on issues in relations after the expansion of us sanctions. Reported in comments to the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov,

Putin will meet with German foreign Minister

Sigmar Gabriel and Vladimir Putin, archival photo Russian leader Vladimir Putin will host foreign Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel. This was announced by the assistant to the President Yuri Ushakov on Thursday, June 29, reports TASS. “Yes, today will be [meeting],” said Kremlin spokesman, answering a corresponding question of journalists. A day earlier, the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov held a joint press conference with Gabriel in Krasnodar. Hand, in particular, discussed the progress of the Minsk agreements, the situation in Syria and efforts to combat international terrorism, said “the Russian newspaper”. June 26, Gabriel said that is not optimistic concerning the settlement of the crisis in Eastern Ukraine in the near future. According to the head of the German foreign Ministry, due to the fact that both sides violate the ceasefire.

The Treasurer of the Vatican was accused of sexual harassment

The Treasurer of the Vatican was accused of sexual harassment Australia was accused of sexual harassment to the head of the Secretariat of the Vatican on economic matters, cardinal George Pell.. This was stated at a press conference in Melbourne the press Secretary of the Victoria police as Shane Patton (Shane Patton), reports Reuters. The Treasurer should appear before the court on July 18. Allegations in several points of claim, each of which relates to offences of a sexual nature, the Agency said. 76-year-old Pell should stand trial on 18 July. Other details not specified. In a press-service of the Vatican and the Australian Catholic Church has not yet commented on the incident. Police have launched an investigation against Pella in July of last year. Law enforcement said that the priest involved in the sexual abuse of a minor. In 2015 he was charged with concealing crimes of pedophiles. The

The opposition of Japan has demanded the convening of Parliament because of the scandal around Minister of defense

The opposition of Japan has demanded the convening of Parliament because of the scandal around Minister of defense TOKYO, June 29. /TASS/. In Japan, the main opposition Democratic party (DP) together with three other political associations demanded that the government of an extraordinary session of Parliament to discuss the scandal surrounding defense Minister Tomomi Inada around which was a scandal due to her inaccurate statements. The relevant requirement was officially handed over on Thursday the speaker of the lower house Tadamori Oshima. In accordance with the 53rd article of the Constitution of Japan, the decision to convene an extraordinary session of Parliament adopts the government, and it should be done, if required by more than a quarter of MPs. The Secretary-General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Yoshihide Suga, commenting on the demand of the opposition has already been pointed out that the basic law does not imply any specific

In the Russian defense Ministry called ignorance of marine science, the words of the British Minister about the “Admiral Kuznetsov”

In the Russian defense Ministry called ignorance of marine science, the words of the British Minister about the “Admiral Kuznetsov” MOSCOW, June 29. /TASS/. The official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia major-General Igor Konashenkov called the boastful words of the British Minister of defense Michael Fallon about the “beauty” of the new British aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth, and his superiority over the Russian aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov”. The statement of the representative of the defense Ministry arrived in TASS. “Exalted statement of the head of the British military authorities Fallon about the superiority of the external beauty of a new carrier on the Russian aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov” show blatant ignorance of him (Minister) of naval science. And above all — the essence of the differences “aviamatki”, which is the de facto British aircraft carrier, aircraft carrier of project 1143.5 Admiral Kuznetsov”, — said Konashenkov. “Just as