Requirements to tighten checks on flights to the US will affect the two Moscow airports

Requirements to tighten checks on flights to the US will affect the two Moscow airports WASHINGTON, June 30. /Offset. TASS Boris Makarov/. The U.S. government has sent demands to tighten security measures during screening of passengers the airlines operating direct flights to the us city from two Moscow airports — Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo. About it the correspondent of TASS said on Thursday the representative of the Ministry of national security of the United States. “Yes, the enhanced security measures affect airline operating direct flights to the United States from the two airports in Russia: Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo”, — he told, answering a question, which airlines and airports of Russia affected by new measures. Earlier, the US imposed new security requirements for the screening of passengers flying to this country. These measures apply to the 280 airports in 105 countries. In particular, airports should be “improved inspection of passengers using technical

The migrants lead the way to the far East

The migrants lead the way to the far East The interior Ministry has prepared a Concept of migration policy at 2018-2020, which involves the redirection of migration flows to the far East. The document implies the transfer of the Ministry of interior law on adaptation of migrants. This can lead to conflict between the Ministry and the Federal Agency for the Affairs of nationalities (FADH), which also claims these powers. Kommersant’s source close to the presidential administration, admits that in the end, the migration service can be recreated as a separate Agency. Developed by the Ministry of internal Affairs (the Department handed over in 2016 powers in the field of migration after the dissolution of the FMS) document is intended to replace the existing concept of migration policy until 2025, which was adopted in 2012. The need to update the concept, the authors explain “the political instability in various regions

The U.S. DHS has threatened to ban airlines flying into the country

The U.S. DHS has threatened to ban airlines flying into the country WASHINGTON, June 30 — RIA Novosti. Airlines that do not meet the new security measures the United States may be fined or lose authorization to perform flights to the country, reports Reuters with reference to representatives of the Ministry of internal security of the United States. Earlier on Wednesday, USA announced the introduction of new security measures concerning foreign passenger planes flying into the country from abroad. Measures apply to all foreign carriers operating in the United States. As explained by the Department of homeland security, enhanced measures to check passengers and their personal electronic devices for explosives will affect 180 airlines and more than two thousand flights arriving in the United States every day of the 280 airports in 105 countries.

The U.S. Senate passed a bill on sanctions against Russia in the House of representatives

Us senators have fixed the technical issues in the bill to expand sanctions against Russia, which he could not get to the house of representatives. On Thursday, June 29, reports Reuters. June 20 Republicans in the lower house of Congress slowed down the document, sending it for consideration to the Committee on foreign Affairs. According to them, the bill in its current form violates the constitutional order, concerning questions of government revenues. Senator Ben Cardin said Thursday that the issue was resolved without significant amendments in the bill. According to the Agency, the document has been submitted to the house of representatives. 14 Jun 98 senators out of 100 voted for the extension of sanctions against Russia. In the event of approval, American companies and individuals will not be allowed to lend to Russian banks for longer than 14 days. It is also proposed to limit the terms of financing

Washington announced the appointment of trump and Putin

Donald trump and Herbert McMaster The US President Donald trump on the sidelines of the summit of “Big twenty” in Germany will meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. This was told to journalists a senior Advisor to the us leader’s national security, Herbert McMaster, reports Reuters. According to him, the agenda of the upcoming next week’s meeting of the two presidents has not been determined. Trump and Putin have not personally met, but called up a few times on the phone. Earlier on 29 June, the foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel expressed the hope that during the summit of “Big twenty” in Hamburg will be able to organize a meeting of presidents of Russia and the United States. Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said that among the planned meetings between Putin at the summit includes the talks with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, the President of South Korea

The man tried to enter the crowd at the mosque in Paris

The man tried to enter by car into the crowd in front of a mosque near Paris. According to Reuters Thursday, June 29, as a result of incident nobody has suffered. The incident occurred in the city of Creteil 11 kilometers from the French capital. The guards explained that the attacker failed to put his plan into action because of the set front of the mosque of the barrier. The motives of the perpetrator is not yet established. According to the newspaper Le Parisien, citing its sources, he wanted to avenge the terrorist attacks in the Bataclan club in the Elysian fields. At the time of the incident he was not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. On 24 may, the President of France Emmanuel Makron decided to go to Parliament with a proposal to the next, the sixth renewal of a state of emergency (PE) in the country

The German foreign Minister on Thursday will visit Moscow

Photo: RIA Novosti KRASNODAR, 28 Jun — RIA Novosti. Foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, said that on Thursday will visit Moscow and discuss with his Russian counterpart a number of issues. According to him, Germany and Russia, as well as the West and Russia has a huge potential for cooperation. As said Gabrielle, is the economic, political and cultural potential. “And we’re taking this potential at the moment. This led to the fact that the quality of life is not as good as it could be, but we are going today and tomorrow in Moscow to exchange opinions on this matter,” said Gabriel.

WP: Twitter could be the ability to mark false information

WP: Twitter could be the ability to mark false information WASHINGTON, June 30. /TASS/. Ability to mark entries that contain untrue information you may receive in one of the most popular social networks Twitter. This was announced on Thursday, the Washington Post, citing a source informed about the current projects of the company. According to them, a new feature that is still in the testing phase, is part of a campaign on Twitter to combat different kinds of abuse through the social networks. According to sources, to put a “black mark” users can click on the special tab in the drop down menu. However, the newspaper notes that the introduction of new functions not yet approved by the company’s management, so she may eventually not appear. Social network Twitter is a microblogging service for public exchange of short messages. Its monthly audience reached almost 320 million people in 2016. The

Disclosed feature of the genetic origins of the female population of Armenia

Disclosed feature of the genetic origins of the female population of Armenia Danish, Armenian, Russian and British scientists found that the female part of the population of Armenia and the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh for the past eight thousand years, from the genetic point of view virtually unchanged. A study published in the journal Current Biology, and briefly about it reports the publishing house Cell Press. “We were unable to detect any changes in the female gene pool for a very long period of time. This is extremely interesting, because during the same time period, the region has experienced many cultural changes, but these changes are probably not related to genetic influence, at least on the female population,” — said the authors of the work of Ashot Margaryan and Morten Allentoft. To such conclusions experts have come, analyzing complete mitochondrial genomes from 52 ancient skeletons from Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, the age of

Putin met with Kissinger in the Kremlin

Henry Kissinger and Vladimir Putin The President of Russia Vladimir Putin met with former U.S. Secretary of state Henry Kissinger. This was reported by press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, reports “Interfax” on Thursday, June 29. “For many years, Putin and Kissinger retain warm personal relationships and in cases, when given the opportunity, meeting,” — said the official representative of the Kremlin. What were you talking about the head of state and former Secretary of state, is not specified. Earlier on Thursday it became known that Henry Kissinger came to Moscow to take part in the annual international scientific-expert forum “Primakov read” June 30. In may it was reported that the President of the United States Donald trump discussed with the former head of the state Department’s relations with Russia and the situation in Syria. In December 2016, the Bild newspaper wrote that he will develop for the American